Another Timmy Walz whopper: Being gay is illegal in Nebraska.

Nostra Dumbass is wrong again. As usual. The guy who calls everyone else a liar, is, of course, lying.

Being gay was never illegal in Nebraska, you lying sack of KKKanadian vermin shit.
It’s the old strategy the right uses. Say it enough times and it’ll be true.

Being gay was illegal in tons of states (all of them maybe?) and many countries in the not too distant past. The current extreme conservative SCOTUS might do it again if the rationale for Dobbs is applied to other precedents. Lawrence v Texas would almost certainly fall under their thought process of what due process entails.
Only thing he's an expert in is saying shit that's easily proven false. Like: "the weapons I carried in war", they only time he was in a war zone, was after he retired from the military, he went as a congresscritter and never carried a weapon.

Yeah. Trumpers hate liars.


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