Another zionist at Federal Reserve!

The simple fact of the matter is the Jews are the smartest people in the world with an average IQ of 119. God chose them as His Chosen People, and that is what they are. I fully support the Jews in their return to the Promised Land. Anybody who attacks the Chosen People will be destroyed by Jehovah. That is all there is to it. God has spoken in His Sacred Book, the Bible. Either abide by it or die. God has made the choice very simple.

Praise God from Whom all blessing flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host. Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!

Death to Ba'Allah and his satanic demon lead hordes.
"Zionist" the PC way of saying I hate Jews.

they call themselves zionist. they actively work to end the world by fulfilling prophecies from their religion, while raping their world of money and resources at the same time, attemping to enslave anyone who doesn't follow their religion.

You must be European where antisemitism is considered to be a positive trait, part of their inbreeding where they seek like-minded mates to spawn more little bigoted monsters in the making - and why they have a long history of cyclically committing violence against Jews that goes back centuries. Even while denying it afterward and blaming Jews for their own demise of course. As part of that great conspiracy they are all involved in, you know. If you had better understanding of the typical Jewish community you would actually have a much better idea why Jews excel in certain areas and people like YOU don't. But we all have no doubt that your own shortcomings would make you feel right at home leading the next pogrom so you can insist the reason you are such a pathetic loser in life is because of the Jews.

Bought the most recent re-print of The Zionist Papers as well and keep it on your coffee table? No reason to disbelieve that proven forgery -not when you can wave it around to justify your truly unhinged hatred.

People like YOU are the ones who are truly scary. When people like YOU find themselves in positions of power, massive numbers of people end up dead.
"Zionist" the PC way of saying I hate Jews.

they call themselves zionist. they actively work to end the world by fulfilling prophecies from their religion, while raping their world of money and resources at the same time, attemping to enslave anyone who doesn't follow their religion.

You must be European where antisemitism is considered to be a positive trait, part of their inbreeding where they seek like-minded mates to spawn more little bigoted monsters in the making - and why they have a long history of cyclically committing violence against Jews that goes back centuries. Even while denying it afterward and blaming Jews for their own demise of course. As part of that great conspiracy they are all involved in, you know. If you had better understanding of the typical Jewish community you would actually have a much better idea why Jews excel in certain areas and people like YOU don't. But we all have no doubt that your own shortcomings would make you feel right at home leading the next pogrom so you can insist the reason you are such a pathetic loser in life is because of the Jews.

Bought the most recent re-print of The Zionist Papers as well and keep it on your coffee table? No reason to disbelieve that proven forgery -not when you can wave it around to justify your truly unhinged hatred.

People like YOU are the ones who are truly scary. When people like YOU find themselves in positions of power, massive numbers of people end up dead.

not european and never read those papers. wrong on all counts. nice deflection though. try addressing the post next time instead of attacking the messanger.
not european and never read those papers. wrong on all counts. nice deflection though. try addressing the post next time instead of attacking the messanger.

We are obviously dealing with a very Low IQ MessAnger.

Just because highly intelligent men and women are promoted to positions of responsibility does not mean that there is a Zionist conspiracy afoot. Many positions that require high levels of intelligence are filled by people of various faiths, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims, Agnostics and so on. I have found a few highly intelligent agnostics, but not many. It seems the more highly intelligent people are, the more prone they are to believe in some form of supreme deity. The Jews are no exception.

The average Jew is far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be. That is the reason why you are not trusted with responsibility.

Intelligent people are usually greatly preferred to handle difficult tasks because they have the mental power to process all of the information. Meanwhile, dolts like you have trouble tying your shoes and still want mama to do it. Say it ain't so.
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they call themselves zionist. they actively work to end the world by fulfilling prophecies from their religion, while raping their world of money and resources at the same time, attemping to enslave anyone who doesn't follow their religion.

You must be European where antisemitism is considered to be a positive trait, part of their inbreeding where they seek like-minded mates to spawn more little bigoted monsters in the making - and why they have a long history of cyclically committing violence against Jews that goes back centuries. Even while denying it afterward and blaming Jews for their own demise of course. As part of that great conspiracy they are all involved in, you know. If you had better understanding of the typical Jewish community you would actually have a much better idea why Jews excel in certain areas and people like YOU don't. But we all have no doubt that your own shortcomings would make you feel right at home leading the next pogrom so you can insist the reason you are such a pathetic loser in life is because of the Jews.

Bought the most recent re-print of The Zionist Papers as well and keep it on your coffee table? No reason to disbelieve that proven forgery -not when you can wave it around to justify your truly unhinged hatred.

People like YOU are the ones who are truly scary. When people like YOU find themselves in positions of power, massive numbers of people end up dead.

not european and never read those papers. wrong on all counts. nice deflection though. try addressing the post next time instead of attacking the messanger.

No other choice but to attack the messenger because your "message" is nothing but a spew of verbal vomit of bigotry founded on NOTHING. I am not obligated to give serious consideration to such unfounded CRAP. There is a reason people like you never provide any facts in the first place -beyond pointing out someone, somewhere has a Jewish name of course. As if the Jewish name alone "proves" a massive conspiracy to your small mind. If that is what it took to convince you, it says far more about YOU than it does Jews. Wow, its a Jew holding this job instead of a gentile - what a convincing argument for the existence of that global conspiracy because we all know no Jew could possibly end up in those kinds of jobs without a massive conspiracy, right? ROFL

So -where do they hold their secret global meetings to discuss how to take over the world? If you think its in Israel, then where were all the Jews holding their secret meetings before 1948? When are Jewish kids let in on this global conspiracy and what are the rules for breaking the news to them and then getting them to remain silent about it? How is it Jews are in unanimous agreement about this global conspiracy even while they have deep divisions within the religion itself? Which branch is actually running the show here and which branch is scheduled to take control once this global conspiracy is played out? Orthodox, Reform or Conservative? And how about non-observant Jews? Are they in or out of this conspiracy? How about when a Jew marries a gentile? Is that Jew given drugs or electroshock to make them forget the conspiracy exists and all their relatives are good with that? Or is their gentile spouse just let in on the conspiracy or what? If so, then what about if they divorce -how do they make sure the gentile keeps their mouth shut? And how about their kids -if the mother is Jewish, which means her kids are too -are THEY allowed in on this massive global conspiracy but if its the mother who is the gentile, are their kids are cut out of the global conspiracy? Exactly what are the rules here and where can I find them? And wow, isn't it amazing that millions of Jews from all walks of life and all sorts of very different societies are able to keep a secret like this -all over the world? How amazing that there are no Jews gossiping about whether their global conspiracy is on track or EVER caught spreading the word some part of their game plan has changed, etc. If I tell my sister anything just about everyone I've ever met knows about it in a matter of HOURS! But hey, global conspiracy and the lips of ALL Jews all over the world are sealed, right? Get real, if that were true, THAT would have to be a supernatural event in itself! Your unfounded claim that relies on pretty much nothing but the fact someone is Jewish or has a Jewish name who has a PARTICULAR kind of job really isn't the best evidence for claiming a massive global conspiracy you know. But this is always the best the "evidence" will ever get. It is the same formula relied upon for centuries and people like you will NEVER need any more evidence to satisfy their BIGOTRY. And you are a bigot. NORMAL people know it. You deserve to be treated with nothing but ridicule and contempt.

If you were successful at your own life to begin with, you sure wouldn't give Jews credit for that -but you needed nothing more than the fact you AREN'T successful at your own life to justify why don't even need any real evidence of this massive global conspiracy you think is aimed at keeping such "wonderful" gentiles like YOU down. In reality it is always the weak person who feels powerless to control his OWN life and can't bear to look inward to find and look at his own shortcomings to explain why he is such a miserable, pathetic loser at life who falls for this crap. What better way to duck out on your own personal responsibility for your miserable life than insist total strangers are involved a massive global conspiracy where apparently they all communicate by TELEPATHY because no global meeting of the world's Jews has ever happened to even discuss starting a global conspiracy, much less all agree on the game plan for keeping it intact over the centuries. It would be laughable except when people like you get in power, it has had such tragic consequences for the victims of your bigotry.

And let's get one thing straight on this notion that Jews of all people, are trying to fulfill end times prophesy. Get real. THE ENTIRE WORLD knows it is actually Muslims who not only do that but openly admit they believe they are obligated to bring it about as quickly as possible -or haven't you heard Ahmadinejad speak lately? Neither Jews nor Christians believe this is in the control of MAN or will ever occur on MAN'S schedule. Unlike many Muslims, no Jew or Christian would ever be so arrogant as to believe it is within their power to rush Him along.
frazzled, did you see how our Anti-Jewish Junior Nazi league clowns seem to have disappeared? It is amazing how once they self identify they end up missing.
What foreign country pioneered the practice of receiving US funding, on the first day of the US fiscal year, by electronic transfer, and proceeds to purchase US Treasury Bonds within minutes, by electronic transfer??? Come on give it a guess!!

Which country's bankers are doing the same thing as we speak?? Which class of people is this helping and which groups is going to lose with this type of bullshit going on?? I wonder where this bastards learned this trick from?

In the meantime, the smoke screen called the health care plan, is being jammed up our asses this beautiful Sunday.:eek::eek:
What foreign country pioneered the practice of receiving US funding, on the first day of the US fiscal year, by electronic transfer, and proceeds to purchase US Treasury Bonds within minutes, by electronic transfer??? Come on give it a guess!!

Which country's bankers are doing the same thing as we speak?? Which class of people is this helping and which groups is going to lose with this type of bullshit going on?? I wonder where this bastards learned this trick from?

In the meantime, the smoke screen called the health care plan, is being jammed up our asses this beautiful Sunday.:eek::eek:

Why don't you worry about your own life and stop looking for scapegoats to make you feel better because of your poor acheivement due to your lack of hard work and intelligence.
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not european and never read those papers. wrong on all counts. nice deflection though. try addressing the post next time instead of attacking the messanger.

We are obviously dealing with a very Low IQ MessAnger.

Just because highly intelligent men and women are promoted to positions of responsibility does not mean that there is a Zionist conspiracy afoot. Many positions that require high levels of intelligence are filled by people of various faiths, Catholics, Protestants, Hindus, Muslims, Agnostics and so on. I have found a few highly intelligent agnostics, but not many. It seems the more highly intelligent people are, the more prone they are to believe in some form of supreme deity. The Jews are no exception.

The average Jew is far more intelligent than you could ever hope to be. That is the reason why you are not trusted with responsibility.

Intelligent people are usually greatly preferred to handle difficult tasks because they have the mental power to process all of the information. Meanwhile, dolts like you have trouble tying your shoes and still want mama to do it. Say it ain't so.

you are a real joke!, not only you endorse the bigotry and racist theory of Chosen people but you are exposing the myth of IQ while israeli IQ is just about 94
Israel's average IQ is 94, at the lower end of the European range -

if you find that 2% of the population has the right to dominate economic institutions, so you are a clown!

there is no secret nor IQ in this story, if you get a zionist in the head of institution he will recruit a staff from his's so simple!
i may understand why 99% of ponzi frauds are zionists now

you should be proud of them!
The simple fact of the matter is the Jews are the smartest people in the world with an average IQ of 119. God chose them as His Chosen People, and that is what they are. I fully support the Jews in their return to the Promised Land. Anybody who attacks the Chosen People will be destroyed by Jehovah. That is all there is to it. God has spoken in His Sacred Book, the Bible. Either abide by it or die. God has made the choice very simple.

Praise God from Whom all blessing flow. Praise Him all creatures here below. Praise Him above ye Heavenly Host. Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost. Amen!

Death to Ba'Allah and his satanic demon lead hordes.

yeah but, did you hear the news.....?
God Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
NEW HAVEN, CT–In a diagnosis that helps explain the confusing and contradictory aspects of the cosmos that have baffled philosophers, theologians, and other students of the human condition for millennia, God, creator of the universe and longtime deity to billions of followers, was found Monday to suffer from bipolar disorder.

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If the Zionists are running this country, as seen on CSPAN yesterday, then having one more is no big deal now is it?

Hillary bragged about how well the Jews are doing in Israel. "soaring startups", plentiful money from investments bankers, etc, etc..

So my question is, how come she can't say that stuff about our economy hear?

If Israel is doing so well, and I HONESTLY HOPE THEY ARE, then why are we still supporting them?? Hillary was talking about GIVING Israel even more money to burn, even though we are broke. At least two more increases over the next two years.
this is Ezra Merkin in right, the man who was associate of Bernard Madoff and arrested for the multibillion scam!
so did the terrorists target our fiscal heart knowing they'd hit an abundance of Jews?

If the Zionists are running this country, as seen on CSPAN yesterday, then having one more is no big deal now is it?

Hillary bragged about how well the Jews are doing in Israel. "soaring startups", plentiful money from investments bankers, etc, etc..

So my question is, how come she can't say that stuff about our economy hear?

If Israel is doing so well, and I HONESTLY HOPE THEY ARE, then why are we still supporting them?? Hillary was talking about GIVING Israel even more money to burn, even though we are broke. At least two more increases over the next two years.

The money given to Israel is mostly used to offset the costs of American Weapons systems. We want them to buy American and we subsidize it. The six million Jews in Israel could not afford to buy our expensive systems. Ironically, we also cut sweetheart arms deals for Saudi Arabia even though they have all that oil money. Thus, we have essentially created stalemate in the Middle East. That is about all we can hope for.
wouldn't be the first time we've catered to both sides of a conflict Neubarth.......~S~
I have always said that the United States should allow open immigration for Jews from around the globe. You can never have too many intelligent people in this country. Since their average IQ is 119 according to Stanford University, any Jew who can prove that he is a Jew should be granted automatic citizenship. Lord knows we have brought enough stupid people into this great land. Now we have to concentrate on the intelligent ones.
wouldn't be the first time we've catered to both sides of a conflict Neubarth.......~S~

INDEED! It keeps our military industrial complex going even if everything else is going to hell. Warplanes are warplanes. The more we sell, the more American warplane employees there are. Gosh, if we were to stop underwriting these sales to the smaller countries, we would lose half a million more employees. We subsidize that industry just to keep those people from filing for Unemployment Insurance which would be more than what we pay out to keep those other countries buying weapons. Keeping people employed is a good thing. Right?

A lot of people do not understand how we prop up our economy. We have been doing stuff like this for the past half century. If we stop doing it, we will collapse into the greatest depression we could ever imagine. So we gotta keep on keepin' on.
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