Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!

The filthy Democrats can march around in their pink pussy hats and howl at the sky all they want.

The Republicans control the Senate. They control the committee and they have established the rule for a simple majority vote.

The new judge will be confirmed before the election and there ain't a damn thing the Democrat filth can do about it.

MAGA Baby!
The greedy idiot GOP billionaire scumbags thank you!

The billionaires are the ones that supported Obama in 2008 and 2012 and Crooked Hillary in 2016 so if I was a stupid Moon Bat like you I wouldn't be too critical of them.
Sure, because if you give a speech to someone it means you are controlled by them LOL! Ever consider the policies she wanted that they didn't, whereas the GOP is totally bought by Wall Street Big Oil big health... Poor America, poor GOP Dupes...

Sorry Moon Bat but you are confused. Wall Street, Hollywood Limousine Liberals and Silicon Valley billionaires supported that filthy ass Crooked Hillary bitch. That doesn't even include Soros or that asshole Bloomberg.

The Democrat Party is a coalition of welfare queens, globalist billionaires and anybody sucking of the teat of big government.

If you think that's what the Democratic party is now, hold on to you little jock strap, honey. It's going to get 100 X worse after the new SCOTUS.

We'll be returning the the days of the pre Lockner court. The days when minimum wage laws and maximum work hours laws were struck down as, "interfering with the employees' right to contract...".

America, welcome to the corpoarate-capaitalist plantation.

It's amazing how slavery, debt peonage, debtors' prisons and other nefarious, anti-humane, anti-democratic institutions are always sought to be brought back by the greedy, the venal and the accumulators of capital.

The Court will increasingly be used as another tool in the capital accumulators' war against the working class.

Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.

Scuze moi, but Congress is a co-equal branch of government. It doesn't have to do the President's bidding on the President's timetable.
Yessssssssss !!!
OMG, this week can't get any better !
The left is going to be in utter meltdown mode !!!
If only the old bag ruth would kick it

Advice is to mega stock on the big popcorn, the coming Leftists Head Exploding Festival is going to be delicious to observe.

Mitch McConnell will go full blown hypocrite if he doesn't do the same thing he did in 2016, and say it's too close to an election to appoint a new justice to SCOTUS.
Oh, but wait....That's what all you fuckers are...hypocrites.
Its not a presidential election

It's a tradition, not a law, so does not pertain to either presidential or midterm elections.

McConnell would not survive if he did that.

You can bet you are totally screwed in this regard.

Oh how I love it when voting for Trump is paying off so well.

Keep waiting for 2020....and 2024.....and 2028.....

You'll be an old man before anything happens you'll be happy about.

You lost in 2016.

Suck on it.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.
This is just getting too easy.
In the first place we have the Dem's changing the rules to benefit the Dem's. And the when the GOP applies those same changes, they cry.
I am just laughing may ass off.
Bye bye Miss American Pie.
Drive your Chevy to the levee cause your vagina is dry.
Stay out of my bloomers. Everyone knows that.
Dems never held back a Supreme Court nomination when a Pres had eleven months left in office. You are doing the dishonest blaming the Dems for your own dirty tricks and inexcusable actions.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Had they cared more about America, than buying Russian Propaganda, infilitrating America with Anti-Democracy Illegals and Jihadists, Rigging Elections, Paying thugs to rough up Trump Voters, Staging a COUP, and selling Russia our Uranium, and letting Iran have NUKES, they may have had a chance.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.
Let’s hope Ginsburg gorks now too! :cheers2:

The left will keep her on life support hoping for a senate swap in 2018.

But it's not going to happen.

AZ and MO will go GOP.

They will likely have 52-53 when done.

Then Ruth can die (like she should) in pain (I hope) and we'll replace her with someone that makes Robert Bork look like a leftist.

deanrd must be crapping his welfare purchased britches.

I have read that President Franklin Roosevelt who was a Communist Sympathiser pack that Court with Leftists, they controlled it for more than a generation, so in a situation when the pendulum swings you must take that opportunity and that is now and that is to pack that Court with Solid Right-Wing Judges not these Beta Cuck Faggot RINOs like this Kennedy one who is to retire, I have read about him and not a lot of difference between him and the Democrats.

FDR did exactly that, you're spot on Lucy.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be impartial and abide by the rule of law, idiots.
Post where you read that FDR did this.
You fucking idiots read a post here and just believe it if it fits your bi-assss.

You never heard of FDR's "Court Packing Scheme".

It was so vile, it pissed off his own party.
Well there are elections in in November and according to scumbag GOP and the Dupes, that means we should wait until after the election to support a new nomination LOL. At any rate we will never regain our status as a great leading country until Democrats control the the government again like 2 months under Obama and under LBJ...
We WILL go nuke and have a CONSERVATIVE SCOTUS pick in 60 days. And there is not a godamn thing liberals can do about it.

What is that Fury, they will go nuke what is it? Is it just a vote on party lines or is it something else?
Simple majority.
No doubt. Although he wasn't exactly a true RWer. Consider:

Early in his Supreme Court tenure, Kennedy voted with Rehnquist and the conservative bloc 90 percent of the time, including striking down an affirmative action program requiring set-asides for black-owned construction firms and upholding a law requiring minors seeking abortions to first get permission from a parent.

But Kennedy also showed early on that his decisions weren't based on political ideology, siding with his liberal colleagues in 1989 to uphold a ruling that protesters had a Constitutional right to burn the American flag.

In 1992, he voted with the liberal wing again, ruling that legal restrictions on access to abortion must not constitute an "undue burden" on a woman's right to abortion established in the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision.

He also voted to extend constitutional protections to gays and lesbians, writing the 1996 opinion striking down a Colorado constitutional amendment denying homosexuals the right to file local discrimination claims. He also sided with the court's liberal wing in 2003 in declaring unconstitutional a Texas law criminalizing sodomy between consenting adults of the same sex.

But many conservatives believed that Kennedy redeemed himself when he cast the deciding vote in the landmark case of Gore vs. Bush that ended a recount in Florida of the presidential election and sent Republican George W. Bush to the White House.

In 2015, Kennedy was again slammed as a conservative traitor when he cast the deciding vote in two landmark cases.

Not only did he cast the deciding vote guaranteeing the right to same-sex marriage, he wrote the majority opinion: "It would misunderstand these men and women to say they disrespect the idea of marriage. Their plea is that they do respect it, respect it so deeply that they seek to find its fulfillment for themselves. Their hope is not to be condemned to live in loneliness, excluded from one of civilization's oldest institutions. They ask for equal dignity in the eyes of the law. The Constitution grants them that right."

That same year, Kennedy voted to uphold a key component of the 2010 Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, allowing the federal government to provide nationwide tax subsidies to help Americans buy health insurance.

Anthony Kennedy, crucial Supreme Court swing vote, retiring after 3 decades
Wasn't kennedy, Borks replacement pick? Reagan couldn't get Bork through and the left made it clear they would only confirm a nomination they agreed with...Bork once joked that his name has become an adjective because of the nomination process i.e. "they borked the pick"

I think you're right. But this time Trump and the GOP don't need the Dems IF they don't lose any Repub votes. So whoever Trump nominates better be acceptable at least to all the Repubs cuz the Dems sure as hell aren't going to vote for him/her.
Make a note guys...self-proclaimed Republicans and conservatives are rooting for a "conservative judge."

I hope I don't hear any bitching, whining and moaning when the shoe's on the other foot.

I hope I don't hear any far rightwing clap-trap about "judges aren't supposed to be partisan" a little bit down the road.

Yes. We want judges who will actually uphold the constitution and bill of rights

Yeah, not interpret the Constitution to mean exactly the opposite of what it says.
Time to reverse Roe Vs Wade!

Then get ready to pay out the ass for all the unwanted babies that will be born. If you think the internment camps for these immigrants is expensive, just wait until you get the bill for millions of unwanted children. Want to just ignore them and let them fall between the cracks? Fine, then look for a boom in crime when they become teenagers.
Already have that now. WTF are you talking about? Get rid of welfare and public housing and maybe these girls will think twice before spreading their legs knowing that there is no reward for it.

No you fucking don't have that now. You're deluded if you don't think the right to an abortion and free birth control pills hasn't changed the welfare landscape over the last 40 years.
Stop blaming females for the problem.
Maybe BOYS should keep their zippers up.
God knows I wish your father had.
I bet about a dozen Iraqi soldiers did too.

LMAO. Keyboard Kowboy.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.

Scuze moi, but Congress is a co-equal branch of government. It doesn't have to do the President's bidding on the President's timetable.
The Congress, as a branch of government, needs to discharge its responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution. It failed, purposely.
Let’s hope Ginsburg gorks now too! :cheers2:

The left will keep her on life support hoping for a senate swap in 2018.

But it's not going to happen.

AZ and MO will go GOP.

They will likely have 52-53 when done.

Then Ruth can die (like she should) in pain (I hope) and we'll replace her with someone that makes Robert Bork look like a leftist.

deanrd must be crapping his welfare purchased britches.

I have read that President Franklin Roosevelt who was a Communist Sympathiser pack that Court with Leftists, they controlled it for more than a generation, so in a situation when the pendulum swings you must take that opportunity and that is now and that is to pack that Court with Solid Right-Wing Judges not these Beta Cuck Faggot RINOs like this Kennedy one who is to retire, I have read about him and not a lot of difference between him and the Democrats.

FDR did exactly that, you're spot on Lucy.

The Supreme Court is supposed to be impartial and abide by the rule of law, idiots.
Post where you read that FDR did this.
You fucking idiots read a post here and just believe it if it fits your bi-assss.
It’s basic American History. He tried to pack the Court after he lost the Schectner case.
Totally unbelievable

The liberals screwed up so bad.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.
This is just getting too easy.
In the first place we have the Dem's changing the rules to benefit the Dem's. And the when the GOP applies those same changes, they cry.
I am just laughing may ass off.
Bye bye Miss American Pie.
Drive your Chevy to the levee cause your vagina is dry.
Stay out of my bloomers. Everyone knows that.
Dems never held back a Supreme Court nomination when a Pres had eleven months left in office. You are doing the dishonest blaming the Dems for your own dirty tricks and inexcusable actions.
OMIGOD, They started it!
You need a recent history lesson!
Did you sleep through the class in high school, or (as I suspect) never take American history? Or even worse, did you attend High School?
Even though you idjits want to erase history, you cannot change it.
Gorsuch's seat was a stolen seat. You shouldn't be so proud of yourselves. But of course, shame isn't part of the vocabulary if you support Trump.

Go fuck yourself.

Leave her alone she is a nice person

Opinions do vary.
It's not a popularity contest. You know I'm right about what the Republicans did to the Garland nomination.

We won the senate.

You really think Obama and Ried would have waited if they still owned the show ?

If you say yes, you are lying, stupid or both.
I don't know what you mean, "would have waited." I think (I hope) they would have done their jobs. Obama did his. The senate did not do its job.
His seat was not stolen. Enough with the lies
Don't call me a liar. McConnell had no right to do what he did. He ignored the Constitutional duties of the senate with a smirk. Dirty pol.

Then stop lying. The senate has the duty to advice and consent. They said no. Deal with it
No, they didn't, liar. They refused to do their Constitutional duty to advise and consent. They did not do their job. A No vote and I wouldn't have an issue.

Wanting gun control and upholding Roe v. Wade is entirely mainstream. Holding out for some far right turkey should have waited until you had a Republican President. Not a year before.

Scuze moi, but Congress is a co-equal branch of government. It doesn't have to do the President's bidding on the President's timetable.
The Congress, as a branch of government, needs to discharge its responsibilities as outlined in the Constitution. It failed, purposely.
It is. Senate has advice and consent.

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