Anthony The Mooch Scaramucci calls decision to work for Trump a colossal mistake:"his policies were better than Hillary's, didn't think he'd go rogue"

To get rid of corrupt, criminal, Washington Establishment, 'Swamp creatures' one has to go 'rogue' .... which is to buck the corruot / criminal political status quo.

Trump did not 'upset the apple cart' when he got into the WH - he turned it over and set the cart on fire.

He made - as you can see 6 years later - powerful enemies who had been coasting on the 'political system' they had created over time and conditioned Americans to accept as 'normal', exposing the corruption, crime, etc...

He destroyed the previous precedence of allowing the media to get away with being rude, extremely partisan, insulting, lying, (now proven) propaganda pushers and disinformation peddlers who were nothing more tban Democrats' surrogates / accomplices. He fought back, gave as good as he got - better.

He started the 'revolution' that ripped through the 'established' fake news mefia like a fragmentation grenade, sending previously unquestioned CNN's ratings plunging, losing their credibility to the point where they had to FIRE their biggest named partisan hacks while trying to win back people's trust. The NY Times was exposed as havibg been GIVEN unearned Pulitzers for writing FICTION for years.
- The NY Times was to the Pulitzer as Barry was to the Nobel Peace Prize.

And Trump started all of that, whether you want to admit it or not. He cometely upended the status quo insider / swamp BS in DC and exposed the liberal fake news media.

Because of the treasonous scandals against him, the US government's own NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, former President / VP, a former 1st Lady / Sect if State, a Speaker of the House, and other elected officials were expoaed as criminals, perjurors, TRAITORS who violated both Constitution and Rule of Law and who attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally removing a sitting President from office.

To create change in such a corrupt, criminal, 'fixed' scandalous / treasonous government / situation - as he did, even if only temporarilly - Trump could not go into office as one who played by THEIR rules created to keep the status quo. He had to go in like a bull in a china shop.

Tbe biggest reason so many hated / still hate Trump and want him destroyed is because he turned their corrupt status quo upside down, threatened them / the good thing they had going, and exposed tbem for who they were - the politicians and the media.

IMO how Democrats have gone out of the way to destroy the lives of those who were invved with J6 --' even the non-violent comvicted 'paraders', how they held them for 2 years, put them in isolation, tortured them --- is in large part meant to 'teach Americans a lesson / as a warning to necervtry to tise up against 'their masters' again. It is a message tbat 'Trump is gone, he can't protect you, you are at OUR mercy because WE are back in charge....tbe status who is veing re-established'.

IMO, even the abuse of power / punishment inflicted on those who were at the Capitol on J6 is because of Trump, because of what hecdid to them, and while they have been unable to punish HIM they intend to break his supporters.

But I digress....again, I believe Trump had to be, in.part, a 'rogue', a 'disrupting force for change' to affect any change from tbe established status quo.
There is one single reason — one single human — why our party didn’t pick up seats in the Senate this year, and everybody in America knows who it is regardless of how many deranged press releases he issues on Sunday nights

We ran a bunch of yokels this cycle, and that’s a really, really bad idea. We should be running candidates who are Tocquevillian conservatives

We definitely need to have a reform of the kinds of candidates we run, and 2022 was a pretty big embarrassment for my party by candidate selection
There is one single reason — one single human — why our party didn’t pick up seats in the Senate this year, and everybody in America knows who it is

That would be Mitch McComnell who withheld campaign cash / support from GOP candidates, putting them behind the proverbial.power curve and in a position where they could not win.

I.kmow you hate Trump. I know you are lazer-focused on him and want to lay a the blame on him....but you realistically can't.

Trump did not help, I agree, but looking at McConnell's actions you have to admit he is at least in small part to blame.
What a big ol' pile of bullshit.

Trump didn't go rogue. Trump is what he has always been: An incompetent buffoon with serious mental health issues.

Anyone who willingly enters the orange orbit deserves whatever they get. Including you, Mooch.
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There is one single reason — one single human — why our party didn’t pick up seats in the Senate this year, and everybody in America knows who it is regardless of how many deranged press releases he issues on Sunday nights

We ran a bunch of yokels this cycle, and that’s a really, really bad idea. We should be running candidates who are Tocquevillian conservatives

We definitely need to have a reform of the kinds of candidates we run, and 2022 was a pretty big embarrassment for my party by candidate selection
Open up your mind. Close mindedness is destroying us. The country is more than social justice issues. And they have exceeded anything within the parameters of civilizations surviving. It is difficult to be branded as racist, bigots, anti-women, haters and more all for trying to keep the nation together so we keep refilling the cup with growth to make the modern ways of living. We all have strengths and limitations. Opportunities are different than lowering standards.
To get rid of corrupt, criminal, Washington Establishment, 'Swamp creatures' one has to go 'rogue' .... which is to buck the corruot / criminal political status quo.

Trump did not 'upset the apple cart' when he got into the WH - he turned it over and set the cart on fire.

He made - as you can see 6 years later - powerful enemies who had been coasting on the 'political system' they had created over time and conditioned Americans to accept as 'normal', exposing the corruption, crime, etc...

He destroyed the previous precedence of allowing the media to get away with being rude, extremely partisan, insulting, lying, (now proven) propaganda pushers and disinformation peddlers who were nothing more tban Democrats' surrogates / accomplices. He fought back, gave as good as he got - better.

He started the 'revolution' that ripped through the 'established' fake news mefia like a fragmentation grenade, sending previously unquestioned CNN's ratings plunging, losing their credibility to the point where they had to FIRE their biggest named partisan hacks while trying to win back people's trust. The NY Times was exposed as havibg been GIVEN unearned Pulitzers for writing FICTION for years.
- The NY Times was to the Pulitzer as Barry was to the Nobel Peace Prize.

And Trump started all of that, whether you want to admit it or not. He cometely upended the status quo insider / swamp BS in DC and exposed the liberal fake news media.

Because of the treasonous scandals against him, the US government's own NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, former President / VP, a former 1st Lady / Sect if State, a Speaker of the House, and other elected officials were expoaed as criminals, perjurors, TRAITORS who violated both Constitution and Rule of Law and who attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally removing a sitting President from office.

To create change in such a corrupt, criminal, 'fixed' scandalous / treasonous government / situation - as he did, even if only temporarilly - Trump could not go into office as one who played by THEIR rules created to keep the status quo. He had to go in like a bull in a china shop.

Tbe biggest reason so many hated / still hate Trump and want him destroyed is because he turned their corrupt status quo upside down, threatened them / the good thing they had going, and exposed tbem for who they were - the politicians and the media.

IMO how Democrats have gone out of the way to destroy the lives of those who were invved with J6 --' even the non-violent comvicted 'paraders', how they held them for 2 years, put them in isolation, tortured them --- is in large part meant to 'teach Americans a lesson / as a warning to necervtry to tise up against 'their masters' again. It is a message tbat 'Trump is gone, he can't protect you, you are at OUR mercy because WE are back in charge....tbe status who is veing re-established'.

IMO, even the abuse of power / punishment inflicted on those who were at the Capitol on J6 is because of Trump, because of what hecdid to them, and while they have been unable to punish HIM they intend to break his supporters.

But I digress....again, I believe Trump had to be, in.part, a 'rogue', a 'disrupting force for change' to affect any change from tbe established status quo.

Your slavish devotion to Trump is hilarious. As is your faithful retelling of the disaster that was the Trump Presidency.

Trump wasn't elected to destroy the federal government. He was elected to give working people a better deal. Instead, he screwed them over, and let them die.
That would be Mitch McComnell who withheld campaign cash / support from GOP candidates, putting them behind the proverbial.power curve and in a position where they could not win.

I.kmow you hate Trump. I know you are lazer-focused on him and want to lay a the blame on him....but you realistically can't.

Trump did not help, I agree, but looking at McConnell's actions you have to admit he is at least in small part to blame.
Horseshit. Complete horseshit.
That would be Mitch McComnell who withheld campaign cash / support from GOP candidates, putting them behind the proverbial.power curve and in a position where they could not win.

I.kmow you hate Trump. I know you are lazer-focused on him and want to lay a the blame on him....but you realistically can't.

Trump did not help, I agree, but looking at McConnell's actions you have to admit he is at least in small part to blame.

And McConnell is still running things so what was accomplished?
To get rid of corrupt, criminal, Washington Establishment, 'Swamp creatures' one has to go 'rogue' .... which is to buck the corruot / criminal political status quo.

Trump did not 'upset the apple cart' when he got into the WH - he turned it over and set the cart on fire.

He made - as you can see 6 years later - powerful enemies who had been coasting on the 'political system' they had created over time and conditioned Americans to accept as 'normal', exposing the corruption, crime, etc...

He destroyed the previous precedence of allowing the media to get away with being rude, extremely partisan, insulting, lying, (now proven) propaganda pushers and disinformation peddlers who were nothing more tban Democrats' surrogates / accomplices. He fought back, gave as good as he got - better.

He started the 'revolution' that ripped through the 'established' fake news mefia like a fragmentation grenade, sending previously unquestioned CNN's ratings plunging, losing their credibility to the point where they had to FIRE their biggest named partisan hacks while trying to win back people's trust. The NY Times was exposed as havibg been GIVEN unearned Pulitzers for writing FICTION for years.
- The NY Times was to the Pulitzer as Barry was to the Nobel Peace Prize.

And Trump started all of that, whether you want to admit it or not. He cometely upended the status quo insider / swamp BS in DC and exposed the liberal fake news media.

Because of the treasonous scandals against him, the US government's own NSA, CIA, FBI, DOJ, former President / VP, a former 1st Lady / Sect if State, a Speaker of the House, and other elected officials were expoaed as criminals, perjurors, TRAITORS who violated both Constitution and Rule of Law and who attempted to overthrow the US govt by attempting to illegally removing a sitting President from office.

To create change in such a corrupt, criminal, 'fixed' scandalous / treasonous government / situation - as he did, even if only temporarilly - Trump could not go into office as one who played by THEIR rules created to keep the status quo. He had to go in like a bull in a china shop.

Tbe biggest reason so many hated / still hate Trump and want him destroyed is because he turned their corrupt status quo upside down, threatened them / the good thing they had going, and exposed tbem for who they were - the politicians and the media.

IMO how Democrats have gone out of the way to destroy the lives of those who were invved with J6 --' even the non-violent comvicted 'paraders', how they held them for 2 years, put them in isolation, tortured them --- is in large part meant to 'teach Americans a lesson / as a warning to necervtry to tise up against 'their masters' again. It is a message tbat 'Trump is gone, he can't protect you, you are at OUR mercy because WE are back in charge....tbe status who is veing re-established'.

IMO, even the abuse of power / punishment inflicted on those who were at the Capitol on J6 is because of Trump, because of what hecdid to them, and while they have been unable to punish HIM they intend to break his supporters.

But I digress....again, I believe Trump had to be, in.part, a 'rogue', a 'disrupting force for change' to affect any change from tbe established status quo.
For pointing out that this stuff is CLEARLY pathological, I am persecuted, and my threads are hidden.

Probably to make room for another thread laboring the sins of Censorship.

You can't possibly make this xit up.

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