another vicious hate crime

as the facts prove, blacks commit hate crimes at TWICE the rate of whites
--as usual, the US MSM doesn't cover it
..don't try to say it isn't a hate crime--I will LAUGH
here's another one--black ''''girl'' sucker punches WHITE girl!!!!!!

I hope charges are filed. But is it a hate crime? Were racial epithets yelled out?
Just did fuckwad...or are you going to get stuck on stupid and keep posting the same the 2 year old you are on the inside?
I bashed the hell out of a violent thug. Just like I bash the hell out of this animal any time I get the chance. Is he black?

Where in my sentence, "The sucker-punching bitch is an animal. Not human. A different species, if you will." did I use the word "black"?

I bash violent thugs. YOU are the racist in this scenario.
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I think her dad did very well with apologizing for her horrible behavior. He showed class and compassion as well as disgust at the daughters behavior. Blame Mom. She is the one that yelled to hit the girl. I wonder if he and mom are divorced and this is a partial reason why the girl is a bitch with mom's urging? I pity dad.
Were certain blacks deliberately selected by African administrations for export, apart from the slave-trade profit? CRT can’t answer the question.
Closet troll. He said he likes the fights. He probably goes to SF and does the same there but defending everyone BUT blacks just to rile them up.
Hmm..I never thought of that~ LOL!

But naw...would never support a site like using it.

Besides..I got you guys!
I bashed the hell out of a violent thug. Just like I bash the hell out of this animal any time I get the chance. Is he black?

Where in my sentence, "The sucker-punching bitch is an animal. Not human. A different species, if you will." did I use the word "black"?

I bash violent thugs. YOU are the racist in this scenario.

Funny. For all the rhetorical equal opportunity bashing we only ever see threads about violent black thugs and your only commentary seems to follow that pattern.
I’m not interested in educating racists.
Bottom line.......
The plan to divide and conquer America is working perfectly.
If your skin isn't black, you should be prepared for two things......
1). To be completely disarmed. Including knives and bows
2). To be hunted down and beaten or worse.

It's the price you pay for failing to act when it's painfully obvious it's past time to do so.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
If by the mean by the have a point. Not always, but often, it happens that way. Exceptions have to be made for events like the English civil war--not many would put Lord Protector Cromwell on the left~

Do you see Lincoln as the Left..and do you think that the North started the Civil war?

As for a current Civil war...the Left is winning, why's the Right that has its back to the wall..and has for the last 50 years~
Yes, Lincoln was on the Left. (I read three books on the summer of 1859 the summer before the 2016 election. There were obvious similarities.) All the abolitionists were the leftists of these days.

As for whether the Left or Right will win, Cromwell was certainly on the right by some ways of thinking --- but it was the Cavaliers who identified with the rich, and WERE rich. I'd say Cromwell was a puritan, humorless, Lenin-type Leftist. Leftists identify with the poor, Rightists with the rich: actual personal income doesn't matter.

The right per se never won during the French Revolution, though the whole West of France rose in combat. But Napoleon took over as a rightwing strongman, and enjoyed a lot of support, obviously.

The Left did win the Russian Revolution, but only for some 70 years, and now the right is more dominant, perhaps.

I think we won't give up the good fight just yet, thanks anyway.
And doesn't it make you feel good about yourself?
In comparison ya mean? I guess, maybe a little, although I'm fully aware that I have my own prejudices and blind spots to contend with.
Sometimes, I still fight when I should talk, and talk when I should fight--but 75 years have taught me a few things. Chief among those things is the knowledge that most people don't change their minds until it's too late...and some...not even then.

USMB is a target rich environment for someone like many little time~

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