Another Word On "Jesus As Socialist"


Paladin of the Lost Hour
Mar 4, 2013
Jesus said "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

He did NOT say "Go, take from your neighbor and sell everything, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Not a sermon, just a thought.
That very thinking is why I no longer associate with Christianity. It has no basis in common sense or reality.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????
It means nothing to a rich man, either whey....
it seems like philanderpist like Bill gates and Warren buffet understand it and I forget which rock star refuses to give his kids his millions, I can't remember who he is now?
That very thinking is why I no longer associate with Christianity. It has no basis in common sense or reality.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????
It means nothing to a rich man, either whey....
it seems like philanderpist like Bill gates and Warren buffet understand it and I forget which rock star refuses to give his kids his millions, I can't remember who he is now?
None of them did as Christ stated....They still have their amassed fortunes......and will never give them a little is not the same as getting rid of it all.....
That very thinking is why I no longer associate with Christianity. It has no basis in common sense or reality.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????
It means nothing to a rich man, either whey....
it seems like philanderpist like Bill gates and Warren buffet understand it and I forget which rock star refuses to give his kids his millions, I can't remember who he is now?
None of them did as Christ stated....They still have their amassed fortunes......and will never give them a little is not the same as getting rid of it all.....
well they are not crazy, if they still have a boat load of money they can still invest and make/give more..... Takes money to make money
Charity at gun point is having to fund the war Department the Pentagon

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States ..."

The general welfare clause is and has been used for sometime to give the federal government blanket authority over virtually every aspect of American life, something it was never intended to have. It is highly debatable that providing lifetime welfare to non-productive citizens and "guests" promotes the general welfare of the nation, or if the federal government even has such authority under the Constitution to raise revenue and distribute it for that purpose in the first place.

Think you own your house?
Charity at gun point is having to fund the war Department the Pentagon

"The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States ..."

The general welfare clause is and has been used for sometime to give the federal government blanket authority over virtually every aspect of American life, something it was never intended to have. It is highly debatable that providing lifetime welfare to non-productive citizens and "guests" promotes the general welfare of the nation, or if the federal government even has such authority under the Constitution to raise revenue and distribute it for that purpose in the first place.

Think you own your house?
You think you are fact based and making sense...sorry you are not
The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.
The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.

"The point" of redistributing wealth is not the issue here.
The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.

"The point" of redistributing wealth is not the issue here.
"Jesus As Socialist" seems to include redistribution of wealth...wake up ...get up to speed genius

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