Another White on White crime not reported featuring an Open Carry Teaper Gun Nut

White on white crime? It's fine. Hell, if you could wave a magic wand and reduce black on black crime to the same levels you would save at approximately 6,000 black lives a year.

If black lives really matter, you wouldn't be ridiculing white on white crime, you would be envying white on white crime rates.

And as you are an admitted violent racist who supports random violence against whites, it makes complete sense for me to worry about what you are doing.

Assuming you are not a white lib pussy fantasist.

Hell, if we did something about white crime, we could maybe save 2/3 of the women who are raped in this country. Raped by white dudes. Fuck dude, if America ( or women) really mattered to you, it might seem more important to stop all crime rather than try to politicize who commits it. Is your daughter white?

If one group is committing vastly more crime than others, you can learn much about the cause(s) of crime by looking at that group.

If you were to check my post history, and could wade through the VAST majority of them were they are nothing but me dealing with lib lies and bullshit to the very, very few where actual solutions are discussed, you would see that the solutions are to deal with the cause, IMO of crime regardless of race.

Which would then be addressing all crime.

By refusing to honestly look at the cause(s) of crime by looking at the worst afflicted population, you libs are preventing that.

The cause, btw, is Illegitimacy.

Not that you will care.

Yes, overall whites commit vastly more crime. Focusing on blacks doesn't change that.

Ignoring the fact that blacks committing vastly more than their fair share of crime won't change that fact that they do.

I'm not ignoring anything. I get that . We all get that. I have always understood that. What I don't get is why you all push that narrative as much as you do. Black crime is not and should not be the primary focus of law enforcement while whites commit almost double the crime.

Narrative? It's not a narrative, it's reality.

A reality that this thread was set up to deny.

Why discuss it?

WHy discuss your health problems with your doctor?

So that they can be addressed and causes found and reversed.

And you do realize that the cause of criminality in the black community is the same as in the White Community?
Hell, if we did something about white crime, we could maybe save 2/3 of the women who are raped in this country. Raped by white dudes. Fuck dude, if America ( or women) really mattered to you, it might seem more important to stop all crime rather than try to politicize who commits it. Is your daughter white?

If one group is committing vastly more crime than others, you can learn much about the cause(s) of crime by looking at that group.

If you were to check my post history, and could wade through the VAST majority of them were they are nothing but me dealing with lib lies and bullshit to the very, very few where actual solutions are discussed, you would see that the solutions are to deal with the cause, IMO of crime regardless of race.

Which would then be addressing all crime.

By refusing to honestly look at the cause(s) of crime by looking at the worst afflicted population, you libs are preventing that.

The cause, btw, is Illegitimacy.

Not that you will care.

Yes, overall whites commit vastly more crime. Focusing on blacks doesn't change that.

Ignoring the fact that blacks committing vastly more than their fair share of crime won't change that fact that they do.

I'm not ignoring anything. I get that . We all get that. I have always understood that. What I don't get is why you all push that narrative as much as you do. Black crime is not and should not be the primary focus of law enforcement while whites commit almost double the crime.

Narrative? It's not a narrative, it's reality.

A reality that this thread was set up to deny.

Why discuss it?

WHy discuss your health problems with your doctor?

So that they can be addressed and causes found and reversed.

And you do realize that the cause of criminality in the black community is the same as in the White Community?

Then why the focus on black crime if the cause is the same? By that logic than white crime is a much larger problem for America.

It is a narrative if you never mention white crime. Why do you and others do that?

owa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Kozak — who is currently being held on $10 million bail — is married to Kellie Kozak, who recently posted pictures on her Facebook page of a visit to Costco where her husband can be seen carrying a sidearm. According to his father-in-law, Kozak didn’t always carry a weapon, saying, “If circumstances were that it’d be best not to have a weapon present, he didn’t have a problem with that.”

A selection of postings from Kozak’s Facebook page — many pulled from Right Wing News — below :


White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
And yet whites don't loot and burn down their own neighborhoods

funny that

owa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Kozak — who is currently being held on $10 million bail — is married to Kellie Kozak, who recently posted pictures on her Facebook page of a visit to Costco where her husband can be seen carrying a sidearm. According to his father-in-law, Kozak didn’t always carry a weapon, saying, “If circumstances were that it’d be best not to have a weapon present, he didn’t have a problem with that.”

A selection of postings from Kozak’s Facebook page — many pulled from Right Wing News — below :


White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
They dont care because only Black violence frightens them. Black men are their biggest fear. They want us to be passive and malleable.

Sorry but no.

The only people who should fear black men are other black men because you all have a penchant for killing each other
If one group is committing vastly more crime than others, you can learn much about the cause(s) of crime by looking at that group.

If you were to check my post history, and could wade through the VAST majority of them were they are nothing but me dealing with lib lies and bullshit to the very, very few where actual solutions are discussed, you would see that the solutions are to deal with the cause, IMO of crime regardless of race.

Which would then be addressing all crime.

By refusing to honestly look at the cause(s) of crime by looking at the worst afflicted population, you libs are preventing that.

The cause, btw, is Illegitimacy.

Not that you will care.

Yes, overall whites commit vastly more crime. Focusing on blacks doesn't change that.

Ignoring the fact that blacks committing vastly more than their fair share of crime won't change that fact that they do.

I'm not ignoring anything. I get that . We all get that. I have always understood that. What I don't get is why you all push that narrative as much as you do. Black crime is not and should not be the primary focus of law enforcement while whites commit almost double the crime.

Narrative? It's not a narrative, it's reality.

A reality that this thread was set up to deny.

Why discuss it?

WHy discuss your health problems with your doctor?

So that they can be addressed and causes found and reversed.

And you do realize that the cause of criminality in the black community is the same as in the White Community?

Then why the focus on black crime if the cause is the same? By that logic than white crime is a much larger problem for America.

It is a narrative if you never mention white crime. Why do you and others do that?

Because the fact that such high rates of illegitimacy and crime (not to mention other social ills) go together demonstrate a high probability of cause and effect. Problem identified, now let's discuss solutions.

And I disagree that white crime is a "bigger problem".

By being concentrated in a smaller community, black crime is destroying a whole culture while white crime, though causing plenty of suffering is more often an isolated incident in a communities or a individual's life.

White crime get mentioned less because white crime is not controversial. It has no champions, like black crime does.

LIbs and black activists champion and defend, if not out and out celebrate black crime and black criminals.

Your buddy Al supports the idea of random violence against whites.

Cons and whites do NOT champion and defend white crime and white criminals.

owa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Kozak — who is currently being held on $10 million bail — is married to Kellie Kozak, who recently posted pictures on her Facebook page of a visit to Costco where her husband can be seen carrying a sidearm. According to his father-in-law, Kozak didn’t always carry a weapon, saying, “If circumstances were that it’d be best not to have a weapon present, he didn’t have a problem with that.”

A selection of postings from Kozak’s Facebook page — many pulled from Right Wing News — below :


White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
And yet whites don't loot and burn down their own neighborhoods

funny that

Sure they do...not sure why you brought that up but ok

owa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Kozak — who is currently being held on $10 million bail — is married to Kellie Kozak, who recently posted pictures on her Facebook page of a visit to Costco where her husband can be seen carrying a sidearm. According to his father-in-law, Kozak didn’t always carry a weapon, saying, “If circumstances were that it’d be best not to have a weapon present, he didn’t have a problem with that.”

A selection of postings from Kozak’s Facebook page — many pulled from Right Wing News — below :


White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
And yet whites don't loot and burn down their own neighborhoods

funny that

Sure they do...not sure why you brought that up but ok

Perhaps you could give us some examples of when that happened?

owa mall cop — with a Facebook account loaded with open-carry and right-wing memes and photos of multiple weapons — is under arrest for shooting and killing a fellow mall worker because she filed sexual harassment complaints against him.

According to The Gazette, Alex Kozak was taken into custody after shooting 20-year-old Andrea Farrington three times in the back while she was at work at the Iowa Children’s Museum in the Coral Ridge Mall in Coralville, Iowa.

Police say that the 22-year-old Kozak left the mall and went to his home and retrieved a 9mm Glock handgun before retuning and shooting Farrington late Friday night..

KCJJ reports that a cousin of Farrington’s said that Kozak had been harassing the victim for at least six weeks and that she had complained to his superiors about unwanted advances he had made toward her. A later report stated that Kozak was fired from his job before the shooting took place.

“They both worked at the Coral Ridge Mall and knew each other through the Coral Ridge Mall,” Johnson County Attorney Janet Lyness said. Kozak had worked at the mall since 2014.

After shooting Farrington, Kozak fled the mall in his car but was later pulled over without incident.

Kozak — who is currently being held on $10 million bail — is married to Kellie Kozak, who recently posted pictures on her Facebook page of a visit to Costco where her husband can be seen carrying a sidearm. According to his father-in-law, Kozak didn’t always carry a weapon, saying, “If circumstances were that it’d be best not to have a weapon present, he didn’t have a problem with that.”

A selection of postings from Kozak’s Facebook page — many pulled from Right Wing News — below :


White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
And yet whites don't loot and burn down their own neighborhoods

funny that

Sure they do...not sure why you brought that up but ok

Perhaps you could give us some examples of when that happened?


Of course theres the fact that you wont call white riots "riots" and you wont consider them burning shit down as "burning their own community"

I'm sure that you'll call it just pure clean fun and the burning stuff as "freedom of expression"
White Lives Don't Matter

Apparently, white people dont seem to care about the violence in their communities.
And yet whites don't loot and burn down their own neighborhoods

funny that

Sure they do...not sure why you brought that up but ok

Perhaps you could give us some examples of when that happened?



Where was that? Same incident or separate ones? What's the context? Is it a riot or a "sports celebration"? (In my opinion, a "sports celebration" is much more an expression of mindless stupidity than a riot which is at least based on some grievance. But I defend neither and condemn all the participants of such activity.)
See? Just say its a sports celebration because no matter what you wont call a white riot a riot anyway
See? Just say its a sports celebration because no matter what you wont call a white riot a riot anyway

You're a moron. I very clearly condemn those things as mindless violence. To call them riots is to minimize the grievances which a rioter might have.
See? Just say its a sports celebration because no matter what you wont call a white riot a riot anyway

You're a moron. I very clearly condemn those things as mindless violence. To call them riots is to minimize the grievances which a rioter might have.

Yeah, I you actually condemned them so hard :rolleyes:

Well, if you insist on making yourself look stupid, that's your choice. Continue without interference from me. But, in the future, try to read an ENTIRE post and understand its context before commenting. You won't embarrass yourself so completely.
Whoa...There you go condemning again by not condemning!

Ah, so now I'm the "media"? I hope you in the Eastern Hemisphere because it's too early to be drunk here in the Western Hemisphere. You might look for a 12 step program to get the help you so obviously need.

Now, rant on...I have work to do.
Whoa...There you go condemning again by not condemning!

Ah, so now I'm the "media"? I hope you in the Eastern Hemisphere because it's too early to be drunk here in the Western Hemisphere. You might look for a 12 step program to get the help you so obviously need.

Now, rant on...I have work to do.

Now you're being stupid or not worth talking to if you think someone is calling you the media.

Play dumb by yourself. Peace

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