Another trump loyalist bites dust

And...Just. Like. That!

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Well I guess you better produce your “evidence” moron. You’re getting boring with your constant whining about an insurrection that never happened.
I made my point about the riots several times and nobody will address it. Care to stop ignoring it and actually make a counter argument?
Here’s another genius who can’t post a simple definition. Shocking
And this peon ^^^^ doesn’t known how to use Google. And keeps running away from the fact that nobody has been charged with the word he likes to throw around. But keep stamping your feet.
And this peon ^^^^ doesn’t known how to use Google. And keeps running away from the fact that nobody has been charged with the word he likes to throw around. But keep stamping your feet.
Nobody needs to be charged with insurrection smart guy. I’ll make the point for the fourth time… did anybody get charged over the summer for rioting? No, they got charged for theft and destruction of property and trespassing and assault. Does that mean there were no riots? No it doesn’t. Get it now?! go ahead and avoid addressing my point again.
Arrested on charges of child endangerment because they had an unheated trailer? :laughing0301:

So why didn't they charge him with "insurgency"? Has anyone been charged with insurgency?

No, because Jan. 6 wasn't really an "insurgency." That's just something that resides in the minds of liberals.
Still disappointed that you weren't there being a trump hero?
Guess you are hearing impaired then. Oh and name one person from that day who has been charged with insurrection??

Sure would like to know who the Capital police were who welcomed those folks in. Can you name any of them who have been arrested?? I sure can't. I'd also like to know who the Camera people were. Hear about any of them getting arrested??
Guess you are hearing impaired then. Oh and name one person from that day who has been charged with insurrection??

Sure would like to know who the Capital police were who welcomed those folks in. Can you name any of them who have been arrested?? I sure can't. I'd also like to know who the Camera people were. Hear about any of them getting arrested??
I’m not concerned about people who were welcomed in or who were filming the protest. I’m concerned about thats that broke in and assaulted officers.

Can you name anybody this summer who was charged with rioting?? Since we know the answer is No does that mean there were no riots? Get it now?
I agree with you there. I never would have done what they did but that's me.

Anyone who assaulted a police officer should be arrested. Anyone who did property damage should be arrested. Those that did neither shouldn't have been arrested at all.

Same for the Capital police officer who killed an unarmed woman. Had he been a regular LEO he would be up on murder charges. The powers that be let that idiot slide.
I agree with you there. I never would have done what they did but that's me.

Anyone who assaulted a police officer should be arrested. Anyone who did property damage should be arrested. Those that did neither shouldn't have been arrested at all.

Same for the Capital police officer who killed an unarmed woman. Had he been a regular LEO he would be up on murder charges. The powers that be let that idiot slide.
That wasn’t murder, he was doing his duty protecting the nations capital from a mob that was destroying the place, assaulting cops, and chanting death threats about our VP. The hall was barricaded, the mob broke a window, he warned them to stay back with gun drawn and she charged through. Why in the world she would do that baffles me. He was defending himself and those he was there to protect.

You didn’t respond to my point about the summer riots… were they not riots since nobody was arrested for “rioting”?

A Capitol riot suspect was found hiding with his wife and children in an unheated trailer deep in the Nevada mountains, the Reno news station KOLO reported.

Kenyon and his wife, Elizabeth, were then both arrested on charges of child endangerment, KOLO said.

US attorneys with the Justice Department had charged Josiah Kenyon, 34, with unlawfully entering the Capitol and with assaulting a police officer on January 6, the department said on Friday.


As deputies interviewed the woman, a man in a camouflaged Ford sedan arrived and told deputies the family would be leaving the premises, KOLO reported. Deputies ran the car's license plates and found they were registered to Josiah Kenyon, the news station reported.

He didn't give his life for trump like Ashley Babbit did, but he did smack a cop in the head for trump. That's more than most.

Are you surprised they're still catching Jan 6th rioters?
No one is surprised that this witch hunt continues. Dims are ruthless when it comes to persecuting their critics.
No one is surprised that this witch hunt continues. Dims are ruthless when it comes to persecuting their critics.
Just simple law breakers. Don’t know why you make excuses for them. It’s all on video. We have laws, they broke them. It isnt complicated
He shot an unarmed woman stuck in a window. If he were a regular LEO he'd be up on murder charges. All she did was enter the Capital Buildings illegally.
You should ask the folks who live in Portland, Seattle and Indi. These folks had their businesses looted, some were murdered and businesses were burned to the ground.

Hell any that were arrested were bailed out by the Dems.
Just simple law breakers. Don’t know why you make excuses for them. It’s all on video. We have laws, they broke them. It isnt complicated
95% of them are charged with simple trespassing. It's not me saying they're anything more than simple law breakers. It's all you woke morons who claim they are "insurrectionists."
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He still shot an unarmed woman. You keep forgetting that fact. If it were your wife I'd bet you'd be singing a different tune.
You should ask the folks who live in Portland, Seattle and Indi. These folks had their businesses looted, some were murdered and businesses were burned to the ground.

Hell any that were arrested were bailed out by the Dems.
I’m asking you… since nobody was arrested for “rioting” is it fair to say that there were no riots?
95% of them are charged with simple trespassing. It's not me saying they're anything more than simple law breakers. It's all you woke morons who claim they are "insurrectionists."
That’s because they are. Just as you call those in the streets burning cars and looting businesses rioters.

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