Another Word On "Jesus As Socialist"

Jesus said "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

He did NOT say "Go, take from your neighbor and sell everything, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Not a sermon, just a thought.

I thinking he is saying that you have to have your priorities straight before you follow him.
Jesus said "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

He did NOT say "Go, take from your neighbor and sell everything, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Not a sermon, just a thought.

The core message of Christ and thus Christianity is love, tolerance, and charity.

America is a compassionate country, from that compassion has grown the tradition of safety net social programs funded by tax revenue.

These nets are not perfect. Like any program or operation, the bigger they are, they more waste and abuse goes on.

A relatively small portion of your tax dollar goes to food stamps and medicaid. The bulk of your tax dollar does to two things - defense and medicare (for the baby boomers).

Baby boomers will bankrupt this nation, and it's not their fault they are living longer -- we just have better Rx meds that offset high blood pressure and cholesterol.
Right wing Christians seem to have a rough time with certain commandments of God, such as helping the poor and taking care of the environment. They only like the Bible when it suits them
Helping the poor and/or taking care of the environment isn't socialist, it's having Christian morals.
The point of redistributing wealth within a society is to alleviate extremes that the economics of the society cannot alleviate within the context of 'market forces' or laissez faire capitalism.

Sorry.....redistribution is nothing but a power grab....notice that the people "redistributing" the wealth are the wealthiest of all............all the people they are taking the wealth from....they get to be "equal" with all the other people who surrender their money to the redistributers........

What will get better in America if we start letting the lower income portion of our population get as poor as our economy would allow, with no government mandated help for them?
They all gave out of their wealth; but she, out of her poverty, put in everything--all she had to live on.- Mark 12:44

Indeed. A choice, not government theft.
Is it "Government theft" that we are spending a trillion bucks a year on that theft IL Douche ?

Government theft what a gang of anal apertures these conservative bastards are...they love the theft of money for armaments just do not give any to the poor Americans ...that is bad that is Theft...
Indeed. A choice, not government theft.

Hey Billy douche is this theft is this choice...
Jesus said "Go, sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

He did NOT say "Go, take from your neighbor and sell everything, give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me."

Not a sermon, just a thought.

The core message of Christ and thus Christianity is love, tolerance, and charity.

America is a compassionate country, from that compassion has grown the tradition of safety net social programs funded by tax revenue.

These nets are not perfect. Like any program or operation, the bigger they are, they more waste and abuse goes on.

A relatively small portion of your tax dollar goes to food stamps and medicaid. The bulk of your tax dollar does to two things - defense and medicare (for the baby boomers).

Baby boomers will bankrupt this nation, and it's not their fault they are living longer -- we just have better Rx meds that offset high blood pressure and cholesterol.

You have the FDR version of America. We had very robust Charities, then FDR decided to replace them with government. US History started long before 1932
These crazy Right wing bastards call any money spent of the American people "theft"...they do not say Jack shit about the trillions stolen by the Pentagon
You have the FDR version of America. We had very robust Charities, then FDR decided to replace them with government. US History started long before 1932
Uhrrrrrrrrrrrrr duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh FDR was dealing with the GOP Depression....

During Hoover's term, the Federal Reserve sucked out 1/3 of the money supply.

FDR made a conscious decision to replace charities with the federal government or are you claiming that FDR is the Progressive Jesus?
America is a compassionate country, from that compassion has grown the tradition of safety net social programs funded by tax revenue.

Even if true, what Jesus said about the subject does not endorse government policies that play Robin Hood. He said give what YOU have, not what your neighbor has. It's a choice, not a mandate.

Ergo, the claim by the Left that Jesus is a socialist is ludicrous at best.
Right wing Christians seem to have a rough time with certain commandments of God, such as helping the poor and taking care of the environment. They only like the Bible when it suits them

Perhaps, but such commandments are matters of conscience, not holy mandates for governments to enforce them at gunpoint. That is merely theft.

Socialists wear the Jesus mask only to forward their peculiar policies. Beyond that, they ban him from public discourse.

Helping the poor and/or taking care of the environment isn't socialist, it's having Christian morals.

Perhaps, but widespread theft under the guise of morality isn't Christian, it's socialist.
Is it "Government theft" that we are spending a trillion bucks a year on that theft IL Douche ?

Actually no, as national security/military maintenance is one of the few enumerated duties of the federal government.

I find your name calling marginally amusing.:blahblah:
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