Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars


Because if you tell a black person all lives matter that tells them you don’t get the message or movement.

...based on all the 0 black people you talk to every day, idiot? Do yourself a favor and STFU.

Except he's right.

We all know unkotare is an asshole. Not just here either. There’s no way a prick with his reputation here is any different in real life. So the idea that he and the black people around him are on the same page about anything or that they communicate at all is laughable. He’s just that asshole Asian/white dude who never says shit.

Wrong again, lonely douche.
You're an Assole and one-Line Troll
YOU and your kind are the problem here.
You can't elaborate or debate anything.
Merely an Obnoxious Child.

Ladies and gentlemen (other genders) the complete works/Trolls of Unkotare since the OP:
A Stupid/dirty dozen.
Half of which are 3 words or less.

You're not.
Your stereotypes are out of date.
Let go of your assumptions, they make you look foolish.
No, “we” don’t.
No one is forcing you to be insecure.
Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.
How do you define cowardice?
unkotare said:
Read his post. He admits to being afraid to speak his mind (so-called).
Anyone paying attention.
Unkotare said:
Sure I do
Unkotare said:
Of course

EDIT to below
Unkotare said:
Make it 13 posts with merely an Obnoxious one-line (or one-word) troll instead of responses.
Many in good faith.
Unkocumstain just intentionally killing any debate in his own thread/probing his obviously lost OP.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.

His point is valid. ....

What point?

Perhaps you should have used the reply button, so the post you were replying to would be there for you to know.

Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

THis is Sealy's post you were replying to.

"I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you."
well ok UnKotare , you pick then....

gooks,kikes,spics,*******,white trash,homo's, libs, etc etc....

i'm your man!

Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.

His point is valid. ....

What point?

Perhaps you should have used the reply button, so the post you were replying to would be there for you to know.

Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

THis is Sealy's post you were replying to.

"I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you."

And? In what you quoted he admits to being a racist who is too timid to speak his ‘mind.’ How is that not cowardice?
oooh look!!!!! ^^^^^ the friggin' forum software is a racist appologist!

Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.

His point is valid. ....

What point?

Perhaps you should have used the reply button, so the post you were replying to would be there for you to know.

Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

THis is Sealy's post you were replying to.

"I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you."

And? In what you quoted he admits to being a racist who is too timid to speak his ‘mind.’ How is that not cowardice?

EVEN if what he reports sensing/seeing/hearing is incorrect, he would still just be MISTAKEN.

If it is correct, than he is just accurately reporting something going on in the black community. COmplaining about it, but that is not "racism". NOthing he states implies that he thinks this is because of a genetic inferiority of the black race as a whole.

And calling someone a coward for not fighting a battle without backup and with the whole power structure lined up against you, is not reasonable.

That he feels that way, and yet supports the party that makes the nation that way, is stupid, but it is not racist, nor cowardly.
The racial conflict you refer to is confined to the Black and White categories.

What conflict? Over who will do the dishes?


I can't put my finger on it, but something is just wrong with her eyebrows.
At least she isn't wearing falsies. I suppose I have an abnormal pet peeve about that.
Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.

His point is valid. ....

What point?

Perhaps you should have used the reply button, so the post you were replying to would be there for you to know.

Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

THis is Sealy's post you were replying to.

"I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you."

And? In what you quoted he admits to being a racist who is too timid to speak his ‘mind.’ How is that not cowardice?

EVEN if what he reports sensing/seeing/hearing is incorrect, he would still just be MISTAKEN.

If it is correct, than he is just accurately reporting something going on in the black community. COmplaining about it, but that is not "racism". NOthing he states implies that he thinks this is because of a genetic inferiority of the black race as a whole.

And calling someone a coward for not fighting a battle without backup and with the whole power structure lined up against you, is not reasonable.

That he feels that way, and yet supports the party that makes the nation that way, is stupid, but it is not racist, nor cowardly.

You are, for whatever reason, playing the apologist for that racist idiot. He categorizes people he has never met on the basis of their skin color. That’s racist. He has strongly held views he is afraid to express. That’s cowardice. He attempts to draw universal conclusions from the ignorant, subjective interpretation of narrow, specific anecdotes. That’s stupid. He attempts to communicate by misrepresenting others. That’s dishonest.
Last edited:
His point is valid. ....

What point?

Perhaps you should have used the reply button, so the post you were replying to would be there for you to know.

Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

THis is Sealy's post you were replying to.

"I’m just debunking your premise. I’m sensing hostility from blacks. Either that or those people were just being their typical selves.

Are you suggesting blacks being abused harassed and wrongfully shot by cops and then always found not guilty isn’t bothering black people around you?

Do you think you are reading people right? You don’t strike me as a particularly perceptive person. You probably don’t realize lots of people don’t like you. So you think those are the usual angry stares.

And if you know black people intimately they’re not the ones who I’m talking about. I’m talking about the casual strangers. Yesterday the white lady just honked at the black guy. Not a reason to scream bitch out your car. I saw the whole thing. I don’t know for sure but can’t help wonder why the guy was so wound up.

And it’s the same tim hortons where a black woman took cuts in the drive thru, was a bitch and then backed into my car on purpose because she couldn’t take it when I flipped her off, after she flipped me off first. Blacks can dish but can’t take it.

And now I won’t dish anymore. From now on they’ll get my fake distant politeness. Want to take cuts? Go right ahead. Consider it my reparations to you."

And? In what you quoted he admits to being a racist who is too timid to speak his ‘mind.’ How is that not cowardice?

EVEN if what he reports sensing/seeing/hearing is incorrect, he would still just be MISTAKEN.

If it is correct, than he is just accurately reporting something going on in the black community. COmplaining about it, but that is not "racism". NOthing he states implies that he thinks this is because of a genetic inferiority of the black race as a whole.

And calling someone a coward for not fighting a battle without backup and with the whole power structure lined up against you, is not reasonable.

That he feels that way, and yet supports the party that makes the nation that way, is stupid, but it is not racist, nor cowardly.

You are, for whatever reason, playing the apologist for that racist idiot.

A tiny portion of awareness has seeped though his defenses.

A liberal with even a small potion of awareness, has the potential for tremendous amusement.

Perhaps, even someday, bring back to the side of Light.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Do you condemn how trump is doing a lot for the white racist vote? ...?

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Do you condemn how trump is doing a lot for the white racist vote? ...?

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Do you condemn how trump is doing a lot for the white racist vote? ...?

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard
Yup, another week of interacting with people of ALL races all day, every day, in many ways, and not a sign of any of the shit-flinging that has become the sole activity on this ruined waste of a subforum. The sorry sons of bitches of all 'races' who have completely fucked up this forum are on notice that they are the problem and that normal Americans of all 'races' have largely left you behind.
Do you condemn how trump is doing a lot for the white racist vote? ...?

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
You're an Assole and one-Line Troll
YOU and your kind are the problem here.
You can't elaborate or debate anything.
Merely an Obnoxious Child.

Ladies and gentlemen (other genders) the complete works/Trolls of Unkotare since the OP:
A Stupid/dirty dozen.
Half of which are 3 words or less.

You're not.
Your stereotypes are out of date.
Let go of your assumptions, they make you look foolish.
No, “we” don’t.
No one is forcing you to be insecure.
Being a coward doesn’t obscure being a racist.
How do you define cowardice?
unkotare said:
Read his post. He admits to being afraid to speak his mind (so-called).
Anyone paying attention.
Unkotare said:
Sure I do
Unkotare said:
Of course

EDIT to below
Unkotare said:
Make it 13 posts with merely an Obnoxious one-line (or one-word) troll instead of responses.
Many in good faith.
Unkocumstain just intentionally killing any debate in his own thread/probing his obviously lost OP.


If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
No one cares

Because if you tell a black person all lives matter that tells them you don’t get the message or movement.

...based on all the 0 black people you talk to every day, idiot? Do yourself a favor and STFU.

Except he's right.
Now you see the difference between liberals and conservative whites. We at least get and admit black people are treated like second class citizens. It’s better than what he’s suggesting.

But to be fair we don’t know what unkotare believes because in all the time he’s been here he’s said virtually nothing.

This entire thread suggests that he denies black people even have a problem. He thinks liberals are just making it up for votes. All lives matter? In other words he’s telling you black people you’re being snowflakes. Next he will tell you to stop resisting arrest

We all know unkotare is an asshole. Not just here either. There’s no way a prick with his reputation here is any different in real life. So the idea that he and the black people around him are on the same page about anything or that they communicate at all is laughable. He’s just that asshole Asian/white dude who never says shit.

I've known the difference for several decades. But blacks aren't the one with the problem. And what unkotare wants to dismiss is white racism and he doesn't have the good sense to understand there are going to be people who react angrily to the racism of whites. He calls people who recognize this racists. It's the same dumb conservative garbage I've heard since college in the 1980's.

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