Sad economic news: Economy is so strong it may delay rate cuts


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
The news is filled with amazement at how well Bidenomics is grinding forward. No on has ever seen anything like it.

Strong consumer confidence, strong spending, and a still robust growing economy all with low unemployment. Truly a Goldilocks era of the economy. The downside is the Fed is pussyfooting around with rate cuts. Biden needs to get vocal and push hard to get rates cut or find a new Fed Chairman. They were too late raising rates and now they are going to be too late cutting them.

Now, some economists think the Fed won’t cut interest rates at all this year.

The economy is not slowing down and some underlying measures of inflation are growing, said Torsten Slok, chief economist at Apollo Global Management, in a note to investors Friday.

“The Fed will not cut rates this year and rates are going to stay higher for longer,” he added.

Richmond Federal Reserve President Tom Barkin echoed the idea that the central bank may not cut interest rates this year.

Restaurants are full....often with customers waiting for seats. Help Wanted signs are everywhere. Covid caused supply chain constipation has been greatly improved, but still there is strong demand for many items. There are still notable lead-times on some building materials. Prices ARE up....ubetcha!......but that's because people are still buying the stuff, despite higher prices. People have money, and they are spending it. When they taper off their spending....prices will weaken. Americans are flush with cash and chasing fewer goods with it. Seems like a perfect storm for inflation.
Or so I was taught at university, oh, about a gabillion years ago.

Compared to the rest of the world.....America is doing great. And that reputation for a strong economy may.....perhaps.....have something to do with all those people walking thousands of miles and breaking-in to America. work.
There's already too much money in the system. That's why they shouldn't cut rates. It's also what causes our economy to look healthy when it really isn't. We're living large on borrowed money and if we don't slow spending down, it's only a matter of time until it will implode. Anyone taking bows for today's economic success is a bullshit artist. MAGA
The news is filled with amazement at how well Bidenomics is grinding forward. No on has ever seen anything like it.

Strong consumer confidence, strong spending, and a still robust growing economy all with low unemployment. Truly a Goldilocks era of the economy. The downside is the Fed is pussyfooting around with rate cuts. Biden needs to get vocal and push hard to get rates cut or find a new Fed Chairman. They were too late raising rates and now they are going to be too late cutting them.

Now, some economists think the Fed won’t cut interest rates at all this year.

The economy is not slowing down and some underlying measures of inflation are growing, said Torsten Slok, chief economist at Apollo Global Management, in a note to investors Friday.

“The Fed will not cut rates this year and rates are going to stay higher for longer,” he added.

Richmond Federal Reserve President Tom Barkin echoed the idea that the central bank may not cut interest rates this year.

You moron, the high interest rates were never necessary in the first place and they are killing the average American. People can't afford to live due to the inflation and high interest rates. Trump is ahead because you guys are tone deaf to the plight of the average American and the poorer. Wealth inequality, social injustice, and homelessness have all soared under Biden.
You moron, the high interest rates were never necessary in the first place and they are killing the average American. People can't afford to live due to the inflation and high interest rates. Trump is ahead because you guys are tone deaf to the plight of the average American and the poorer. Wealth inequality, social injustice, and homelessness have all soared under Biden.
Biden supporters are living in a fantasy world, making the reality of most Americans a nightmare

Homelessness in the U.S. jumped to record level in 2023, government says​

Saying things are great under Biden is no different than those who were saying how wonderful the economy was during the Great Depression under Hoover ….as Americans were living in Hooverville shacks
Restaurants are full....often with customers waiting for seats. Help Wanted signs are everywhere. Covid caused supply chain constipation has been greatly improved, but still there is strong demand for many items. There are still notable lead-times on some building materials. Prices ARE up....ubetcha!......but that's because people are still buying the stuff, despite higher prices. People have money, and they are spending it. When they taper off their spending....prices will weaken. Americans are flush with cash and chasing fewer goods with it. Seems like a perfect storm for inflation.
Or so I was taught at university, oh, about a gabillion years ago.

Compared to the rest of the world.....America is doing great. And that reputation for a strong economy may.....perhaps.....have something to do with all those people walking thousands of miles and breaking-in to America. work.
Meawhile transportation is laying off and slashing hrs
Well that didn't last long... rates will be going up this week....

Whenever you see in a MSM story... May be... or might be... or could be... or sources said... understand you are being gas lighted and out right lied to... stop being suckers democrats...
Well that didn't last long... rates will be going up this week....

Whenever you see in a MSM story... May be... or might be... or could be... or sources said... understand you are being gas lighted and out right lied to... stop being suckers democrats...
Being a democrat means you're a sucker by definition.
How many stories have they posted where the title is a guess at best... and in hours its exposed as BS but they never come back and say ooops I got that wrong....
They're missing the mark on tax receipts, which are a huge indicator of economic activity, but the economy is great!

Suckers, one and all.
They're missing the mark on tax receipts, which are a huge indicator of economic activity, but the economy is great!

Suckers, one and all.
I watch people its what I enjoy doing... and at the market its heartbreaking to watch people price checking and having to put things back on the shelf... just last week a woman was $2 short and I gave her the 2 dollars... she was obviously buying for kids by the products she had....
But Joe the libs hero just keeps eating ice cream cones and smiling like a fool....
The news is filled with amazement at how well Bidenomics is grinding forward. No on has ever seen anything like it.

Strong consumer confidence, strong spending, and a still robust growing economy all with low unemployment. Truly a Goldilocks era of the economy. The downside is the Fed is pussyfooting around with rate cuts. Biden needs to get vocal and push hard to get rates cut or find a new Fed Chairman. They were too late raising rates and now they are going to be too late cutting them.

Now, some economists think the Fed won’t cut interest rates at all this year.

The economy is not slowing down and some underlying measures of inflation are growing, said Torsten Slok, chief economist at Apollo Global Management, in a note to investors Friday.

“The Fed will not cut rates this year and rates are going to stay higher for longer,” he added.

Richmond Federal Reserve President Tom Barkin echoed the idea that the central bank may not cut interest rates this year.

I'm "filled with amazement" at how callus you and the Democrat Media are towards the majority of Americans who struggle with daily living expenses.
I watch people its what I enjoy doing... and at the market its heartbreaking to watch people price checking and having to put things back on the shelf... just last week a woman was $2 short and I gave her the 2 dollars... she was obviously buying for kids by the products she had....
But Joe the libs hero just keeps eating ice cream cones and smiling like a fool....

I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a full cart of groceries.
I'm "filled with amazement" at how callus you and the Democrat Media are towards the majority of Americans who struggle with daily living expenses.

What do you suppose negative interest rates would have done to those living off their savings?
  • That's why they shouldn't cut rates
  • You moron, the high interest rates were never necessary in the first place
There is, it appears, some disagreement among the MAGAMunchkins.


  • the reality of most Americans a nightmare
  • understand you are being gas lighted and out right lied to
  • support the millions of illegals being given free money to spend.
  • Suckers, one and all.
  • I can't remember the last time I saw someone with a full cart of groceries.

Can one be a TrumpBozo and not be a negative ne'er-do-well? They all seem to live perpetually in Snowflakistan. The most unhappy cohort of souls I think America has ever seen. Being sour, unhappy, mean-spirited, and afraid must be a qualifier to snuggle up to the QAnon/MAGA Wailing Wall.


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