Biden to Juice The Economy

You switched from burden to delinquency.

Look, snot nose, you go right ahead and believe you can convince me this is a great economy. I know better... you should
I addressed both. Both near historic lows. Healthy as can be. Why do YOU lie?
I provided a link. You two conveniently ignored it

It's a shit economy. Own it
It’s a shit economy because supposedly credit card defaults are up?

There is a lot more to an economy that that stupid…
It’s a shot economy because supposedly credit card defaults are up?

There is a lot more to an economy that that stupid…

I listed multiple reasons. Either learn up or shut up... stupid

Stop flapping your arms already, loudmouth
Low unemployment
Plentiful jobs
Wages up
Stock market up
Inflation down
Interest rates dropping
GDP up
No they are not. You're an idiot
Look right below dummy. Can. You. Not. Read. ?


I addressed both. Both near historic lows. Healthy as can be. Why do YOU lie?

When you play the hack you don't do it very well. In fact you truly suck.

But in this instance, you deserve an award for being so terrible.

70% of America reporting being in financial struggle and not keeping up.

It's been shown you 10 times.

And yet you continue to push this bullshit.

No wonder this country is in so much trouble.

And spare me the commentary on how I am doing. I am not one of those 70%. But I see it all around me.

Total horseshit.
Real wages (which are adjusted for inflation) are UP to pre Covid levels. Show me your data that says otherwise. I’ll wait for some lame ass grocery bill comment cuz you can’t do it.


It's inflation. It aways goes up, When it doesn't it's no longer inflation. The terms being used are the same ones that are always used to describe it. You are tryng to twist them into something else by playing silly word games and then lying about it.

That is the rate of inflation you moron. When it levels out, the rate has leveled out. If you integrate the rate across time, you see how much prices have gone up. And they've gone way up.

I really don't give a flying fuck what you call it.

70% of America says it's struggling with the higher prices even though your vaunted "rate" has reduced.

Suck on it.
Real wages (which are adjusted for inflation) are UP to pre Covid levels.

And prices are way above pre-covid.

Keep laying out the bullshit. Almost nobody takes you seriously. The few who do are as stupid as you expect them to be.

Stupid smoke screen for our demntia-in-chief stutterf**ck.
A former Trump administration official predicted the Federal Reserve would cut interest rates in 2024 to “juice the economy” before the election.

The Federal Reserve kept interest rates steady Wednesday, but signaled that rates could be lowered in 2024, despite inflation still being relatively high. “They will juice the economy in an election year by giving us rate cuts for Joe Biden.”

The decrease in inflation (not prices mind you), the decrease in gas prices, now we're talking "transitory".

‘They Will Juice The Economy’: Former Trump Official Says Fed Will Try To Boost Biden In 2024

So saying what some other fu(k says passes for good enough to start a thread at this site?
And prices are way above pre-covid.

Keep laying out the bullshit. Almost nobody takes you seriously. The few who do are as stupid as you expect them to be.

Stupid smoke screen for our demntia-in-chief stutterf**ck.
Real wages compare wages to prices. You simpletons just look at prices. Here are some industry wages and they are way up. Many 20-25%.

Real wages compare wages to prices. You simpletons just look at prices. Here are some industry wages and they are way up. Many 20-25%.

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No, dumbass, we just know how to do a little research:

Here's what most others have been saying and it says wages have not kept up.

The gap between wage growth and inflation is closing.

But it may take time for workers to fully recover from the fastest jump in prices in 40 years.

“Hopefully, before too long, we’ll get to a point where pay completely makes up for the lost ground,” said Sarah Foster, economic analyst at Bankrate. “But it’s not quite there yet.”

The gap between wage growth and inflation is on pace to fully close in the fourth quarter of 2024, according to new Bankrate research.

But, then again, for the 11th time,

Which says there are plenty of people (many I know) who are not keeping pace with the inflation.

Throw high interest rates on top of it and you are totally fucked.

Keep putting whip cream on that bowl of shit. It still stinks and your efforts to sell it only out you as the lemming you are.
What I'm saying is that if Biden, for some strange reason, were to win the next election, interest rates will go above and beyond what they currently are.

It is good to see you are yet one more of those people who choose their username as a spoof.
The economy is doing very, very well at this particular moment, especially considering the shitty inflation that became inevitable when global supply chains collapsed coming out of the lockdowns.

No economy is perfect, and so partisans will always find and produce flaws because they dare not give a goddamn inch.

Boring. Predictable. Intellectually dishonest.

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