Another stupid question from the liberal media

Just think about all of the foreign tourists visiting the US and spending their money. Disneyland would go to prison!
If someone offered Kyle Rittenhouse money for his defense fund, Rittenhouse doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. If someone offered George Zimmerman money for his defense fund, Zimmerman doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. But now the liberal media expects Trump to do that. How ridiculous.

---Trump lawyer asked if team is taking foreign money to pay legal fees---

would it surprise you to know that the source of that money is all the same people?

the source of life changing money may be none of the presses business for a criminal defendent, but for a presidential candidate it seems something voters have a right to know.

if "china owns xiden" we should know exactly who owns trump.
Are you unable to read? It sure sounds like you are.

Pop and fresh and the murderer aren't asking people to vote for them for President. The blob is. So voters should know who Trump owes his freedom to this week.
President Corn Pop has worked for the Communist CHinese and the Russians for years and your cult doesn't have a problem with that.
Why does no one like Candy Corn? I thought it was good.
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If someone offered Kyle Rittenhouse money for his defense fund, Rittenhouse doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. If someone offered George Zimmerman money for his defense fund, Zimmerman doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. But now the liberal media expects Trump to do that. How ridiculous.

---Trump lawyer asked if team is taking foreign money to pay legal fees---

Keep sending them your EIC/SS/ welfare check, you dumb rube LOL
If someone offered Kyle Rittenhouse money for his defense fund, Rittenhouse doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. If someone offered George Zimmerman money for his defense fund, Zimmerman doesn't have to ask questions about the source of the money. But now the liberal media expects Trump to do that. How ridiculous.

---Trump lawyer asked if team is taking foreign money to pay legal fees---

Hilariously stupid.

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