Another Word On "Jesus As Socialist"

The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.

Sorry.....redistribution is nothing but a power grab....notice that the people "redistributing" the wealth are the wealthiest of all............all the people they are taking the wealth from....they get to be "equal" with all the other people who surrender their money to the redistributers........

What will get better in America if we start letting the lower income portion of our population get as poor as our economy would allow, with no government mandated help for them?

I don't believe I eve said that......but redistribution is nothing but a power grab.....

Low taxes, limited government, private charities.....those are some of the best ways to actually help people in need....government does not do anything well, and it wastes vast resources that if left in the hands of the people who earned the money more people would actually have jobs, and charity would be targeted in ways that would help rather than enslave people....
Indeed. A choice, not government theft.

Hey Billy douche is this theft is this choice...

And Dick Cheney sold his shares before the war....and bill clinton...the serial sexual predator gave all kinds of contracts to Halliburton as did other presidents......they are good at what they do....

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