Anthony Bourdain attacked Hillary Clintons relationship with Weinstein, now Bourdain is dead


Clinton Body Count,. Michael Rivero has now published a fresh list of 90 names...

And how about Seth Rich, another one to add to Clinton's body count?

Hanging oneself is an extremely painful way to commit suicide. It is best described as a last resort method, which would be especially true for a fellow like Bourdain who is very familiar with drugs and undoubtedly knows much less painful ways.

I don't believe this was a suicide.
Hanging oneself is an extremely painful way to commit suicide. It is best described as a last resort method, which would be especially true for a fellow like Bourdain who is very familiar with drugs and undoubtedly knows much less painful ways.

I don't believe this was a suicide.
As wacky as it sounds...I don't believe it was a suicide either.
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say

Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now

You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is

Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Hillary hired some guy to hang him after she had sent a prostitute to his room, she was kind and thought he should get one last roll in the hay. Hillary is a also the head a pedophile ring, and is known to give classified info to the Russian's Putin, she and him have had an ongoing affair, on and off for decades, long before she became the First Lady of the US, as a matter of fact he helped her get that gig. He then helped her get the gig as SOS under Obama. She and Bill have many hired mercenaries. She will never get a prison sentence because she had an affair with Trump and Trump was and is still madly in love with her despite being married. She loves high powered men like Bill, Putin and Trump.

See even I can write fake news and create fiction.
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

“I was — I was just sick,” Clinton told Zakaria. “I was shocked. I was appalled. And, you know, like so many people who’ve come forward and spoken out, this was a different side of a person who I and many others had known in the past.”
-Wondering if this enabling lying feckless twit felt the same way when Bill was on the rampage during the 70's, 80's and 90's?

Clinton told Zakaria she was not aware of Weinstein’s actions.
-She sure knew about ole "slick Willie"...

"I certainly didn't, and I don't know who did. But I can only speak for myself, and I think I speak for many others who knew him primarily through politics," Clinton said.

Weinstein and his family have given more than one million dollars in political contributions to Democratic lawmakers, candidates and their allies, the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics reported.

Clinton said she would donate the money she was given by Weinstein to charity.
-Nothing but a lying douche bag with a nasty smell...

I hate conspiracy theories... I am hoping someone proves something against Bill's wife...
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein
Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say
Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now
You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is
Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Commenting on article:

HILLARY: "But I can only speak for myself, and I think I speak for many others" So you can only speak for yourself and THREE WORDS LATER are speaking for others? What is this, Hillary, are we back to what the meaning of "is" is??

Clinton said she would donate the money she was given by Weinstein to charity. What charity is THAT, Hillary, your own Clinton Global Initiative where you "help the Haitians?"

“Know what Hillary Clinton is NOT? She’s not stupid. Or unsophisticated about the world. Secretary Clinton was one of the most intelligent, well prepared, well briefed politicians ever." Except when it comes to computers, cellphones, emails, hard drives, security classifications, national security, national secrets, phone calls from Ambassadors begging for help, and deplorable states.

HILLARY: “I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein," she stated. "The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated." Except that YOU tolerated it Hillary, from your own husband, more than that, you defended it and attacked and destroyed those women because you knew you needed your husband to loft your own political ambitions.
Hanging oneself is an extremely painful way to commit suicide. It is best described as a last resort method, which would be especially true for a fellow like Bourdain who is very familiar with drugs and undoubtedly knows much less painful ways.

I don't believe this was a suicide.

Of course, you don't, cuz you're a tard and tards are paranoid. The fact is Anthony Bourdain suffered from depression throughout most of his adult life and said years ago he had considered suicide, but his daughter kept him going. Apparently, that wasn't enough anymore.
Where is MindWars ? Surely, she has communications from Alex Jones that can tell us the real truth........
Where is MindWars ? Surely, she has communications from Alex Jones that can tell us the real truth........

Yep. She posted some in the other thread. I didnt watch the videos because I'm allergic to Alex Jones' face, but it appears the Conspriacy involves Elon Musk, and possibly aliens.
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say

Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now

You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is

Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Hillary hired some guy to hang him after she had sent a prostitute to his room, she was kind and thought he should get one last roll in the hay. Hillary is a also the head a pedophile ring, and is known to give classified info to the Russian's Putin, she and him have had an ongoing affair, on and off for decades, long before she became the First Lady of the US, as a matter of fact he helped her get that gig. He then helped her get the gig as SOS under Obama. She and Bill have many hired mercenaries. She will never get a prison sentence because she had an affair with Trump and Trump was and is still madly in love with her despite being married. She loves high powered men like Bill, Putin and Trump.

See even I can write fake news and create fiction.
I never did knowed any of this stuff. How do you know fer sure it is fake news?
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say

Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now

You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is

Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Hillary hired some guy to hang him after she had sent a prostitute to his room, she was kind and thought he should get one last roll in the hay. Hillary is a also the head a pedophile ring, and is known to give classified info to the Russian's Putin, she and him have had an ongoing affair, on and off for decades, long before she became the First Lady of the US, as a matter of fact he helped her get that gig. He then helped her get the gig as SOS under Obama. She and Bill have many hired mercenaries. She will never get a prison sentence because she had an affair with Trump and Trump was and is still madly in love with her despite being married. She loves high powered men like Bill, Putin and Trump.

See even I can write fake news and create fiction.

Must be true if you say so

Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say

Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now

You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is

Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Hillary hired some guy to hang him after she had sent a prostitute to his room, she was kind and thought he should get one last roll in the hay. Hillary is a also the head a pedophile ring, and is known to give classified info to the Russian's Putin, she and him have had an ongoing affair, on and off for decades, long before she became the First Lady of the US, as a matter of fact he helped her get that gig. He then helped her get the gig as SOS under Obama. She and Bill have many hired mercenaries. She will never get a prison sentence because she had an affair with Trump and Trump was and is still madly in love with her despite being married. She loves high powered men like Bill, Putin and Trump.

See even I can write fake news and create fiction.
I never did knowed any of this stuff. How do you know fer sure it is fake news?

Dead people do not create fake news...……………..
Of course, you don't, cuz you're a tard and tards are paranoid. The fact is Anthony Bourdain suffered from depression throughout most of his adult life and said years ago he had considered suicide, but his daughter kept him going. Apparently, that wasn't enough anymore.
I'm not talking about motivation. I'm talking about method. Once again, in case it escaped your comprehension, hanging oneself by a belt over a door is probably the most painful method of all. It is pure torture, but there are many less painful ways to do it.

Depression is one thing. Masochistic self-loathing and self-punishment is quite another.
Hanging oneself is an extremely painful way to commit suicide. It is best described as a last resort method, which would be especially true for a fellow like Bourdain who is very familiar with drugs and undoubtedly knows much less painful ways.

I don't believe this was a suicide.
As wacky as it sounds...I don't believe it was a suicide either.
If he shot himself, overdosed on something, jumped from a high place, cut his wrists even, then I would believe it. But for a fellow with his level of sophistication, and all he has to live for, I can't believe he would do something like strangling himself.
Anthony Bourdain blasts Hillary Clinton’s ‘shameful’ interview regarding Harvey Weinstein

Anthony Bourdain, CNN host and celebrity chef, hanged himself with bathrobe belt, prosecutors say

Well Hillary is still killing people, this with no political future she must be really scared of the pokey by now

You go girl, you go in the potty in the cell that is

Life is great, so live it to the fullest

Hillary hired some guy to hang him after she had sent a prostitute to his room, she was kind and thought he should get one last roll in the hay. Hillary is a also the head a pedophile ring, and is known to give classified info to the Russian's Putin, she and him have had an ongoing affair, on and off for decades, long before she became the First Lady of the US, as a matter of fact he helped her get that gig. He then helped her get the gig as SOS under Obama. She and Bill have many hired mercenaries. She will never get a prison sentence because she had an affair with Trump and Trump was and is still madly in love with her despite being married. She loves high powered men like Bill, Putin and Trump.

See even I can write fake news and create fiction.
I never did knowed any of this stuff. How do you know fer sure it is fake news?

Either that or I have special powers.:)

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