Another Win for the Good Guys. CHPO Exonerated in Shooting of Ashli Babbitt

Remember this name: Officer, Lt. Mike Byrd

Your take on the law is as dumb as your take on not putting covid 19 patients into ICU beds.

Your lack of respect for the law is appalling.
So to you she was just a worthless peon.

If you had been reading any of the literature coming out of Europe and Asia, they are all saying that covid deaths are cause by downing as lungs fill with fluid. By carefully rotating patients from the back to their side, other side, and front, you can cause the lungs to drain.
But you can NOT do any rotation if the person is in a chemical induced coma, intubated, in an ICU.
Once you do that, you have killed them, and less then 1% of those put into ICUs survive.


Why Lying Face-Down Helps Relieve Coronavirus Symptoms​

How ‘proning’ Covid-19 patients helps them breathe ...}​


Lying face down improves breathing in severe COVID-19

·March 24, 2020 ...}
Actually that would. 100k less retards fucking shit up here in this country.

So now you think those with different opinions should be shot.
Welcome to the dictatorship.
But I don't think you are going to like it because eventually you are going to disagree with something and be shot.
Your lack of respect for the law is appalling.
Oh brother. Your lack of understanding what the law says is vivid.
So to you she was just a worthless peon.
No. She was a soldier who was brainwashed by Trump into doing something patently stupid.
If you had been reading any of the literature coming out of Europe and Asia, they are all saying that covid deaths are cause by downing as lungs fill with fluid. By carefully rotating patients from the back to their side, other side, and front, you can cause the lungs to drain.
But you can NOT do any rotation if the person is in a chemical induced coma, intubated, in an ICU.
Once you do that, you have killed them, and less then 1% of those put into ICUs survive.


Why Lying Face-Down Helps Relieve Coronavirus Symptoms​

How ‘proning’ Covid-19 patients helps them breathe ...}​


Lying face down improves breathing in severe COVID-19

·March 24, 2020 ...}

You have zero understanding of medicine or the law.
Anyone opposed to the far left wing agenda.
Nope. Just retarded Drumpf supporters and other kooks that cant let go of losing the election and will resort to violence to impose their will. Other right leaning people may be wrong headed but at least they aren't helping Drumpf with his coup attempt.
Well they did so you may want to tell them they cant do that. However don't get upset if they laugh at you. :lol:

They will all be punished for their crimes eventually.
But the more coconspirators, the wider the punishment.
Risks the whole democratic republic.
So now you think those with different opinions should be shot.
Nope. Lots of people have different opinions from me. I'm talking about all the kook Drumpf supporters willing to do violence to steal an election the fat fuck lost fair and square.

This follows the DOJ investigation that also exonerated the officer. From the piece....

View attachment 529170

While there is no doubt that Babbitt's shooting was completely justified--the video from WAPO showed that, we should remember that this woman fought for our nation and for that she deserves our gratitude. We can add this to the sad lineage of President Trump who was responsible for the attack on the capitol and continues to lie about the 2020 election.

Its just a tragedy from every standpoint.
Yes. We don't punish our law enforcement for killing terrorists.
Nope. Just retarded Drumpf supporters and other kooks that cant let go of losing the election and will resort to violence to impose their will. Other right leaning people may be wrong headed but at least they aren't helping Drumpf with his coup attempt.

If it were a coup attempt, they would all have been armed and the military would have to have been involved.
So it is a lie to claim it was a coup attempt.

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