Another skeptical university professor fired


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Another skeptical university professor fired – related to CARB’s PM2.5 air pollution regulation scandal | Watts Up With That?

wow! just wow.

paper by a researcher who bought his PhD for 1000 bucks from a diploma mill is accepted and criticisms from numerous legitimate researchers is ignored. then to top it off they fire a 35 yr professor who has the timerity to blow the whistle on the scam. what is the world coming to?

Didn't get the connection to the OSU tagline in the article, so I went back and read that one.

Five years ago, Oregon State Climatologist George Taylor went around quietly saying that he was not a believer. Then Governor Ted Kulongoski and many faculty at OSU including Dr. Jane Lubchenco made life impossible for Taylor, and he retired. (Lubchenco is now head of NOAA in the Obama administration.) Under those currently in charge, OSU climate research has grown to be a huge business, reportedly $90 million per year with no real deliverables beyond solid academic support for climate hysteria.

As bad as vanquishing someone for their work and beliefs is --- REWARDING the political patronage of others is equally disgusting...

Where is RDean when you need REAL Dem party type science???
It might look like the Inquisition, but it's also identical to Ayn Rand's version of the shit floating to the top when politics is mixed with science..
The university held to its position even though its own Academic Freedom Committee wrote in Enstrom’s support that the school’s decision “may represent a violation of academic freedom.”

Prof fired for debunking pollution myth

“If the School of Public Health has a bona fide rationale for denying Dr. Enstrom’s reappointment … then we concur that it is within their purview. … However, we also assert that UCLA has an obligation to protect the ongoing research activities of its academic staff. … The seriousness of the consequences of his termination, as well as the allegations he has made, raise worries,” the committee’s letter warned.

Another skeptical university professor fired – related to CARB’s PM2.5 air pollution regulation scandal | Watts Up With That?

The public commentary, mostly from scientists and more than 140 pages, was negative, with the expected supportive letters from environmental organizations.

In his December 10 letter, Enstrom pointed out CARB’s disregard of public scientific commentary, the biased nature of the CARB consultants, lack of scientific qualifications of CARB lead author Hien Tran, and reasons why CARB should reconstitute its review process and committee members and restudy its scientific reports and projections of deaths.


This one isn't like the Drapela firing, at first glance. Drapela had a PhD in Criminilogy, his opposition to climate change science was immodest, and what's a warden-candidate doing, teaching chem classes, with a "hotness" rating, but no brain? Atmospheric molecules with 3 or more atoms contribute, to the greenhouse effect. Any chem student should know that. A chem instructor power-pointing pages of skeptics and allegations of warmist-Naziism up doesn't deserve a paycheck, from anywhere.

A guy got fired, huh, dawgs? Still, diesel fumes stink, Rudolph Diesel wanted to use ethanol for fuel, and I believe diesel combustion emits particulate matter. This means we aren't done, reviewing.

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