Another trump loyalist bites dust

I have to repeat because you keep ignoring the points made to disprove your arguments. A smart person would make a counter argument. Not evade and insult. You’re done. Thanks for playing
Your points only prove that you're an idiot.
The word has a meaning… go ahead and post what you think it is. A little advice, use a dictionary
Why bother, you acknowledge definitions and then proceed to not use them.

While you act like a condescending prick, I will point out "a violent uprising against an authority or government" does not accurately describe Jan 6th or CHAZ, neither are uprisings. But I do not expect you to get past violent and government.
Why bother, you acknowledge definitions and then proceed to not use them.

While you act like a condescending prick, I will point out "a violent uprising against an authority or government" does not accurately describe Jan 6th or CHAZ, neither are uprisings. But I do not expect you to get past violent and government.
Why would I need to get past two things I saw happening in video that fit the exact definition of the word that you just posted. What is baffling is why you’re trying so hard to say it didn’t happened. It obviously did
I already told you I'm not going to waste my time debating a lying idiot.
I’m not lying, I’m just making points. And you’ve wasted more time trying to avoid those points, when you could have just countered them. We both know you can’t. Tool

A Capitol riot suspect was found hiding with his wife and children in an unheated trailer deep in the Nevada mountains, the Reno news station KOLO reported.

Kenyon and his wife, Elizabeth, were then both arrested on charges of child endangerment, KOLO said.

US attorneys with the Justice Department had charged Josiah Kenyon, 34, with unlawfully entering the Capitol and with assaulting a police officer on January 6, the department said on Friday.


As deputies interviewed the woman, a man in a camouflaged Ford sedan arrived and told deputies the family would be leaving the premises, KOLO reported. Deputies ran the car's license plates and found they were registered to Josiah Kenyon, the news station reported.

He didn't give his life for trump like Ashley Babbit did, but he did smack a cop in the head for trump. That's more than most.

Are you surprised they're still catching Jan 6th rioters?
Charged; not proven. May have been self-defense.
Yup, just like people get charged with battery and arson and disturbing the peace and theft during riots... doesn't mean there wasn't a riot... Historically how many rioters do you see charged with rioting?! Stop being a moron
Innocent until proven guilty. Used to be a principle of American justice.
Kyle Rittenhouse, for one thing. The capitol protestors, for another. When were they prove guilty?
In court. Kyle was proven innocent and is free. Some capital insurrectionists were found guilty in court. Others are under arrest and awaiting trail. What’s the matter Karen, still having trouble with the facts?
In court. Kyle was proven innocent and is free. Some capital insurrectionists were found guilty in court. Others are under arrest and awaiting trail. What’s the matter Karen, still having trouble with the facts?
700 protestors are still in a DC gulag. Why are they still in jail? Why aren't they out on bail? They are being punished without a trial. Who do you scumbag Stalinists believe you're fooling?

All the prog minions insist that Rittenhouse is guilty.

What’s the matter Karen, still having trouble with the facts?
700 protestors are still in a DC gulag. Why are they still in jail? Why aren't they out on bail? They are being punished without a trial. Who do you scumbag Stalinists believe you're fooling?

All the prog minions insist that Rittenhouse is guilty.

What’s the matter Karen, still having trouble with the facts?
Is that what your media is telling you Mr Gullible? Haha, y’all are so damn brainwashed it’s embarrassing. Can’t even call an insurrection an insurrection because I guess we don’t use the dictionary any more
700 protestors are still in a DC gulag. Why are they still in jail? Why aren't they out on bail? They are being punished without a trial. Who do you scumbag Stalinists believe you're fooling?

All the prog minions insist that Rittenhouse is guilty.

What’s the matter Karen, still having trouble with the facts?
Why weren't you at the Capitol with the rest of your trumpanzee sheep on Jan 6th? Too scared?
Yawn. Keep crying fag boy. Take your “victories”. Sky high inflation, sky high gas prices, sky high heating prices, still no insurrection charges, Russia about to invade Ukraine....yeah you tards are really “winning”. That happens when you back an incestuous pedo dementia sufferer.
"when you back an incestuous pedo dementia sufferer"..................but enough about trump.

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