another vicious hate crime

You guys having quite the bigot circle jerk here, aren't ya~
This thread would fit in perfectly at Stormfront..I guess some of you are members, right?

The stench of your rotted and rancid racism only covers up your fear while your inner voice that tells you what a pieces of shit you all are~

It's good to know that your worlds are ending--and it's sweet to know that most of you know it.
Fuck off.
You guys having quite the bigot circle jerk here, aren't ya~
This thread would fit in perfectly at Stormfront..I guess some of you are members, right?

The stench of your rotted and rancid racism only covers up your fear while your inner voice that tells you what a pieces of shit you all are~

It's good to know that your worlds are ending--and it's sweet to know that most of you know it.

Not a member yet, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction. They sound like a bunch of decent fellers and anyone who hates you commie fucktards as much as I do, is ok with me.
Not a member yet, but thanks for pointing me in the right direction. They sound like a bunch of decent fellers and anyone who hates you commie fucktards as much as I do, is ok with me.
Ya know, why not? They've been calling us racists for years. I no longer even bother to disagree with them. The word no longer has any meaning.

The sucker-punching bitch is an animal. Not human. A different species, if you will.
We have a new tenant in the building. She has been here a month. She was given an eviction notice 2 days ago. Why? She is a female IM2. Angry Black Woman. She has done nothing but complain since she has been here, we are all racist white assholes, her apt doesn't have a view, etc. A bunch of us gave her furniture, cookware, towels, etc because when she moved in, she had nothing. Now keep in mind this is a senior complex. Most are in walkers and wheel chairs. This bitch threw eggs at the door of another tenant..the one that has been taking her to church, helping her get to know the property and rules, etc. For some reason, she sucker punched her too, with eggs. When caught (we have cameras on every floor), she yelled at the manager "if you think eggs are bad, you will not be happy with what comes next". That is a direct threat against everyone here and she is NOT the only black woman here but according to her, everyone here is a racist. The lady that was helping her get comfortable here is half black...but not black enough. She's racist too I guess.

I told the manager that if I were in her shoes, when bitch gave that threat, I would have asked what she planned to do..climb down from a tree and chuck spears instead of eggs? She was not amused, lol.
You guys having quite the bigot circle jerk here, aren't ya~
This thread would fit in perfectly at Stormfront..I guess some of you are members, right?

The stench of your rotted and rancid racism only covers up your fear while your inner voice that tells you what a pieces of shit you all are~

It's good to know that your worlds are ending--and it's sweet to know that most of you know it.
How do you know about SF? Oh. Wait.
Ya know, why not? They've been calling us racists for years. I no longer even bother to disagree with them. The word no longer has any meaning.

The sucker-punching bitch is an animal. Not human. A different species, if you will.

She's a feral chimp, at best.
I hope her dad has saved his NBA money because he is about to be sued big time.....
Its time this violence stops or we will be picking up arms....
Sure. I think there will be civil war, too, but I note that history shows that it is ALWAYS, always the Left that starts such a war.

Rome in the second century BC, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, etc. It's always the Left that starts it. Whether it's the Left that wins, is to be seen.
Bet Angry Black Woman tries to sue because this place is wacist. Good luck with that, chicky. 99 units here and others are also black and like it here. Bet she is also very pro BLM. Good luck with them too. They don't give a shit either.
Progressive Socialists have done this. Over the last few years or so they have given people the belief they can do anything and get away with it if the are of chosen groups. And it has made thing much worse. How can you work on gangs and troubles in inner cities when this exists outside those domains also? Schools should only play others who are civil by choice or disband their sports if forced to play with a threat of violence.

When you dump good manners for crude, vulgar or violent speech what do you expect? Stupidity is epidemic.
I am not completely convinced that you like our company ------ why are you here, EEF?
Because there has to be a voice in opposition..and I like being in your space. Great place for fight..and I even learn things, from time to time.
I enjoy myself here..and I'm still amazed, after 4 years--that people like some of those i see here, even exist!
In my everyday world...most are hesitant to proclaim their glory in it!
Because there has to be a voice in opposition..and I like being in your space. Great place for fight..and I even learn things, from time to time.
I enjoy myself here..and I'm still amazed, after 4 years--that people like some of those i see here, even exist!
In my everyday world...most are hesitant to proclaim their glory in it!
And doesn't it make you feel good about yourself?
Sure. I think there will be civil war, too, but I note that history shows that it is ALWAYS, always the Left that starts such a war.

Rome in the second century BC, the French Revolution, the Russian Revolution, etc. It's always the Left that starts it. Whether it's the Left that wins, is to be seen.
If by the mean by the have a point. Not always, but often, it happens that way. Exceptions have to be made for events like the English civil war--not many would put Lord Protector Cromwell on the left~

Do you see Lincoln as the Left..and do you think that the North started the Civil war?

As for a current Civil war...the Left is winning, why's the Right that has its back to the wall..and has for the last 50 years~
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And doesn't it make you feel good about yourself?
Naw..anyone who depends on social media for self-esteem has some serious issues.
You think you're clever Q-bert....that makes you a majority of 1.
But, curious as I am..does bashing blacks verbally make YOU feel good?

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