Answer To Racial Tension / Division Found in Carolina Panther's 4-Word Response


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
What's the Solution to All the Racial Tension and World Hatred? Carolina Panthers Cornerback Charles Tillman Nails It:

“Just love one another.”

He went on to tell The Church Boys podcast, “Just love one another, man. Hold your judgment. We all have our faults … don’t be so quick to judge somebody, whether they’re a police officer, whether they’re black, whether they’re white, whether they’re Arab, Jewish — whatever - Just hold your judgment on that person.”

Sounds simple....The problem - the challenge - with that is in order to 'love' someone and NOT judge them you have to get past your own personal selfishness and belief that there is only 1 'right way' / 'correct answer' - YOURS. It REALLY is ok to agree to disagree and let people live their lives, accepting them for who they are instead of insisting they HAVE to be like you!

LINK: NFL Star’s Four-Word Response When Asked for the Solution to Ongoing Racial Tensions

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