Another trump loyalist bites dust

Oh there were riots all right.

Since the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 by Minneapolis police and the resulting waves of protests nationwide, tPP has fielded many requests to help provide a count of resulting felony cases. The early summer protests, riots, and sporadic uprisings resulted in over 10,000 arrests nationwide. The FBI later expanded that number to more than 13,600 (as of June 6, 2020). We have spoken with journalists, academic researchers, attorneys, community and prisoner support organizations, and many others.
13,600 arrests?! I thought you were just arguing that nobody was arrested. Now how many of those arrested were charged with rioting? Because according to yoir logic, we can’t call it a riot unless people were arrested for “rioting” correct?? Just like we can’t call it an insurrection since nobody was charged with “insurrection”

you getting it now?
13,600 arrests?! I thought you were just arguing that nobody was arrested. Now how many of those arrested were charged with rioting? Because according to yoir logic, we can’t call it a riot unless people were arrested for “rioting” correct?? Just like we can’t call it an insurrection since nobody was charged with “insurrection”

you getting it now?
You are such a desperate prog.
You know you are a whiny little shit.

There were riots and people were arrested for it. As my last post showed. If you don't like that proof then tough shit. You will have to get someone else to respond to your whiny shit.
How many times are you going to repeat this inanity?

The charges against the Jan 6 rioters are much the same as the charges against the BLM rioters on the coast. So yes, they were rioting.

Yup and just as the police department take over in Seattle was an insurrection so was the capital riot. It is the DEFINITION of the word. Look it up
You didn’t address my riot point. Is that because you can’t?

And Jan 6 was an obvious attempt to overthrow the government. Why else do you think people broke into the capital?! It’s all on video
No more an attempt to overthrow the government than CHAZ was.

They broke in the capitol because they were a bunch or rioting idiots.
Yup and just as the police department take over in Seattle was an insurrection so was the capital riot. It is the DEFINITION of the word. Look it up
No, it really is not.

People being morons, even if it causes destruction of property or even violence and death, is not an insurrection. No one is planning a strike on the government. That really is the difference when you call something an insurrection. I expect to see a concerted effort to overthrow the government before I consider something an insurrection. People getting out of control and damaging property during a protest is exactly what a riot is and that is exactly what happened at the capital. And it is why you see one death as a result, a rioter shot by a cop.
You know you are a whiny little shit.

There were riots and people were arrested for it. As my last post showed. If you don't like that proof then tough shit. You will have to get someone else to respond to your whiny shit.
I’m not whining I’m winning, the debate and that is upsetting you. Yes there were riots even though people were not charged with “rioting” just as there was an insurrection on 1/6 even though people were not charged with “insurrection”. So stop making that ridiculous point.
No, it really is not.

People being morons, even if it causes destruction of property or even violence and death, is not an insurrection. No one is planning a strike on the government. That really is the difference when you call something an insurrection. I expect to see a concerted effort to overthrow the government before I consider something an insurrection. People getting out of control and damaging property during a protest is exactly what a riot is and that is exactly what happened at the capital. And it is why you see one death as a result, a rioter shot by a cop.
Can you post the definition of insurrection so we can be sure to be on the same page??
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Not upsetting me at all. You just don't like the answers you get. I posted all the arrests for rioting and everything else over the summer yet you insist no one was arrested for rioting.

So you can be a whiny shit with someone else. Adios.

A Capitol riot suspect was found hiding with his wife and children in an unheated trailer deep in the Nevada mountains, the Reno news station KOLO reported.

Kenyon and his wife, Elizabeth, were then both arrested on charges of child endangerment, KOLO said.

US attorneys with the Justice Department had charged Josiah Kenyon, 34, with unlawfully entering the Capitol and with assaulting a police officer on January 6, the department said on Friday.


As deputies interviewed the woman, a man in a camouflaged Ford sedan arrived and told deputies the family would be leaving the premises, KOLO reported. Deputies ran the car's license plates and found they were registered to Josiah Kenyon, the news station reported.

He didn't give his life for trump like Ashley Babbit did, but he did smack a cop in the head for trump. That's more than most.

Are you surprised they're still catching Jan 6th rioters?
Good riddance. Over 700 arrests and more to come. Cleaning up society.
Not upsetting me at all. You just don't like the answers you get. I posted all the arrests for rioting and everything else over the summer yet you insist no one arrested for rioting.

So you can be an ass with someone else. Adios.
You first said the police were told to stand down so nobody was arrested. You proved yourself wrong with that as many were arrested. They were not charged with “rioting” they were charged with theft and destruction and trespassing etc. yet it was obviously a riot…. the exact same thing happened at the capital yet you insist that the lame argument that nobody was charged with “insurrection” somehow makes it not an insurrection. Yes it was an insurrection. Look up the definition of the word. It’s exactly what happened
Idiotically repeating your lame talking points isn't "owning" anything, moron.

ROFL! The irony is excruciating.
I have to repeat because you keep ignoring the points made to disprove your arguments. A smart person would make a counter argument. Not evade and insult. You’re done. Thanks for playing
It doesn't matter what it is. Legally, they haven't been charged with it. End of story.
It does matter what the definition is and as we just established something can exist even though people don’t get charged with the actual name…. Just like you admitted with the riots. Nobody was charged with rioting yet they were rioting.

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