Another zionist at Federal Reserve!


VIP Member
Sep 30, 2009
after Ben S. Bernanke elected as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, this is another zionist to become vice chairman!
Yellen at Fed would likely favor low-rate policy - Yahoo! News

why the same persons who were responsibles of financial crisis are rehabilitated?

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oh noooooooooooooooooooo... it's the fearful ZOG.


oh noooooooooooooooooooo... it's the fearful ZOG.



Whoops, my mistake. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Warburg are all, it turns out, Swedish Presbyterians. My apologies to the Jewish people for this terrible and unjustified stereotyping.
oh noooooooooooooooooooo... it's the fearful ZOG.



Whoops, my mistake. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Warburg are all, it turns out, Swedish Presbyterians. My apologies to the Jewish people for this terrible and unjustified stereotyping.

Somehow I doubt your sincerity.
Actually I doubt your sanity. IN fact I have no doubt you are another dumb-assed anti semite way over his head on this baord.
oh noooooooooooooooooooo... it's the fearful ZOG.



Whoops, my mistake. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Warburg are all, it turns out, Swedish Presbyterians. My apologies to the Jewish people for this terrible and unjustified stereotyping.

Somehow I doubt your sincerity.
Actually I doubt your sanity. IN fact I have no doubt you are another dumb-assed anti semite way over his head on this baord.

You're up against a Jew-wise white man who surfs the oceans very easily. I realize that Jews count on the masses of conservative goyim to either 1) slavishly defend Israel and pronounce their philosemitism at every turn or 2) not have any fucking clue who the Jews are or what their aims are. And they count on the smatterings of liberal whites to be, well, generally liberal but otherwise stay away from Israel for fear of being called an anti-semite. In other words, both mainstream liberalism and mainstream conservatism are occupied territory for Jews -- it's either Frank Rich or David Brooks, but you basically never get away from Jews and the agenda they're setting.

Most of all, Jews count on the accusation of "anti-semite" to strike paralyzing fear in the hearts of anyone who dares criticize them.

With me, you count wrong.

I suggest you learn to start debating the points of the ethnic conflict between our peoples more on the merits, because you're otherwise going to get ground up in to fine little bits.
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Whoops, my mistake. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Warburg are all, it turns out, Swedish Presbyterians. My apologies to the Jewish people for this terrible and unjustified stereotyping.

Somehow I doubt your sincerity.
Actually I doubt your sanity. IN fact I have no doubt you are another dumb-assed anti semite way over his head on this baord.

You're up against a Jew-wise white man who surfs the oceans very easily. I realize that Jews count on the masses of conservative goyim to either 1) slavishly defend Israel and pronounce their philosemitism at every turn or 2) not have any fucking clue who the Jews are or what their aims are. And they count on the smatterings of liberal whites to be, well, generally liberal but otherwise stay away from Israel for fear of being called an anti-semite.

Most of all, Jews count on the accusation of "anti-semite" to strike paralyzing fear in the hearts of anyone who dares criticize them.

With me, you count wrong.

With you I count insane.
"Zionist" the PC way of saying I hate Jews.

they call themselves zionist. they actively work to end the world by fulfilling prophecies from their religion, while raping their world of money and resources at the same time, attemping to enslave anyone who doesn't follow their religion.
after Ben S. Bernanke elected as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, this is another zionist to become vice chairman!
Yellen at Fed would likely favor low-rate policy - Yahoo! News

why the same persons who were responsibles of financial crisis are rehabilitated?


If anyone see this fellow please be kind and return him to his rightful home. Do it for the children.

[ame=]YouTube - Danvers State Insane Asylum[/ame]
yeah!, they are all... but not supremacists;
check if christian and muslims who are the majority dominate those institutions??

The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT),
Chairman: Nickolas J. Neubauer

National Economic Council,
Chairman: Stephen Friedman

New York Board of Trade,
Acting President, CEO, Chairman, and Chairman of the Board: Charles H. Falk
Vice Chairman of the Board: Frederick W. Schoenhut
American National Standards Institute (ANSI),
President and CEO: Mark W. Hurwitz

U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission,
(Previous) Chairman: Arthur Levitt
Secretary: Jonathan G. Katz
Commissioner: Cynthia A. Glassman
Commissioner: Harvey J. Goldschmid

American Council for Capital Formation,
President: Mark A. Bloomfield

Consumers Union,
Director: Gene Kimmelman
Policy Analyst: Adam Goldberg

NASDAQ; Stock Market,
President & CEO: Robert Greifeld

Center for Economic and Policy Research,
Co-Director: Mark Weisbrot

Financial Accounting Standards Board,
Chairman: Robert H. Herz
65% of the board of governor's of the so called "federal" reserve banks are jewish so it's kind of like, obvious, that they're going to be zionist.
Whoops, my mistake. Ben Bernanke, Alan Greenspan and Paul Warburg are all, it turns out, Swedish Presbyterians. My apologies to the Jewish people for this terrible and unjustified stereotyping.

Somehow I doubt your sincerity.
Actually I doubt your sanity. IN fact I have no doubt you are another dumb-assed anti semite way over his head on this baord.

You're up against a Jew-wise white man who surfs the oceans very easily. I realize that Jews count on the masses of conservative goyim to either 1) slavishly defend Israel and pronounce their philosemitism at every turn or 2) not have any fucking clue who the Jews are or what their aims are. And they count on the smatterings of liberal whites to be, well, generally liberal but otherwise stay away from Israel for fear of being called an anti-semite. In other words, both mainstream liberalism and mainstream conservatism are occupied territory for Jews -- it's either Frank Rich or David Brooks, but you basically never get away from Jews and the agenda they're setting.

Most of all, Jews count on the accusation of "anti-semite" to strike paralyzing fear in the hearts of anyone who dares criticize them.

With me, you count wrong.

I suggest you learn to start debating the points of the ethnic conflict between our peoples more on the merits, because you're otherwise going to get ground up in to fine little bits.

"When gentiles fear jews, it is tryanny". "When jews fear gentiles, it is democracy". That old saying appears to be quite true unless someone can prove it wrong. Well can they?
Somehow I doubt your sincerity.
Actually I doubt your sanity. IN fact I have no doubt you are another dumb-assed anti semite way over his head on this baord.

You're up against a Jew-wise white man who surfs the oceans very easily. I realize that Jews count on the masses of conservative goyim to either 1) slavishly defend Israel and pronounce their philosemitism at every turn or 2) not have any fucking clue who the Jews are or what their aims are. And they count on the smatterings of liberal whites to be, well, generally liberal but otherwise stay away from Israel for fear of being called an anti-semite. In other words, both mainstream liberalism and mainstream conservatism are occupied territory for Jews -- it's either Frank Rich or David Brooks, but you basically never get away from Jews and the agenda they're setting.

Most of all, Jews count on the accusation of "anti-semite" to strike paralyzing fear in the hearts of anyone who dares criticize them.

With me, you count wrong.

I suggest you learn to start debating the points of the ethnic conflict between our peoples more on the merits, because you're otherwise going to get ground up in to fine little bits.

"When gentiles fear jews, it is tryanny". "When jews fear gentiles, it is democracy". That old saying appears to be quite true unless someone can prove it wrong. Well can they?


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