Anouncement Settlers Prepare To Raid Ramallah village

Nice to know that Sherri believes Jews shouldn't be allowed to live in Israel and it's going against GOD to support the existence of any Jewish national home of any size with any borders there......

Now the extremes of Christian Zionism - that ANYTHING Israel may do is ABSOLUTELY right - is of course equally as wrong as Sherri's view that Israel is NEVER right at all.

But in terms of the real world, IF Jesus had an opinion on the topic, it's by no means clear that he'd have opposed the very existence of Israel per se.
turkey---has HISTORICALLY been the least egregious of the
shariah shit holes in reference to non-muslims which is why
it still has a christian population-----most of the shariah shit
holes lost their christian populations long ago. (genocide) Try to keep in mind sherri----ARABIA had christians pre islam-
---so did Yemen, Tunisia, Afghanistan ----of course do did sudan---but with your endorsement they are legal victims of rape,
murder and enslavement
That's OK: Your beliefs are the demented ravings of a Nazi-sucking whore for HAMAS, which is pretty much the same as 'Satanic' in my lexicon. And of course there's no hate involved on my part: one doesn't hate the cockroach nor Yersinia pestis.......

SEE, now this post shows the hate of Zionists, and that is what discloses who their Master is!

Yes - your post shows your hatred of Zionists, and who your own Master is. We're all very familiar with your litany of hatred by now. Including your vapid insistence that you don't hate anyone..... Naaaah, you just want to smash things into the faces of 'Zionists' because they don't agree with your POV. Is *that* your idea of 'pacifist humanitarianism' in action?? It's a curious expression for someone who has celebrated nonviolence to be using......

The thread is about illegal settlers in the OPT attacking Palestinians. Human beings who have a conscience and are aware of these Injustices speak out against them. As MLK said from a jail cell, silence in the face of injustice is complicity with it. And I see the injustices of the Occupation and cannot be silent about them. SPEAKING out against an evil is not evil nor an expression of hate.
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Maybe this is why Israeli citizens are exempt form "civilian" status by the Fourth Geneva Convention.
The Hamas sub-humanoid terrorist worshipper chimes in with another "legal opinion" as to why it's okay to target and kill Israeli citizens. You guys are truly SICK. Ha ha ha.

You need to read up.

Oh gee---guess who endorsed tinsy's endorsment of
the sneak up throat slitting of infants---- because isa
told her to------

anyone have an opinion as to the status of bostonians?
Maybe they are not civilians either

The "civilianness" issue calls to mind 1971---when
the muslim girls of east pakistan were declared LEGAL
RAPE targets for the west pakistani army by virtue of an
equally clever device---to wit "TAKFIR" ----the word
takfir is derived from the same root as is "KAFFIR"-
Simply stated --the east pakistani muslim girls were declared--
for rape purposes "not muslim. I was very young and
horrified----but my west pakistani informants simply shrugged
and giggled and told me I do not understand their "culture"
It is experiences like that which give me an insight into the
mindset of sherri and tinsy
That's OK: Your beliefs are the demented ravings of a Nazi-sucking whore for HAMAS, which is pretty much the same as 'Satanic' in my lexicon. And of course there's no hate involved on my part: one doesn't hate the cockroach nor Yersinia pestis.......

SEE, now this post shows the hate of Zionists, and that is what discloses who their Master is!

Yes - your post shows your hatred of Zionists, and who your own Master is. We're all very familiar with your litany of hatred by now. Including your vapid insistence that you don't hate anyone..... Naaaah, you just want to smash things into the faces of 'Zionists' because they don't agree with your POV. Is *that* your idea of 'pacifist humanitarianism' in action?? It's a curious expression for someone who has celebrated nonviolence to be using......

TRUTH IS TRUTH, I am posting news stories about human rights abuses Israel is carrying out in her Occupation of Palestine. You cant prove they are not true, all you can do is personallly attack me as you just did in a couple of posts here. CAN you contribute anything whatsoever to the topic being discussed here, settler attacks on Palestinians?
SEE, now this post shows the hate of Zionists, and that is what discloses who their Master is!

Yes - your post shows your hatred of Zionists, and who your own Master is. We're all very familiar with your litany of hatred by now. Including your vapid insistence that you don't hate anyone..... Naaaah, you just want to smash things into the faces of 'Zionists' because they don't agree with your POV. Is *that* your idea of 'pacifist humanitarianism' in action?? It's a curious expression for someone who has celebrated nonviolence to be using......

TRUTH IS TRUTH, I am posting news stories about human rights abuses Israel is carrying out in her Occupation of Palestine. You cant prove they are not true, all you can do is personallly attack me as you just did in a couple of posts here. CAN you contribute anything
whatsoever to the topic being discussed here, settler attacks on Palestinians?

only an idiot would demand a discussion of a conflict ---focused entirely
on the actions of one side-----in fact such an idea is ludicrous----
The only sport I know at all as a spectator---is BASKETBALL ---
Sherri's comment inspired me to think of commentary on a basket
Video: Aided by Israeli soldiers, settlers attack West Bank village Ras Karkar
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This thread has been cleaned of off topic derailment and flaming.
Maybe this is why Israeli citizens are exempt form "civilian" status by the Fourth Geneva Convention.

Anyone who would condone the killing of Israelis in busses or malls, and especially within the Green Line of Israel proper, isn't human.

Noone here did that.
No, only you and Tinmore keep telling us that it's somehow "legal" to target Israeli kids, women and other civilians. What was it you said the other day in response to a Palestinian terrorist attack? Oh ya, now I remember, you said: "what were they doing there in the first place?". SICK.
Anyone who would condone the killing of Israelis in busses or malls, and especially within the Green Line of Israel proper, isn't human.

Noone here did that.
No, only you and Tinmore keep telling us that it's somehow "legal" to target Israeli kids, women and other civilians. What was it you said the other day in response to a Palestinian terrorist attack? Oh ya, now I remember, you said: "what were they doing there in the first place?". SICK.

Roudy----in the course of my life----sometimes I had to deal with rapists---
(they were chained to their bedrails when I got to them) It was not at
all unusual for them to complain "what was she doing there anyway"
ya' know----like on the roof hanging laundry

my all time fave was the idiot who complained ---"-If she hadn't screamed,,
I would not have had to kill her"
Anyone who would condone the killing of Israelis in busses or malls, and especially within the Green Line of Israel proper, isn't human.

Noone here did that.
No, only you and Tinmore keep telling us that it's somehow "legal" to target Israeli kids, women and other civilians. What was it you said the other day in response to a Palestinian terrorist attack? Oh ya, now I remember, you said: "what were they doing there in the first place?". SICK.

Those aren't my words. I merely quoted international law.
Noone here did that.
No, only you and Tinmore keep telling us that it's somehow "legal" to target Israeli kids, women and other civilians. What was it you said the other day in response to a Palestinian terrorist attack? Oh ya, now I remember, you said: "what were they doing there in the first place?". SICK.

Those aren't my words. I merely quoted international law.

According to Tinmore, not only settlers in the West Bank, but a teacher in Haifa or a doctor in Tel-Aviv, like my uncles, can be killed at random.
No, only you and Tinmore keep telling us that it's somehow "legal" to target Israeli kids, women and other civilians. What was it you said the other day in response to a Palestinian terrorist attack? Oh ya, now I remember, you said: "what were they doing there in the first place?". SICK.

Those aren't my words. I merely quoted international law.

According to Tinmore, not only settlers in the West Bank, but a teacher in Haifa or a doctor in Tel-Aviv, like my uncles, can be killed at random.

Complain to those who wrote the law.
I wonder if Tinnie can pull up for us the paragraph where it states in International Law that you can target civilians of a legal country just because you are angry that they are there because you think you own the land of that country? By the way, Tinnie, did you get the news on your magic computer that really isn't there from any of your friends or relatives in Hamas that Egypt is not that tight with them anymore?

Egyptian relations with Hamas fraying | ICEJ International
According to Tinmore, not only settlers in the West Bank, but a teacher in Haifa or a doctor in Tel-Aviv, like my uncles, can be killed at random.

Complain to those who wrote the law.
What law and how is it worded, slick?

there are two main classes of protected person: (1)...(2) the whole population of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power)
Complain to those who wrote the law.
What law and how is it worded, slick?

there are two main classes of protected person: (1)...(2) the whole population of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power)
I believe this is in regards to combatants and neither Iraq or Afghanistan was ever occupied. Both countries never relinquished their sovereignty.
What law and how is it worded, slick?

there are two main classes of protected person: (1)...(2) the whole population of occupied territories (excluding nationals of the Occupying Power)
I believe this is in regards to combatants and neither Iraq or Afghanistan was ever occupied. Both countries never relinquished their sovereignty.

I usually use this link:

</title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/xsp/.ibmxspres/.mini/css/@Da&@Ib&2Tfxsp.css&2TfxspLTR.css.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/xsp/.ibmxspres/dojoroot-1.6.1/dojo/dojo.js" djConfig="locale: 'fr-ch'"></script> <script type=

But their site is down. See, that is not what I copied.
try to understand----what tinsy is saying is that
a person not LEGALLY PROTECTED----can be legally
killed ----it is even legal to grab infants who are
not 'legally' in a category of PROTECTED
PERSONS ------and slit their throats------he is right--
these are very clear provisions of SHARIAH LAW----
a good example is the murder of Daniel Pearl----
under the laws that tinsy advocates ---since he was not
a "PROTECTED PERSON" ---(dhimmi) when
confronted by an Isa-respecter---the isa respecter has
a RIGHT to kill him (isa-respecters can also rape
any women in such a category and enslave children.
These laws facilitated the legal killing, rape
and enslavment of more then 2 million people in

the issue is the LAW

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