Anthony Kennedy just announced his retirement!


If you are saying the Dems will try to get Trump impeached before he gets his USSC pick in, they just don't have the votes in the House to impeach, and unless they overturn the majority in the House at Midterms, they just can't impeach. Doesn't matter about the Senate: the House impeaches, IF they have the votes. But because elections are uncertain, I think Trump will move fast, this summer. August, the swearing-in.
This was the biggest reason I voted for Trump. Hoped he would do something, anything about illegal immigration and lowering taxes, but SC appointments are far more important than nearly anything else a President can accomplish in his term.
Why do you sad losers care more about hurting liberals - who are Americans the people protected by the constitution and bill of rights - rather than getting and explaining good policy?
Because you people are a stain on our constitution. Best to wipe you away and restore Americas values.
While you idiots debate on which bathroom to use the rest of us work to protect our families & future.
Oh for FUCKS SAKE.......
It has already began.... CNN ramping up the fear about abortion overturning and gay marriage.
It's been a couple hours, and CNN is in full swing already.
I wouldn't watch too much of CNN. It's not good for your teeth.

I don't, it is mainly for the entertainment value and to witness the triggerization.
Maybe I AM nice. I can't understand why watching people get all upset is so enjoyable for some folks.
So far the fear mongering includes......

1) Reverse of Roe vs. Wade (like this has never been talked about)
2) Affirmative action ending (which of course would be awesome)
3) Women's rights going back to the 1960's
4) Gays may lose rights to stay in hotels and restaurants
5) Men will get away with rape

Holy Cow..... we are seeing full triggerization!!!! You never go full triggered!!!
Because you disagree with them.
Today’s union vote. Have you seen liberals in hysterics, calling the court fraudulent and activist judges? Nope. The SC ruled on the Muslim ban. Are liberals attacking the court and justices the way republicans have for years? Nope. I respect impartiality, not what you people are trying to do.
Kennedy is retiring. Have you seen any Loser's head explode?

Chuck Schumer's, just now on TV.

"Chuck Schumer's, just now on TV."

Hopefully his wife/husband/whatever the below thing is is not with him? His wife/husband/whatever the below thing is should never by law be allowed out in public without a bag on it's head.

Someone PMd me a picture of that Schumer's wife, see below first two pictures and I was like WTF? They did not first tell me who this picture was and so I respond who is this man in this picture? And they say no that is a woman that is Schumer's wife. I think this is why they hate to see beautiful women they are jealous, it's because their women are so repulsive and look like Transgenders and full on men, this is why Leftists post such nasty vile things about how Melania and Ivanka look, it's because the Leftist women look like Transgenders and full on men and there is nothing Feminine about them:



Charles Schumer and his Husband in Drag....uh put a bag over it's head already.


Charles Schumer with lipstick on is more Feminine than his Husband:


Chucky was proud to announce his daughter's engagement to her girlfriend.

If his daughter suffers from homosexuality you can bet their was some severe abuse in her background.
Republicans cheated to get the court in their favor now we face more potentially unamerican decisions.
you are so full of shit the sewage companies have put a collective ban on your ass.

Funny how you say that. After all this is an election year, so we can't nominate a justice yet.
Thanks goodness Her Thighness Clinton is not POTUS right now for a host of reasons, this being one. I can't imagine her picking (2) judges


We might actually have rejoined the human race LOL!
/——/ I haven’t seen democRATs freak out like this since slavery was outlawed.

You shoulkd go check out DU. they are going batshit crazy.

Just wait until that evil bitch Ginsburg licks the bucket.
So far the fear mongering includes......

1) Reverse of Roe vs. Wade (like this has never been talked about)
2) Affirmative action ending (which of course would be awesome)
3) Women's rights going back to the 1960's
4) Gays may lose rights to stay in hotels and restaurants
5) Men will get away with rape

Holy Cow..... we are seeing full triggerization!!!! You never go full triggered!!!
/——/ The screeched the same thing when Thomas was appointed
Oh for FUCKS SAKE.......
It has already began.... CNN ramping up the fear about abortion overturning and gay marriage.
It's been a couple hours, and CNN is in full swing already.
I wouldn't watch too much of CNN. It's not good for your teeth.

I don't, it is mainly for the entertainment value and to witness the triggerization.
Maybe I AM nice. I can't understand why watching people get all upset is so enjoyable for some folks.'s kind of funny.
I mean c'mon... CNN has lost it.
Republicans cheated to get the court in their favor now we face more potentially unamerican decisions.
Cheated? Wake up idiot. Dems are the ones that don't give a fuck about their constituents. That is why they rigged their primaries.

That did not happen.
Oh for FUCKS SAKE.......
It has already began.... CNN ramping up the fear about abortion overturning and gay marriage.
It's been a couple hours, and CNN is in full swing already.

They are right to cover these issues --- I didn't think of the homosexual marriage stuff, but look at this thread: a lot of conservative males are salivating at the prospect of getting women back under their thumbs, having to raise the men's rape-get or seduction and abandonment pregnancies till they are 18 or more. And by the women alone, of course. THAT will turn a lot of women away from Repubs, and so I doubt Trump will appoint anyone with an anti-abortion record. I've been a Republican woman for a loooonnnnnnng time and I know that there always was a gentlemanly but silent agreement that the GOP doesn't mess with women's rights. And they didn't. And Trump clearly was never an antiabortionist before, so I'm hoping he'll hang onto that value.
I like to think of it as several men making a lot of noise as if they were a small army.
EDIT..... before commercial they managed to squeeze in that gay people might have to worry about getting refused at hotels.
This is too much.

I'm for a libertarian justice: I wish Trump would appoint someone who would stuff all this have-to-bake-pervert-cakes if you are a Republican, but can throw prominent members of the Administration out of restaurants freely if you are a leftist -- I want to see a return to everyone getting to say who they do or don't do business with. Freely.

That would put the onus back on the public to act reasonably normal instead of being constantly outrageous as so many are now. If they want to do business, stay in a hotel, rent an apartment, etc. In my lifetime business people could freely decide whom they would do business with, and lose the profits but gain freedom to choose. I want that back.
Really? Where was the liberal replacement for Thurgood Marshall? We got Uncle Thomas instead. It wasn’t Obama’s job to put in another right wing politician in robes like Scalia. It was to nominate a qualified person to fill the seat.
Republicans and self-proclaimed conservatives make up the rules as they go along.

AKA, they lie.

If Republicans didn't lie, they'd have nothing to say.
Because you disagree with them.
Today’s union vote. Have you seen liberals in hysterics, calling the court fraudulent and activist judges? Nope. The SC ruled on the Muslim ban. Are liberals attacking the court and justices the way republicans have for years? Nope. I respect impartiality, not what you people are trying to do.
Kennedy is retiring. Have you seen any Loser's head explode?

Chuck Schumer's, just now on TV.

"Chuck Schumer's, just now on TV."

Hopefully his wife/husband/whatever the below thing is is not with him? His wife/husband/whatever the below thing is should never by law be allowed out in public without a bag on it's head.

Someone PMd me a picture of that Schumer's wife, see below first two pictures and I was like WTF? They did not first tell me who this picture was and so I respond who is this man in this picture? And they say no that is a woman that is Schumer's wife. I think this is why they hate to see beautiful women they are jealous, it's because their women are so repulsive and look like Transgenders and full on men, this is why Leftists post such nasty vile things about how Melania and Ivanka look, it's because the Leftist women look like Transgenders and full on men and there is nothing Feminine about them:



Charles Schumer and his Husband in Drag....uh put a bag over it's head already.


Charles Schumer with lipstick on is more Feminine than his Husband:


Chucky was proud to announce his daughter's engagement to her girlfriend.
/——-/ Their wedding song was “I want a girl, just like the girl that married dear old Dad.”’

If you are saying the Dems will try to get Trump impeached before he gets his USSC pick in, they just don't have the votes in the House to impeach, and unless they overturn the majority in the House at Midterms, they just can't impeach. Doesn't matter about the Senate: the House impeaches, IF they have the votes. But because elections are uncertain, I think Trump will move fast, this summer. August, the swearing-in.

The House can vote to impeach the President if they want to, assuming the Dems regain control. But he won't go anywhere unless the Senate holds a trial and votes to remove him from office. Which last I heard requires 67 votes (2/3 majority), which just ain't going to happen unless he does something really bad that no one knows about yet.

But here's the kicker-----guess who gets to be the next President? Mike Pence. We're you expecting a big change in direction?

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