Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

That's based on your cult's utterly insane claim that a gas under pressure constantly generates heat. That is, it's delusional on your part.

Of course it isn' don't seem to be able to differentiate the difference between static columns of air and a chaotic system which is constantly moving the heat at the surface generated by pressure....I am sure that you are blissfuly unaware that repeatable experimental evidence exists to support the claim.

Volcanoes, combined with the fact that there were no significant CO2 sinks, with the oceans and most the life being frozen.[/qipte]

Really? So your claim is that back then Volcanoes melted the snowball earth, but modern volcanoes, even the thousands below the surface of the ocean have nothing to do with the atmospheric concentration of CO2 today. Right.

Since your group claims volcanoes control the current climate, it's hilarious that you forget volcanoes the instant it becomes convenient to do so.

More lies on your part. No amount of volcanic CO2 can raise the temperature of the earth since the sensitivity to CO2 is zero. You, on the other hand regularly discount volcanoes, both above and below the ocean as a significant source of CO2 today but go right to volcanoes when you need a source of CO2 to melt a frozen earth. Another example of you projecting.

Henry's Law says you're completely full of shit there. But then, that's just two-century old science. It's obviously all wrong, because you say so.

Clearly, you don't have a clue and everything you say reinforces that fact. Do you even know what Henry's law says? It begins with the statement "At a constant temperature"....when has the temperature of the earth ever been constant?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa.... GOD are you S T U P I D

Let's see it asshole
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAaaaaaa.... GOD are you S T U P I D

Let's see it asshole
Look up Roderich Graeff's work...or not. No point in bringing it here as you would not read it and wouldn't grasp the implications if you did. These are a good start....probably not interesting to you because they are the result of actual experiment and observation...not the output of flawed models.

Measuring the Temperature Distribution in Gas Columns

Gravity Machine

The Loschmidt Gravito-Thermal Effect Old controversy new relevance Science and Technology
You're even more stupid than I thought. Gravity creates a temperature GRADIENT. It does not heat the mass. The equilibrium temperature of the column as a whole will be unaffected. None of your articles say ANYTHING about heating the mass.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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You're even more stupid than I thought. Gravity creates a temperature GRADIENT. It does not heat the mass. The equilibrium temperature of the column as a whole will be unaffected. None of your articles say ANYTHING about heating the mass.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.
good point. The OP is indisputable.
You're even more stupid than I thought. Gravity creates a temperature GRADIENT. It does not heat the mass. The equilibrium temperature of the column as a whole will be unaffected. None of your articles say ANYTHING about heating the mass.

Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Like I said, you wouldn't grasp even if you were shown. Why would that gradient exist as opposed to the equilibrium claimed by Maxwell? And the articles are written for people who are theoretically able to grasp what they are saying...don't expect such papers to be put in juvenile terms that you can understand.
And so SSDD starts quoting lunatic cult pseudoscience from "free energy!" sites.

That is, he's openly nuts.

The rest of the deniers, they're crazy too, but they usually hide it better.
I'm sorry jc, but you're just not up to it.
I'm above it, I have graduated and know the fake data is fake. I call bullshit, I don't accept it and until you present data that is RAW data, it's still bullshit. comprehenda?

It appears that you are afraid of numbers and of anyone that can add them or subtract them. You seem to believe that arithmetic is a proprietary art of the devil.
well friend, there are zero experiments that have shown that adding 120 PPM of CO2 to the atmosphere does anything to climate or temperature. I don't need math, I just need to know there are no numbers from you all to add or subtract. there is just zero, absolute zero at that.
These are empirical data, wheezebulb.


These are empirical data


These are empirical data


These are empirical data


You are such a stupid dipshit.

You do know that correlation isn't the same as causation don't you? You didn't? To bad.

How about some actual evidence that proves causation?
you mean like an experiment that shows that adding 120 PPM of CO2 does anything to cause a temperature increase? Yeah, I've been waiting a long time for that.
Sorry hairball, outgoing LW at the top of the atmosphere is increasing....

Pissdrinker, nobody pays any attention to your graphs of faked mystery data.

If you're not faking the data, just tell us exactly where you got it. I've asked you several times, and you've refused to answer every single time. That's because you're a fraud who keeps trying to pass off faked data.
well I've asked you to post an experiment that shows 120 PPM of CO2 does anything to temperature and you refuse to show one. So are you saying you are a hypocrite?
These are empirical data, wheezebulb.


These are empirical data


These are empirical data


These are empirical data


You are such a stupid dipshit.

You do know that correlation isn't the same as causation don't you? You didn't? To bad.

How about some actual evidence that proves causation?

I know that causation always includes correlation - something you can't seem to grasp. You seem to think that correlation is evidence of no relation. And, pardon me if I follow you no further. The claim here - by several of your buddies - was that mainstream science had no empirical data supporting AGW. These are empirical data and they support AGW.

And how are those intelligent photons coming along? Did you think your claims would be forgotten?
Causation always includes correlation--fact, correlation does not mean causation--fact. And until you can prove CO2 causes temperature increase, you have zip of CO2 causing anything. And is what every skeptic says. everyone I know on here at least along with those I've read on the internet. So where is the evidence of this causation you wish to speak of?
SSDD got his ass kicked on this board by both the deniers and the warmers because of his insane statements concerning science. Too bad he has come back to repeat the same nonsense.

His choosey photons are giggle worthy.
man those old socks are getting ripe.
Natural variation does not mean idiopathic. You still need a cause. CO2 works to satisfy observations. Nothing else - natural or synthetic - does. You're the one making leaps of unevidenced faith.
bullshit! eVer hear of water vapor?
jc, thanks for reminding everyone that SSDD still refuses to tell us where he copied his faked data from.

And here you are, running cover for his fraud. That makes you a willing accomplice to his fraud.

There's only form of life lower than a fraudster, and that's a willing suckup to a fraudster. That would be you.
No it doesn't because CO2 has been between 1000 and 7000ppm in the past without producing the runaway greenhouse effect that the AGW hypothesis demands.

When CO2 was at 7000 ppm, the sun was 4% cooler than it is now. Without CO2, it would have been snowball earth. Heck, without the CO2, it _was_ snowball earth for a long time.

Deniers can't explain why earth didn't stay frozen when the sun was cooler. As always, their stupid theory fails completely. Only CO2 explains why the earth came out of the snowball earth phase.
facepalm 2.png
When CO2 was at 7000 ppm, the sun was 4% cooler than it is now. Without CO2, it would have been snowball earth. Heck, without the CO2, it _was_ snowball earth for a long time.

What about when CO2 was in the 4500 range, or the 1000+ range when the earth entered the ice age it is currently climbing out of? Fact is that CO2 isn't your culprit.

Deniers can't explain why earth didn't stay frozen when the sun was cooler. As always, their stupid theory fails completely. Only CO2 explains why the earth came out of the snowball earth phase.

Water vapor, and the atmospheric thermal effect...nothing more is needed to explain the temperature on earth and every other planet in the solar system while the AGW hypothesis can't even explain the temperature on earth without constant adjustment.

And tell me you f'ing did the CO2 escape from frozen oceans when the earth was in the snowball phase....did cold water suddenly decide that it wasn't going to hold CO2? The recent ice age is the explanation for the currently low atmospheric CO2....given time, the oceans will outgas to the normal 1000+ppm range for earth.
I wish these k00ks would learn about the history of the planet and the ice age.They have programs on the tellie that explains this kind of stuff all the time educational programs from those science places, one that states that an asteroid took out the dinosaurs. hmmm,
jc, thanks for reminding everyone that SSDD still refuses to tell us where he copied his faked data from.

And here you are, running cover for his fraud. That makes you a willing accomplice to his fraud.

There's only form of life lower than a fraudster, and that's a willing suckup to a fraudster. That would be you.
you're just a big fat old hypocrite, there you are barking like a fool again. keep barking

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