Another white person shoots a cop.....when will it all end?

another leftist "fuck the police" supporter
LOLOLO....not exactly.....just another redneck killing your beloved cops....who you fucks blame on blacks...enjoy the roost, chickens!!

Bottom line is this....white people are cra cra!!...and just like a unarmed nigga gets shot, this fuck should have been gunned down like they gun us down!!
And you still wonder why people consider YOU a ******.
you can say it, she's a nigga. I have no problem using her own terms against her, and she lives up to being a nigga, and not because she's black. I think it's just cause she cant get any dick.

I did say it. That's why the "******" are there. I didn't put them, the forum did.
Well, the word niggar is an old racist term referring to all black people,

the word nigga is a word that refers to people of all races who are a non-working class, most of their family is in jail, they rely on welfare and food stamps and government housing in order to survive, they rob their local stores when they can, and they use heavy drugs, including huffing paint, or mixing meth. And they think they are as good as everyone else, and deserve to have the things that everyone else worked for.

So, triggered is a nigga. That's not news.

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