Another Stupendous Obama Pick: We Should Ban Hunting

What has Obama not been liberal enough about?

He has continued several of Bush's policies that he spoke out against as a candidate. (This includes FISA among other things.)

He has not yet repealed the Patriot Act.

He has not yet done anything about the War on Drugs or plans to in the immediate future.

He has basically told the public option people to drop dead.

He wants Mandatory Insurance now because of a concession he made to Republicans.

He seems to have no likely plans about rewriting NAFTA despite saying he was going to as a candidate.

I could go on really. Obama has moved dramatically to the center since becoming President. Especially since he is was supposedly one of the most Liberal senators in office.

Bill Maher also explains it quite well:

[ame=]YouTube - New Rules Bill Maher Takes On President Obama[/ame]
What has Obama not been liberal enough about?

He has continued several of Bush's policies that he spoke out against as a candidate. (This includes FISA among other things.)

He has not yet repealed the Patriot Act.

He has not yet done anything about the War on Drugs or plans to in the immediate future.

He has basically told the public option people to drop dead.

He wants Mandatory Insurance now because of a concession he made to Republicans.

He seems to have no likely plans about rewriting NAFTA despite saying he was going to as a candidate.

I could go on really. Obama has moved dramatically to the center since becoming President. Especially since he is was supposedly one of the most Liberal senators in office.

Bill Maher also explains it quite well:

[ame=]YouTube - New Rules Bill Maher Takes On President Obama[/ame]

ok when did he tell the public option people to drop dead?
Could Obama be any worse? Can he make any worse picks?

His latest "selection", Cass Sunstein, is a radical nutcase. And he fits right in at Camp Doofus. He seems to share Obama's disdain for the constitution.

The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Cass Sunstein: An Intellect Who Towers Over the Founders

Here are a few whoppers:

"We ought to ban hunting”
- Cass Sunstein, in a 2007 speech at Harvard University :cuckoo:

“[A]lmost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine. And if the Court is right, then fundamentalism does not justify the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. “
- Cass Sunstein, writing in his book, “Radicals in Robes” :cuckoo:

“Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …”
- 2004 book Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions :cuckoo:

“[Humans’] willingness to subject animals to unjustified suffering will be seen … as a form of unconscionable barbarity… morally akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings.”
- Cass Sunstein, in a 2007 speech at Harvard University :cuckoo:

“[T]here should be extensive regulation of the use of animals in entertainment, in scientific experiments, and in agriculture.”
- Cass Sunstein, “The Rights of Animals: A Very Short Primer,” August 2002. :cuckoo:

If I get sued by a chicken, there's going to be trouble. That's all I am saying.

Regulation? Don't torture? Protection? Wow, you are absolutely right. They guy is crazy. Republicans that want to torture animals for fun and sport are A-OK. Nothing like the sound of screaming animals in pain. Mmmm. I bet you are the chapter leader of the Michael Vick Fan Club.
ok when did he tell the public option people to drop dead?

It was a figure of speech.

Obama to heath reformers: Drop dead | Corrente

Analysis: Obama willing to deep-six public option -

This basically sums it all up:

It was vintage Obama, the political realist who knows it's not worth going to the mat for something when the votes aren't going to be there. It was Obama the conciliator, using soaring rhetoric to try to get warring sides to come together around common sense. And it was Obama the ever-willing negotiator, unfazed by abandoning many specifics on the road to a larger goal.
Anybody obama picks will be removed after the impeachment.

Nah, anybody Obama picks won't be satisfactory to the rabid right-wing fringers. If he picked Karl Rove to write his speeches, you'd find fault with that. If he nominated John Ashcroft for the Supreme Court, you'd find fault with that. If he picked Sarah Palin as Ambassador at Large, you'd soon lose interest in supporting her.
Exactly. Don't try to tell that to hacks like Santauri though. His head will explode.

It's all denial, all the time where Obama's retarded picks are concerned.

Not only did you spell my name wrong but you call ME a hack? What are you smoking?

I just called out Obama in this thread and you call me a hack? Willow agreed with me last night because I said the Democrats should not censure Joe Wilson. Do you even bother to read posts or do you just enjoy talking out of your own ass? My goodness.

you ain't gonna toss that around the rest of yer life are ya? don't make me sorry.
I personally think it's sad how people don't even want full context or full information about the Czars. Just rather have taken out of context quotes, lies, and half truths so try can and pressure them to quit as to not be a distraction.

If only Republicans would take the time to examine their own party candidates and congress members as much as they do with the Czars.
Yeah we never examine our own.... :cuckoo:

You aren't too bright are you?

Why do you think Bush's numbers were so low? Or why repubs lost so badly in the last two elections? Or do you conveniently ignore that little factoid? I think I can safely guess that you're a hack and that inconvenient facts like that are simply ignored.

Rarely is the case that liberals denounce their own. If ever.

I wonder if Obama's latest radical has tax problems? Or anything else in the closet like that screwball Van Jones. At least we got him tossed. Maybe we can get this latest idiot tossed also. :lol:

I've been posting on message boards since 2002 and can unequivocably say that while GWB's poll numbers slipped enormously from 2004 on, I can't count on one hand the number of people who posted anything they disapproved of. I'm sure they did, however, because as you say, he was rebuked by his own party. So the only conclusion that can be drawn is that Bush supporters had no intention of admitting that they made a mistake either.

It was only once the campaign began and the Republican candidates became viable replacemements for the person they once revered that anyone started getting openly honest, and even then of course, it was usually preceded with "I never supported Bush, in the first place...". (Yeah, right.)
Exactly. Don't try to tell that to hacks like Santauri though. His head will explode.

It's all denial, all the time where Obama's retarded picks are concerned.

Not only did you spell my name wrong but you call ME a hack? What are you smoking?

I just called out Obama in this thread and you call me a hack? Willow agreed with me last night because I said the Democrats should not censure Joe Wilson. Do you even bother to read posts or do you just enjoy talking out of your own ass? My goodness.

Look, Bob, as I'm sure you're aware...The facts have a liberal bias.:lol:
Cass Sunstein isn't "liberal", "conservative" or anything else.


Fail to understand that, and you fail.
Did BO appoint any normal people, or are they all fringe lunatics?

Pretty interesting to see who this guy surrounds himself with.

And it's quite funny to see the constant apologising for Obama too. This thread is a perfect example of that.
Did BO appoint any normal people, or are they all fringe lunatics?

Define "normal." I note the question comes from someone sporting a strange mask as an avatar, which implies he's around 12.
Your stupidiy is increasing.

And that wasn't believed possible.

Only an asshole would defend Van Jones and this guy, so natually you defend them.

Quite pavlovian actually.

If Obama fed you a bowl of his damp shit you would proclaim it was melted ice cream.

Right before you ate all of it and asked for seconds.
Ban hunting Hunting thins the population and helps prevent many innocent people from dieing from road accidents. also helps many state economies from hunting, lodging ect. Most DNR are paid for by hunting , fishing fees and taxes on purchases of tackle and supplies.
well, it worked for your side.

My "side"? What do you mean my side? Do you mean Democrats? Cause if so, I rather not repeat myself on that topic. If you mean Liberals, we wanted a true Liberal candidate who made actions like he is one. However, since Obama has taken office, he has proven himself to be quite the opposite.

You know, for once I have to agree with you. Obama is not merely a liberal, nope, not at all.

He is a Marxist Liberal and a Lenin Fascist!

So I am not surprised that even the bark crunching, granola munching run of the mill liberals like yourself and scared to death of him, as well you should be!

The only difference is, like most pacifist liberals, you would rather keep your head in the sand and go with the flow, instead of standing up for that is healthy for this nation.

It's OK, we understand and will carry the torch for you!

Did BO appoint any normal people, or are they all fringe lunatics?

Define "normal." I note the question comes from someone sporting a strange mask as an avatar, which implies he's around 12.
Your stupidiy is increasing.

And that wasn't believed possible.

The truth is quite the opposite.
Liberals are very capable and willing to find fault in our leaders. You, on the other hand, are bitterly partisan.
To use your own analogy..If the Obama administration announced "free pie of your choosing!" You'd cry, "why is he making me eat shit?!"
Could Obama be any worse? Can he make any worse picks?

His latest "selection", Cass Sunstein, is a radical nutcase. And he fits right in at Camp Doofus. He seems to share Obama's disdain for the constitution.

The Greenroom » Forum Archive » Cass Sunstein: An Intellect Who Towers Over the Founders

Here are a few whoppers:

"We ought to ban hunting”
- Cass Sunstein, in a 2007 speech at Harvard University :cuckoo:

“[A]lmost all gun control legislation is constitutionally fine. And if the Court is right, then fundamentalism does not justify the view that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. “
- Cass Sunstein, writing in his book, “Radicals in Robes” :cuckoo:

“Animals should be permitted to bring suit, with human beings as their representatives …”
- 2004 book Animal Rights: Current Debates and New Directions :cuckoo:

“[Humans’] willingness to subject animals to unjustified suffering will be seen … as a form of unconscionable barbarity… morally akin to slavery and the mass extermination of human beings.”
- Cass Sunstein, in a 2007 speech at Harvard University :cuckoo:

“[T]here should be extensive regulation of the use of animals in entertainment, in scientific experiments, and in agriculture.”
- Cass Sunstein, “The Rights of Animals: A Very Short Primer,” August 2002. :cuckoo:

If I get sued by a chicken, there's going to be trouble. That's all I am saying.

And that isn't all. Look at what else this mega-creep is for?

Obama Regulation Czar Advocated Removing People’s Organs Without Explicit Consent <LINK

You've heard of "Estate Taxes"? This brings it to a whole new level, doesn't it?
Radicals like being around other radicals. It shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, that the President has been picking people like this.

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