Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

Wasn't kennedy, Borks replacement pick? Reagan couldn't get Bork through and the left made it clear they would only confirm a nomination they agreed with...Bork once joked that his name has become an adjective because of the nomination process i.e. "they borked the pick"

Right --- and I hope they don't bork the next Trump pick, but it's possible. With only 51 votes needed, however, it would be a lot harder to bork someone.

A lot of rumors are saying Clarence Thomas may be next, though he's only 69. I hope so --- he hasn't talked for years and can't really be in compos mentis -- it would be good to replace him with a conservative black who is young and could serve for decades. Because then Ginsburg is still 85 or 86 then, and how long can she really keep going? She is already failing in ability, clearly. These are all supposed to be ethnic picks: white guy, black, Jew. Could do an Oriental for the Jew seat, I guess.
Leave her alone she is a nice person

Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
I don't know what you mean, "would have waited." I think (I hope) they would have done their jobs. Obama did his. The senate did not do its job.

Would have held off......

They would have nominated and confirmed in a week.

The senate didn't exist for Obama. That is why the G is for Gorsuch and not Garland.
LOL The senate exists to create and pass laws. It also exists to advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations made by the sitting President of the United States. Read your Constitution if you don't believe me. Saying they don't need to follow a reasonable time frame isn't in there because no one expected senators to be quite so irresponsible with their decisions in order to keep power. Republicans are a more and more power hungry group of madmen. It even led them to nominate and elect and now support a disgusting piece of work like Donald Trump, who is humiliating the U.S. in front of the entire world.

You're just making excuse after excuse for what was a miserable manipulation of power and someday, somehow, I hope those guys get bitten in the ass for it. But not that the Dems do it "back." The Senate needs to buckle down and do its job, including compromising on legislation that can move this country forward. Who cares if you get reelected--do what is right.
Oh for FUCKS SAKE.......
It has already began.... CNN ramping up the fear about abortion overturning and gay marriage.
It's been a couple hours, and CNN is in full swing already.
Just heard on ABC News radio.
/----/ Rush predicts that the Leftards will demand that Trump not name a nominee until Muller concludes his investigation on Collusion otherwise if Trump is removed from office the USSC appointee will be seen as illegitimate. AND I AGREE WITH RUSH.

The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

Next the GOP Supreme Court will rule the rich don't need to pay any taxes at all LOL...
/------/ I hope they do just to see it fry your bacon.
hysterical liberal.jpg
Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
I don't know what you mean, "would have waited." I think (I hope) they would have done their jobs. Obama did his. The senate did not do its job.

Would have held off......

They would have nominated and confirmed in a week.

The senate didn't exist for Obama. That is why the G is for Gorsuch and not Garland.
LOL The senate exists to create and pass laws. It also exists to advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations made by the sitting President of the United States. Read your Constitution if you don't believe me. Saying they don't need to follow a reasonable time frame isn't in there because no one expected senators to be quite so irresponsible with their decisions in order to keep power. Republicans are a more and more power hungry group of madmen. It even led them to nominate and elect and now support a disgusting piece of work like Donald Trump, who is humiliating the U.S. in front of the entire world.

You're just making excuse after excuse for what was a miserable manipulation of power and someday, somehow, I hope those guys get bitten in the ass for it. But not that the Dems do it "back." The Senate needs to buckle down and do its job, including compromising on legislation that can move this country forward. Who cares if you get reelected--do what is right.
Not a single Dem compromised with the tax cuts. Nor with the immigration bill. They stick together like dick and homo ass.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.
Democrats, Teddy Kennedy, and Joe Biden started the Supreme Court battles back in 1980’s and 1990’s with Bork and Thomas hearings. They blocked Bork.
? They voted down Bork, 58-42. If the MeToo movement had been at the time, Ol' Clarence Pubie In His Teeth Thomas should have been voted down, as well. But the foreshadowing of what the Republican Party was becoming was evident.
Oh for FUCKS SAKE.......
It has already began.... CNN ramping up the fear about abortion overturning and gay marriage.
It's been a couple hours, and CNN is in full swing already.
I wouldn't watch too much of CNN. It's not good for your teeth.
Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.
Its not a presidential election

It's a tradition, not a law, so does not pertain to either presidential or midterm elections.
No one said midterms except you
Get ready for the bloodiest, most partisan driven war our government has seen since Vietnam.

Maybe not..... Because we have the votes, and they don't. They may do a lot of yelling and cursing and screaming in Congress, as Rand Paul is now on TV saying they do all the time now, but I don't see how they can block much of anything Trump wants to do.

The worst thing I foresee is that they'll dig up fake dirt on WHOMEVER Trump appoints and try to Bork him/her.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
I don't know what you mean, "would have waited." I think (I hope) they would have done their jobs. Obama did his. The senate did not do its job.

Would have held off......

They would have nominated and confirmed in a week.

The senate didn't exist for Obama. That is why the G is for Gorsuch and not Garland.
LOL The senate exists to create and pass laws. It also exists to advise and consent on Supreme Court nominations made by the sitting President of the United States. Read your Constitution if you don't believe me. Saying they don't need to follow a reasonable time frame isn't in there because no one expected senators to be quite so irresponsible with their decisions in order to keep power. Republicans are a more and more power hungry group of madmen. It even led them to nominate and elect and now support a disgusting piece of work like Donald Trump, who is humiliating the U.S. in front of the entire world.

You're just making excuse after excuse for what was a miserable manipulation of power and someday, somehow, I hope those guys get bitten in the ass for it. But not that the Dems do it "back." The Senate needs to buckle down and do its job, including compromising on legislation that can move this country forward. Who cares if you get reelected--do what is right.
Not a single Dem compromised with the tax cuts. Nor with the immigration bill. They stick together like dick and homo ass.
Ain't it great the way the GOP only needs 51 votes to pass tax cuts on the rich but Democrats need 60 to fix this mess?
Republicans cheated to get the court in their favor now we face more potentially unamerican decisions.
Time to buy more shares of "Pink Pussy Hat" stocks on the Exchange tomorrow.

Because it's the favorite headgear of looney liberals and radical feminists who will be back out in force protesting again. ... :cool:
Get ready for the bloodiest, most partisan driven war our government has seen since Vietnam.

Maybe not..... Because we have the votes, and they don't. They may do a lot of yelling and cursing and screaming in Congress, as Rand Paul is now on TV saying they do all the time now, but I don't see how they can block much of anything Trump wants to do.

The worst thing I foresee is that they'll dig up fake dirt on WHOMEVER Trump appoints and try to Bork him/her.
Bork was a ideological idiot.
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.
Its not a presidential election

It's a tradition, not a law, so does not pertain to either presidential or midterm elections.

McConnell would not survive if he did that.

You can bet you are totally screwed in this regard.

Oh how I love it when voting for Trump is paying off so well.

Keep waiting for 2020....and 2024.....and 2028.....

You'll be an old man before anything happens you'll be happy about.

You lost in 2016.

Suck on it.
2020's full of shit. It was about presidential elections
Get ready for the bloodiest, most partisan driven war our government has seen since Vietnam.

Maybe not..... Because we have the votes, and they don't. They may do a lot of yelling and cursing and screaming in Congress, as Rand Paul is now on TV saying they do all the time now, but I don't see how they can block much of anything Trump wants to do.

The worst thing I foresee is that they'll dig up fake dirt on WHOMEVER Trump appoints and try to Bork him/her.


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