Trump beginning to resemble an ATM machine.

Again, you are fact-challenged:

A leading transgender health association has lowered its recommended minimum age for starting gender transition treatment, including sex hormones and surgeries.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health said hormones could be started at age 14, two years earlier than the group’s previous advice, and some surgeries done at age 15 or 17, a year or so earlier than previous guidance. The group acknowledged potential risks but said it is unethical and harmful to withhold early treatment.

What a surprise, the lobbyists for the transgenderization of kids industry thinks the treatments should start earlier.

Just like the tobacco companies assured us that cigarettes would not addict kids lured into smoking by cartoon characters.
What a dufus you are. It’s a recommendation of the transgender association dumbo…I’d recommend that all you Humpers be isolated, but that’s not the law. Did you actually read the article dufus ? Why don’t you check the actual law in WA.

You are fking fact challenged….btw, are you now agaisnt states rights of self determination bubba ? Or do you want to pass a federal law to limit states. Where are the little kids being castrated idiot ?
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What a dufus you are. It’s a recommendation of the transgender association dumbo…I’d recommend that all you Humpers be isolated, but that’s not the law. Did you actually read the article dufus ?

You are fking fact challenged….btw, are you now agaisnt states rights of self determination bubba ? Or do you want to pass a federal law to limit states.
When asked in front of congress where the science is that trans kids should be treated early and often, a Democrat witness cited not science but best practices. The guide for best practices? Professional organizations just like that.

Now we have the bizarre logic that not only is harmonalizing and mutilating kids not child abuse, refusing to do so, can be taken as child abuse.
When asked in front of congress where the science is that trans kids should be treated early and often, a Democrat witness cited not science but best practices. The guide for best practices? Professional organizations just like that.

Now we have the bizarre logic that not only is harmonalizing and mutilating kids not child abuse, refusing to do so, can be taken as child abuse.
Ha ha

Did he say castration for little kids ?
Maybe, just maybe you should study up on the subject instead saying it’s castration for little kids.
States are going to decide idiot….and there will be no castration for little kids.

Real first class thinking there.
Hey dufus, you just claimed a democrat spoke this then and that, and now you have democrats to blame. I claim it’s a state right to decide and there will be no castration for kids….
You wanna play this game ? Fine. You republicans want to take away a states rights to choose because you republicans make up shit about castration for kids.

You republicans are all anti science and you promote suicide among teens by make false statements. You republicans are even against admitting that trans gender teens are at risk for suicide….you’re all alike.
Hey dufus, you just claimed a democrat spoke this then and that, and now you have democrats to blame. I claim it’s a state right to decide and there will be no castration for kids….
You wanna play this game ? Fine. You republicans want to take away a states rights to choose because you republicans make up shit about castration for kids.

You republicans are all anti science and you promote suicide among teens by make false statements. You republicans are even against admitting that trans gender teens are at risk for suicide….you’re all alike.
OK, well now you are in the twilight zone and I know that logic does not penetrate there. Let us know when you get back.
When asked in front of congress where the science is that trans kids should be treated early and often, a Democrat witness cited not science but best practices. The guide for best practices? Professional organizations just like that.

Now we have the bizarre logic that not only is harmonalizing and mutilating kids not child abuse, refusing to do so, can be taken as child abuse.
Democrats are sick.
Democrat witness cited not science but best practices. The guide for best practices? Professional organizations just like that.
Why don’t you look it up. Science doesn’t promote “best practices” one way or another, but provides evidence….
the organization can make its arguments using their evidence. Your welcome to use science evidence to argue the other side. Not using science is guessing….
I did. Puberty blockers are the same drug used in chemical castration. And puberty blockers don’t work to good post puberty.

These left wing nut jobs crack me up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
More babble. Chemical castration is reversible….after puberty. Puberty blockers may or may not be reversible for some characteristics…are you thinking about a change for yourself. Why are you bozos fixated on something often used to help prevent suicides and deal with illnesses ?
If I was in his shoes, I wouldn't give them a penny.

Thee Democrats started the civil war, it's time that we whopped their asses again.
Wrong bubba…
The war was initiated by Southern slaveholding states seceding from the United States.
I did. Puberty blockers are the same drug used in chemical castration. And puberty blockers don’t work to good post puberty.

These left wing nut jobs crack me up. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nobody cares what you have to say about it.

That's between them and their doctors. So you can shut up, now.

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