Another Week on the Front Lines of the Race Wars

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump. I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents. Trump even conned unions into voting for him. Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.

For racists, everything is about race.

Nah, that's not what racism is.
Do you honestly think you, of all people, Are qualified to judge moral blindness or clarity? If so, why? Because of the color of your skin? You know what that sounds like, right?

I'm pointing things out whites never admit. ...the day you see me say or imply that blacks are superior ...come talk to me about my racism.

That’s every day, so talk.

Post a qoute then.
Do you honestly think you, of all people, Are qualified to judge moral blindness or clarity? If so, why? Because of the color of your skin? You know what that sounds like, right?

I'm pointing things out whites never admit. You try real hard to make me what I am not. ....

YOU try really hard to make what you are obvious, racist.

Then you should be able to find a quote from me that declares blacks are racially superior to whites.
By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

1. 8 is a tiny number.

2. Pick the one doing the best, in his "running" and we can look at what he is offering to appeal to mainstream voters.

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump.

THANK YOU, for admitting the obvious.

Now the question is, why are so many liberals intent on pretending that everyone that voted for TRump is a white nationalist?

I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents.

She is not a nice person, nor a good person, and her policies would have been more of the same that is hurting a lot of people.

Trump even conned unions into voting for him.

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker.

Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker. Many of which are black.

.Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

The dem candidate's platform is going to be effective the same as HIllary's, ie more of the same old.

If Trump is healthy enough to win, he will be judged on how much credible effort he put into his campaign promises.

If he can make a valid argument he did, and/or if some good results are coming in....
YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump. I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents. Trump even conned unions into voting for him. Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump. I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents. Trump even conned unions into voting for him. Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

Is it really too hard to just state that you did not find Trump's promise credible, or completely convincing, but you can understand how someone else might?

To disagree with someone without having to believe them to be stupid or evil, as the only possible reason to disagree with you?
Do you honestly think you, of all people, Are qualified to judge moral blindness or clarity? If so, why? Because of the color of your skin? You know what that sounds like, right?

I'm pointing things out whites never admit. You try real hard to make me what I am not. ....

YOU try really hard to make what you are obvious, racist.

Then you should be able to find a quote from me that declares blacks are racially superior to whites.

EVERY time you post your racist nonsense about “you whites” you categorize people according to race AND assume a position of moral superiority based on your not being of the hated, morally inferior race in question. That’s racist, whether you are bright enough to understand what your words mean or not.
No I said trump is purposely doing things to make the alt right happy. He needs them to get re elected

Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

1. 8 is a tiny number.

2. Pick the one doing the best, in his "running" and we can look at what he is offering to appeal to mainstream voters.

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump.

THANK YOU, for admitting the obvious.

Now the question is, why are so many liberals intent on pretending that everyone that voted for TRump is a white nationalist?

I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents.

She is not a nice person, nor a good person, and her policies would have been more of the same that is hurting a lot of people.

Trump even conned unions into voting for him.

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker.

Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker. Many of which are black.

.Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

The dem candidate's platform is going to be effective the same as HIllary's, ie more of the same old.

If Trump is healthy enough to win, he will be judged on how much credible effort he put into his campaign promises.

If he can make a valid argument he did, and/or if some good results are coming in....
Bush fucked manufacturing and I fear so will trump with his tariffs. I do lots of business with Canada and Mexico. Idiots!
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump. I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents. Trump even conned unions into voting for him. Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how
8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Address the topic, troll.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump. I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents. Trump even conned unions into voting for him. Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

Is it really too hard to just state that you did not find Trump's promise credible, or completely convincing, but you can understand how someone else might?

To disagree with someone without having to believe them to be stupid or evil, as the only possible reason to disagree with you?
Essentially I think if you are not rich you are stupid to vote gop. Their policies sucked for the middle class under Reagan to today. They haven’t changed and the middle class now sucks because you idiots vote for them anyways.

Give you an example. Clinton was doing fine but you morons voted for bush. Why? He sucked but you re elected him because Carl rove swift boated you. You almost elected McCain even though he wanted to continue bushanomics.

We finally woke up and voted for obama and republicans obstructed. Did we punish them in 2020? Nope. The American idiots didn’t show up for midterms. So republicans were never punished for their bad behavior. They don’t have to do right. They just have to wait things out. Americans have short memories.

Because of idiots like you my retirement age is now 67 I just found out.

Yes the American poor people are dumb. How’s your retirement looking.

At least unkotare can afford to be ignorant. He’s a teacher probably going to get a pension because he’s in a union. Yes I’m jealous
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Address the topic, troll.
Didn’t trump say Mexicans were rapists?
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Address the topic, troll.
1780 we had 4 million men in the USA. Today we have 107 million people in the USA.

8 million people sounds good. I’ll even settle for 50 million. Right now we are overpopulated
Depends what you mean by Alt Right.

IF you include the most broad, category, say, including Paleo conservatives, then yes, you are correct, he needs them and there is nothing wrong with him serving the interests of his supporters.

IF you are incorrectly using it as "white nationalists" or some such bullshit, then you are wrong.

AND, as I said.

By supporting that lie, you are doing the most important step in constantly inflaming the racial tension and animosity that you are talking about.

ie, supporting the lie that a majority of whites are racist and/or support racists in their attempts to oppress blacks.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

1. 8 is a tiny number.

2. Pick the one doing the best, in his "running" and we can look at what he is offering to appeal to mainstream voters.

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump.

THANK YOU, for admitting the obvious.

Now the question is, why are so many liberals intent on pretending that everyone that voted for TRump is a white nationalist?

I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents.

She is not a nice person, nor a good person, and her policies would have been more of the same that is hurting a lot of people.

Trump even conned unions into voting for him.

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker.

Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker. Many of which are black.

.Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

The dem candidate's platform is going to be effective the same as HIllary's, ie more of the same old.

If Trump is healthy enough to win, he will be judged on how much credible effort he put into his campaign promises.

If he can make a valid argument he did, and/or if some good results are coming in....
Bush fucked manufacturing and I fear so will trump with his tariffs. I do lots of business with Canada and Mexico. Idiots!

Free Trade, or I should say, "Free Trade" was a serious policy that was seriously debated. It won the debate, with the elections of Reagan and Bill Clinton (who did not reverse course)

The results are not what we were led to expect, from the vast majority of the experts in economics.

Trump's election is the response to the negative results of that policy.

If you are not happy with the results of "Free Trade", and now you are not happy with trying to move away from that,

what DO you want?
8 percent of all blacks voting voted for Trump. 88 percent voted for Hillary, That's more than her husband got both times. White are the ones who fell for the con. The so called "forgotten whites" and 'silent majority" So keep blacks out of this. White Democrats are looking at blacks to blame when they are the dumb asses who felt they just had to woo the racist white rural vote.

Hillary is the one who punked out when she called Trump supporters deplorables then apologized to a bunch of people who weren't going to vote for her ass no matter what. Young stupid whites fell for Sanders lies, and young dumb ass blacks blamed her for the crime bill that Sanders voted for. Van Jones spoke to it on election night, this was a whitelash. Whites were angry because a black man won and those same racists were not going to be ruled by a woman after the n word had done it. So they elected a white dude. Now that's putting what happened in plain English but whites in the democratic party still don't want to see how this was the case.
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Unkotare is not good at answering questions.

Neither is im2.

YOu want to give me an example? Ask IM2 something you think he can answer well.
Unkotare is following me now. Why? That’s creepy unkotard

YOu are actually demonstrating some independent thought. That's interesting.

And rare.
This guy posted that at least 8 white nationalists are running for office. I know you make some clever arguments why it’s not racist to be a white nationalist but why would anyone other than white nationalists vote for them?

1. 8 is a tiny number.

2. Pick the one doing the best, in his "running" and we can look at what he is offering to appeal to mainstream voters.

It seems like a lot of non white nationalists voted for trump.

THANK YOU, for admitting the obvious.

Now the question is, why are so many liberals intent on pretending that everyone that voted for TRump is a white nationalist?

I really didn’t think hillary was such a bad candidate. The fake right wing news and Russia really did a number on independents.

She is not a nice person, nor a good person, and her policies would have been more of the same that is hurting a lot of people.

Trump even conned unions into voting for him.

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker.

Teachers too. He’ll, how many blacks bought that what have you got to lose line?

If he follows up his campaign promises on immigration and trade, it will really benefit the American worker. Many of which are black.

.Got to hand it to trump he really pulled off a miracle. But the timing was perfect too. After 8 years of democrats in the White House the American people forgot how bad republicans are. They fucked up after Clinton and again after obama. Hopefully we run someone good in 20. I wish I knew who that was going to be

The dem candidate's platform is going to be effective the same as HIllary's, ie more of the same old.

If Trump is healthy enough to win, he will be judged on how much credible effort he put into his campaign promises.

If he can make a valid argument he did, and/or if some good results are coming in....
Bush fucked manufacturing and I fear so will trump with his tariffs. I do lots of business with Canada and Mexico. Idiots!

Free Trade, or I should say, "Free Trade" was a serious policy that was seriously debated. It won the debate, with the elections of Reagan and Bill Clinton (who did not reverse course)

The results are not what we were led to expect, from the vast majority of the experts in economics.

Trump's election is the response to the negative results of that policy.

If you are not happy with the results of "Free Trade", and now you are not happy with trying to move away from that,

what DO you want?
Fair trade
Agreed except I don’t think the whites who voted for obama and trump were not racist just stupid.

Maybe they liked his talk about immigration. I did. Not enough to vote for him but I see what the attraction was.

Plus hillary never campaigned in Minnesota Michigan or Pennsylvania the stupid bitch

His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Unkotare is not good at answering questions.


Try me.
His immigration stance was racist. ...


God, that's hilarious.

The way you asked a question of IM2, as though he was capable of supporting his vile and moronic accusations.

What ever gave you the idea to do that?

I'll be stealing that one.

Thumbs up for you.

Have you ever asked unkotare a question?

Im2 gives great explanation why he thinks what he thinks. You just don’t agree.

All unkotare does is tell you you’re wrong. He can’t tell you why or how

Unkotare is not good at answering questions.


Try me.

Don’t do it Cordell it’s a trap! Lol

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