Antarctic ice shelf thinning accelerates

Water vapor, and the atmospheric thermal effect...nothing more is needed to explain the temperature on earth and every other planet in the solar system while the AGW hypothesis can't even explain the temperature on earth without constant adjustment.

That's based on your cult's utterly insane claim that a gas under pressure constantly generates heat. That is, it's delusional on your part.

And tell me you f'ing did the CO2 escape from frozen oceans when the earth was in the snowball phase....did cold water suddenly decide that it wasn't going to hold CO2?

Volcanoes, combined with the fact that there were no significant CO2 sinks, with the oceans and most the life being frozen.

Since your group claims volcanoes control the current climate, it's hilarious that you forget volcanoes the instant it becomes convenient to do so.

The recent ice age is the explanation for the currently low atmospheric CO2....given time, the oceans will outgas to the normal 1000+ppm range for earth.

Henry's Law says you're completely full of shit there. But then, that's just two-century old science. It's obviously all wrong, because you say so.
so there you go again talking and barking like a k00k. what happens when a volcano erupts? it spews particles into the atmosphere limiting the sun light. So how did the volcano cause the earth to warm when it was frozen? Could it be that the volcano caused the frozen? huh? what say you!!!
I have no problem with increases in outgoing LW. It's the obvious result of increasing global temperatures.

It doesn't really matter if LW or SW increases or decreases, as long as the total matches the incoming solar.

You don't seem to understand the principles if you think higher surface temps should increase LW out at the TOA.
jc, thanks for reminding everyone that SSDD still refuses to tell us where he copied his faked data from.

I have given you the source several times you stupid old woman. Either you are illiterate and simply can't read, or are a congenital, pathological liar. Since it is clear you can read, we are left with you being a surprise since we knew it all along. Hell, I bet even your warmer buds know that you are a liar but I think that perhaps the AGW cult shares an oddity with islam in that it is perfectly acceptable to lie to the infidel so long as you are doing it in the name of your cult, is it ok to lie to skeptics so long as you do it in the name of gaia?
so there you go again talking and barking like a k00k.
She calls a claim that has been proven by more than 800 repeatable, observable experiments utterly insane. It didn't come out of a computer model and so in her twisted mind, it can't be true.
You don't seem to understand the principles if you think higher surface temps should increase LW out at the TOA.

Except surface temps aren't increasing...haven't for a couple of decades now. What is increasing is atmospheric CO2, shuttling more energy out into space as evidenced by increasing LW leaving at the TOA. CO2 has zero or less effect on the temperature of earth.
I have given you the source several times you stupid old woman.

Yelling "KNMI" and running is not giving a source. It's you being a dishonest chickenshit, an oozy spineless thing that tries to walk upright and fails.

For probably the fifth time, where did you get your faked data about the OLR? Try to locate your balls and tell us exactly how to pull it off of KNMI. If you're not lying, that should be easy. If you are lying, you'll find another excuse to run.

Either you are illiterate and simply can't read, or are a congenital, pathological liar. Since it is clear you can read, we are left with you being a surprise since we knew it all along. Hell, I bet even your warmer buds know that you are a liar but I think that perhaps the AGW cult shares an oddity with islam in that it is perfectly acceptable to lie to the infidel so long as you are doing it in the name of your cult, is it ok to lie to skeptics so long as you do it in the name of gaia?

So sorry about your tiny penis.

Yes, you do make it that obvious. It's standard micropenis-possessor doctrine to attempt to use "woman" as an insult.

And by the way, your neckbeard isn't fooling anyone. Everyone still knows you have that bullfrog chin.
Yelling "KNMI" and running is not giving a source. It's you being a dishonest chickenshit, an oozy spineless thing that tries to walk upright and fails.

As I have pointed out before, KNMI isn't the only source for the data. I have given you NOAA data which says the same thing and yet you continue to tell the lie. The fact that outgoing LW at the top TOA is increasing is, and has been a well known fact. Only those who are ingesting the Kool Aid intravenously remain unaware.

Dishonest old women are so sad.



For probably the fifth time, where did you get your faked data about the OLR? Try to locate your balls and tell us exactly how to pull it off of KNMI. If you're not lying, that should be easy. If you are lying, you'll find another excuse to run.

Guess you want to say NOAA data is faked also.....well they do fake temperatures so they may be faking LW at the TOA although it doesn't help their case any since their models say that LW at the TOA should be decreasing.

So sorry about your tiny penis.

Can't impress a slut I guess. When you have so many to compare to, you forget that tiny is a relative term. Above average became tiny somewhere along the way huh? You must miss the good old hippy free love days and are bitter about being a dried up old woman.

Yes, you do make it that obvious. It's standard micropenis-possessor doctrine to attempt to use "woman" as an insult.

So in addition to a piss fetish, you are now going to be fixated with my dick? You really are a dried up old attention seeking slut aren't you?

And by the way, your neckbeard isn't fooling anyone. Everyone still knows you have that bullfrog chin.

More talking out of ignorance I beard is trimmed to the imperial style.
You _still_ haven't given us a single actual source. Provide the links that show where your graphs actually came from, and someone might believe you're not posting faked data.

Your first plot? Mystery data. You claim it came from NOAA ... because someone labeled a graph with "NOAA". On the graph, the Y-axis isn't even labeled as to what the units are. Someone was confused, and left it as a question mark. But then, they also claim OLR was being measured in 1946.

Your second plot is senseless. An RSS or UAH temp plot has nothing to do with OLR. You're flailing.

We know what happened. On one of your cult websites, someone put together a bunch of crap. You had no idea where it came from or what it meant, but you thought it backed your cult beliefs, so you pasted it here and claimed it was gospel. And now you're throwing a tantrum because it's getting laughed at.
incoming and outgoing radiation can be directly measured by satellites, unfortunately there is a roughly 5W/m2 discrepancy. Hansen arbitrarily set the difference at 0.85W/m2, others have used different methods. while the satellite measurements do not appear to be accurate (5W would fry us pretty quickly) they seem to be precise. we cansee the trend, just not the absolute value. maybe.
You _still_ haven't given us a single actual source. Provide the links that show where your graphs actually came from, and someone might believe you're not posting faked data..

Your desperation has become palatable...screaming fake over every piece of actual data that casts doubt on your faith. Pitiful....f'n pitiful.
You _still_ haven't given any source for your crazy graphs. That's because it's faked data. And now you have sand in your mangina about it.

Why not grow a pair and admit what everyone knows? You copied fabricated nonsense from your cult website. If you admit it, you'll still look like a cult loser, but at least you won't look like a cowardly dishonest cult loser.
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You _still_ haven't given any source for your crazy graphs. That's because it's faked data. And now have sand in your mangina about it.

Why not grow a pair and admit what everyone knows? You copied fabricated nonsense from your cult website. If you admit it, you'll still look like a cult loser, but at least you won't look like a cowardly dishonest cult loser.

Feel free to provide some data from NOAA that contradicts the graph I provided. We both know that won't be happening.
You didn't provide any data from NOAA. You provided a mystery graph that somebody slapped a "NOAA" title on, and which also claimed OLR data was measured in 1946. You're lying outright by pretending to have data from NOAA.

So, how can you stand to look in a mirror without puking? If I acted as badly as you, I'd off myself out of pure shame. But then, sociopaths don't feel shame, do you?
Look at it from the outside. At the very least from equilibrium, higher temperatures must produce greater outgoing LW.
Look at it from the outside. At the very least from equilibrium, higher temperatures must produce greater outgoing LW.

but the earth hasn't been getting warmer...not for a couple of decades while outgoing LW goes right on increasing.
Look at it from the outside. At the very least from equilibrium, higher temperatures must produce greater outgoing LW.

you are incorrect. you really should try thinking about these problems. energy out must match energy in, to a very fine degree. on the other hand, any particular position on the path that energy takes to move through the system has no particular temperature that is necessary (within realistic constraints).
Look at it from the outside. At the very least from equilibrium, higher temperatures must produce greater outgoing LW.

but the earth hasn't been getting warmer...not for a couple of decades while outgoing LW goes right on increasing.

The Earth HAS been getting warmer. I know you love to ignore the oceans, but doing so will, in the end, get you worse than all wet.

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