Another Word On "Jesus As Socialist"

"Jesus As Socialist" seems to include redistribution of wealth...wake up ...get up to speed genius

There are no doubt remedial English classes in your neighborhood. You should avail yourself of them.

Jesus would probably be happy if YOU would redistribute YOUR wealth. However, I don't see where he sent people forth with a mandate to take other people's wealth and redistribute it.

Perhaps you could enlighten us?
Jesus said "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

He did NOT say "Go, take from your neighbor and sell everything, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Not a sermon, just a thought.

Do you think Jesus objected to democratic government?
"Jesus As Socialist" seems to include redistribution of wealth...wake up ...get up to speed genius

There are no doubt remedial English classes in your neighborhood. You should avail yourself of them.

Jesus would probably be happy if YOU would redistribute YOUR wealth. However, I don't see where he sent people forth with a mandate to take other people's wealth and redistribute it.

Perhaps you could enlighten us?
sure he said "render to Caesar" what is Caesar...he was looking at a Roman coin at the time by the way ...said turn your money over to what Rome was doing was sending "other people's money" back to Rome so they could have Fun with it yeah he was in favor of turning the money over to the Govt.....
Proverbs 31:8-9:

Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
sure he said "render to Caesar" what is Caesar...he was looking at a Roman coin at the time by the way ...said turn your money over to what Rome was doing was sending "other people's money" back to Rome so they could have Fun with it yeah he was in favor of turning the money over to the Govt.....

You're a real nut. No offense.
"Jesus As Socialist" seems to include redistribution of wealth...wake up ...get up to speed genius

There are no doubt remedial English classes in your neighborhood. You should avail yourself of them.

Jesus would probably be happy if YOU would redistribute YOUR wealth. However, I don't see where he sent people forth with a mandate to take other people's wealth and redistribute it.

Perhaps you could enlighten us?
sure he said "render to Caesar" what is Caesar...he was looking at a Roman coin at the time by the way ...said turn your money over to what Rome was doing was sending "other people's money" back to Rome so they could have Fun with it yeah he was in favor of turning the money over to the Govt.....

You left out the most important part of the quote...why do you suppose that is?

"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's"
They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all she had to live on.- Mark 12:44
That very thinking is why I no longer associate with Christianity. It has no basis in common sense or reality.
Really, you can not comprehend what that means????
It means nothing to a rich man, either whey....
it seems like philanderpist like Bill gates and Warren buffet understand it and I forget which rock star refuses to give his kids his millions, I can't remember who he is now?

Actually, that's not true...both bill gates and warren buffet have hidden their wealth in their charities...they get huge tax breaks in the investments those charities make and they get to control their it to the government......
The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.

Sorry.....redistribution is nothing but a power grab....notice that the people "redistributing" the wealth are the wealthiest of all............all the people they are taking the wealth from....they get to be "equal" with all the other people who surrender their money to the redistributers........
Sorry old chums, but nothing really belongs to humans, as it is Gods' creation and it is his by divine right,,,He just let's us share in his abundance and wealth..

Which has what to do with what concerning the issue being discussed?
Isn't he saying that Jesus may be a socialist, but his dad is communist?

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