Another trump loyalist bites dust

Didga hear how Trump had his ass handed back to him again by the Court of Appeals, jerkoff? Bigly.

We're winning you've got your hand on your ass. This is what happens to asshats like you who back a loser.
Yawn. Keep crying fag boy. Take your “victories”. Sky high inflation, sky high gas prices, sky high heating prices, still no insurrection charges, Russia about to invade Ukraine....yeah you tards are really “winning”. That happens when you back an incestuous pedo dementia sufferer.
And...Just. Like. That!



Ooooh. A “presentation”. Which proves absolutely jack and shit. Swing and miss.
Yawn. Keep crying fag boy. Take your “victories”. Sky high inflation, sky high gas prices, sky high heating prices, still no insurrection charges, Russia about to invade Ukraine....yeah you tards are really “winning”. That happens when you back an incestuous pedo dementia sufferer.
Distract, rant, distract. Rinse, repeat. Wait till the SCOTUS laughs Trump out of there, asswipe.

Keep that crying towel close by. You'll need it.
Distract, rant, distract. Rinse, repeat. Wait till the SCOTUS laughs Trump out of there, asswipe.

Keep that crying towel close.
Yawn. Here’s an idea, when Trump isn’t indicted by the end of this year, you can join your pal BWK in leaving for good. Now go fuck yourself. Not your neighbor’s pet.

A Capitol riot suspect was found hiding with his wife and children in an unheated trailer deep in the Nevada mountains, the Reno news station KOLO reported.

Kenyon and his wife, Elizabeth, were then both arrested on charges of child endangerment, KOLO said.

US attorneys with the Justice Department had charged Josiah Kenyon, 34, with unlawfully entering the Capitol and with assaulting a police officer on January 6, the department said on Friday.


As deputies interviewed the woman, a man in a camouflaged Ford sedan arrived and told deputies the family would be leaving the premises, KOLO reported. Deputies ran the car's license plates and found they were registered to Josiah Kenyon, the news station reported.

He didn't give his life for trump like Ashley Babbit did, but he did smack a cop in the head for trump. That's more than most.

Are you surprised they're still catching Jan 6th rioters?
Why don;t you one party Stalinist thugs lineup anyone who supported Trump and have them all shot.
Do you want them charged with insurrecrion so you can shed more tears of anguish?

Funny how you "law & order" types want to look the other way because this involves your deranged cult leader.
Leftists just can't help but MAKE SHIT UP
Such an obvious attempt that not ONE person has been charged with that.
Oh boy my biggest fan is here to play… oh goodie. You must have missed the explanation where I said that people are being charged for the individual crimes they committed, just as those arrested during the summer riots weren’t charged with rioting they were charged with the crimes they committed…. Does that mean there were no riots?! Of course not.
You better go show the FBI all your “evidence”. They couldn’t find any you liar. You better show all those people actually charged with insurrection before demanding anybody else show anything.
Yawn stop repeating yourself. You’re getting boring. This point has been explained many times
Yet USMB tards are the only ones calling this mostly peaceful protest an insurrection
It was an insurrection, by definition… no if ands or butts about it.

I always ask people I debate to post the definition of insurrection and they never do. Want to give it a shot or will you run like the others?
"a year old case of criminal trespass?"
Well yeah, good poster they got him for tresspass.
And I'm sure we can agree that is a good not let him get away with that merde'.
Aftrer all, it was the Capitol of the United States of America.
So bagging him is a good thing, no?

And the news gets better.
Because......well, because as good poster Mayfield points out.......they nailed him for assaulting a police officer too. (see below)

charged Josiah Kenyon, 34, with ........... assaulting a police officer
So, good poster whitehall, who needs insurrection when a conviction for assaulting a federal officer carries 3yrs in prison (20 if the moke had a weapon)?

All of us real American patriots want to see criminals get their due. No?


"... insurrection....... that’s just a big scary word you heard some media peon misuse..."
Aha! Yet an another opportunity for comity and agreement.
So, good poster 2814, surely we can agree that we really don't need that hard-to-prove-in-court-even-if-true' insurrection thingy.......not when we get to send up the river a whole gob of 'em for assaulting a federal police officer with a weapon? 20yrs in the slammer.
Surely, a scholar such as yourself understands the justice in that?


lineup anyone who supported Trump and have them all shot.
Ah, I dunno about that good poster 'eagle'.
There may be little need.
After all, it seems "anyone-who-supported-Trump".....comprise the vast majority of those who refuse the Covid vaccinations.
So, they seem to be self-selecting themselves for their premature goodbyes.......on a ventilator.

It seems.

Yawn stop repeating yourself. You’re getting boring. This point has been explained many times
Well I guess you better produce your “evidence” moron. You’re getting boring with your constant whining about an insurrection that never happened.
Well yeah, good poster they got him for tresspass.
And I'm sure we can agree that is a good not let him get away with that merde'.
Aftrer all, it was the Capitol of the United States of America.
So bagging him is a good thing, no?

And the news gets better.
Because......well, because as good poster Mayfield points out.......they nailed him for assaulting a police officer too. (see below)

So, good poster whitehall, who needs insurrection when a conviction for assaulting a federal officer carries 3yrs in prison (20 if the moke had a weapon)?

All of us real American patriots want to see criminals get their due. No?


Aha! Yet an another opportunity for comity and agreement.
So, good poster 2814, surely we can agree that we really don't need that hard-to-prove-in-court-even-if-true' insurrection thingy.......not when we get to send up the river a whole gob of 'em for assaulting a federal police officer with a weapon? 20yrs in the slammer.
Surely, a scholar such as yourself understands the justice in that?


Ah, I dunno about that good poster 'eagle'.
There may be little need.
After all, it seems "anyone-who-supported-Trump".....comprise the vast majority of those who refuse the Covid vaccinations.
So, they seem to be self-selecting themselves for their premature goodbyes.......on a ventilator.

It seems.

Sorry. No assault charges either. Until we get to incarcerate all the BLM rioters who actually killed police. But keep dreaming. And it’s not Trump supporters who make up the bulk of non-vaxxers. You know this, but just deny it.
Oh boy my biggest fan is here to play… oh goodie. You must have missed the explanation where I said that people are being charged for the individual crimes they committed, just as those arrested during the summer riots weren’t charged with rioting they were charged with the crimes they committed…. Does that mean there were no riots?! Of course not.
Play with you? Keep your gay fantasies to yourself. Still no insurrection charges so you better stop using that word. You keep saying insurrection, but nobody has been charged with that. The fact that you want a male fan to “play with you” is disturbing. Seek help.
It was an insurrection, by definition… no if ands or butts about it.

I always ask people I debate to post the definition of insurrection and they never do. Want to give it a shot or will you run like the others?
No retard. It’s on YOU to prove an insurrection since you keep using that word. Funny the FBI disagrees with you.
The only "morons" here are those who really believe that Jan. 6 was an attempt to "overthrow" the government. Those same "morons" also believed that Trump was a Russian agent and he paid some Russian whores to piss on a bed.
When an unelected person tries to install himself (with the aid of a violent uprising and attack on the seat of government) as President...that is an attempt to overthrow the legitimate government

And that's exactly what happened

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