Anthony Weiner: Whats the problem?

I just don't see why this is perpetually "the worst" thing a politician can do. I don't admire someone who cheats on their wife, or is addicted to pornography, but before we - as a society - start getting our panties in a bunch over this we should probably FIRST start cracking down on some of the other more damaging character traits a MAJORITY of our politicians seems to host.... selling out to big companies on legislation to ensure a job after they leave office.
...or lying to the American people on a pretense to enter into a shit war
..etc, etc

That's the issue I have with this. Sex problems I can deal with (as long as he/she isn't raping someone or having sex with a minor). Lets address those issues LAST and not FIRST.


Staying on topic, did you read this paragraph of my post? And if so, is this who you would trust making important legislation in your town? I would not. The guy is a sick-o now and will be tomorrow, and possibly worse, if he should be given a shred of power.

"The reports claim that that the conversation between the pol and an unidentified 23-year-old woman took place on the social media website Formspring in August 2012, a year after he resigned from his post in Congress after being caught the first time — and nearly seven months after his first child with wife Abedin was born.

"The woman claims on the blog that she first started talking online with Weiner in July 2012 and it became intense by August 2012, when he offered to find a Chicago condo where they could meet up.

There are politicians in office right now that have done FAR worse things than give gifts to a fuck-buddy on the side. Sheesh, Weiner never even made physical contact with the woman! I mean come on...

Lets get real here slinger.


We are not talking about them. We are talking about the perv, Weiner, who is "running" for office. NYC has a heads....whoops....up now. His political future is in their hands.
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Character flaws come in all shapes/sizes, and I certainly do care about them. I just worry more about certain ones (selling the American people out for a buck) over others (sexting out of wedlock).

Again I'm not applauding Weiner, I'm just criticizing the fact that sexual exploits are often more covered by the media (because they're good for ratings) over more "boring" issues like a politician failing to prosecute a white collar criminal because the criminal funds his/her campaign. Fair point?

And obviously if I had a daughter I wouldn't want a sexual deviant going after her (that's a silly question). However couldn't do anything about it if it was consensual and she was an adult...

Oh, you mean like Solyndra and GE?

Yea, exactly like Solyndra and GE in fact.

I ain't no Obama supporter, but real nice try... Almost had me there.


The funny thing about Oddball is that he has a problem with pay to play and kickbacks with only Obama. He supports companies giving unlimited funds to canidates then cries when the inevitable happens. The donors get favors.

Its like hating dog poop while owning several dogs. People just want to be victims
I just think his actions are childish. We need grown ups in office, not adolescents obsessed with sex.

Isn't he married? What a sleaze!! Would anyone think highly of their spouse for doing this stuff?
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I just think his actions are childish. We need grown ups in office, not adolescents obsessed with sex.

Isn't he married? What a sleaze!! Would anyone think highly of their spouse for doing this stuff?

YOu misspelled "men"
Oh, you mean like Solyndra and GE?

Yea, exactly like Solyndra and GE in fact.

I ain't no Obama supporter, but real nice try... Almost had me there.

Actually, I got you coming and going.

If Wiener-boy can't even honor the covenant he entered into with his wife, what makes anyone so stupid as to believe that his constituents would be treated any better?

It's not about sex...It's about honor and dignity.

You basically got sand..Max.

And you're one to talk about "honor and dignity".

Vitter got a standing ovation in the senate for wearing diapers with hookers, but they condemn Weiner for textiing.

That Vitter story has been debunked as nothing but a rumor... grow up.

Five years ago, Louisiana Senator David Vitter was humiliated when he was outed as a client of the infamous "DC Madam," Deborah Palfrey. Back then, reports said that not only did Vitter see prostitutes on numerous occasions, he was rumored to have a fetish for wearing diapers, like a man-baby. Palfrey ended up committing suicide in 2008, while Vitter, a staunch family values advocate, remains a sitting senator. And now it looks like the GOP hypocrite may be up to some more shady dalliances.

Oh no, that's not debunked. I actually know the woman.

Hint: Google "London Rayne".

First, I don't blame Weiner for lying about his relatively innocent sexual diversion, which incidentally harms no one. I'm sure there are many members of Congress whose sexual preferences and diversions are far more insidious than Weiner's rather adolescent bit of harmless erotic machismo.

If that's what he likes to do in his spare time, who cares? Clinton liked getting blowjobs in the Oval Office and sexually imposing himself on women in general. Weiner gets off in the privacy of his bedroom and he bothers no one.

If he was running for President I would vote for him.

Of course you would. But if this involved a republican...what would you be saying now??
I'd be saying I'm not at all surprised. Which is what I said when Senator Larry Craig got caught soliciting a cop in an airport toilet.

So why are you not saying the same thing about Weiner? Because you're a hypocrite? It's one thing that he got caught the first we find out he kept doing it! And you think he doing nothing wrong......and his wife is an idiot!
Oh, you mean like Solyndra and GE?

Yea, exactly like Solyndra and GE in fact.

I ain't no Obama supporter, but real nice try... Almost had me there.

Actually, I got you coming and going.

If Wiener-boy can't even honor the covenant he entered into with his wife, what makes anyone so stupid as to believe that his constituents would be treated any better?

It's not about sex...It's about honor and dignity.

I realize that, but (again) my point is so many worse character flaws go uncovered in Washington. Lets keep our standards more consistent.

Coming and going? What do you mean by that?


He Sexts some chicks now suddenly hes what? To slimy for politics? LOL

The media is being a bunch of whiny emotional girls. The dudes too showing this girl emotional thing like: Anthony Weiner...what a douche?

Great observation! This is what we need!

You loose credability when you defend the undefendsible. It's clear to any rational, non partisan person that he can't control himself and is unfit for office. Get help.

Ok, so lets say I'm totally irrational. Can you explain how sexting another girl shows the inability to "control himself" and what that means? Or how that makes him unfit for office?


We will say you're totally irrational because it's true. He got caught sexting, right? He, himself resigned because of it. So, I guess he along with everyone else thought it was a pretty big deal. After he begs everyone for forgiveness he does it again, knowing full well this can potentially jepardize his aspirations for achieving a high position in public office, a higher office than his previous position at that. Does that sound like someone with good judgement? That can control himself? Not to mention from a moral standpoint and I didn't even touch the lying. The fact that you need this explained to you says a lot about you, but then again if Weiner was a Republican you'd be bashing him, so I'm going to give you the benafit of the doubt and say you're a super hyper partisan hack.
I'm not buying the story of his poor little "victim," but I still wouldn't vote for the guy.
But I'm not an NYC resident so I have no say in the matter.

Nor would I, regardless of political party. He is a deviant, a narcissist and seemingly addicted to pornography, without regard for his wife, or his job. He just can't seem to stop. One sick dude.

"The congressman fessed up to the naughty texts after sexually explicit photos and online chats between "Carlos Danger," allegedly the pseudonym for the city hall hopeful, and an unidentified woman surfaced on the blog,

"The reports claim that that the conversation between the pol and an unidentified 23-year-old woman took place on the social media website Formspring in August 2012, a year after he resigned from his post in Congress after being caught the first time — and nearly seven months after his first child with wife Abedin was born.

"The woman claims on the blog that she first started talking online with Weiner in July 2012 and it became intense by August 2012, when he offered to find a Chicago condo where they could meet up.

"She also alleges that they had phone sex and that they exchanged nude photos of each other. She claims she received photos from Weiner of his penis sent from a Yahoo email account under the “Carlos Danger” name. The purported image was subsequently posted on"

Read more: Anthony Weiner shrugs off calls to drop mayoral bid, new poll shows low rating on moral character | Fox News

I just don't see why this is perpetually "the worst" thing a politician can do. I don't admire someone who cheats on their wife, or is addicted to pornography, but before we - as a society - start getting our panties in a bunch over this we should probably FIRST start cracking down on some of the other more damaging character traits a MAJORITY of our politicians seems to host.... selling out to big companies on legislation to ensure a job after they leave office.
...or lying to the American people on a pretense to enter into a shit war
..etc, etc

That's the issue I have with this. Sex problems I can deal with (as long as he/she isn't raping someone or having sex with a minor). Lets address those issues LAST and not FIRST.


The issue is, he needs to get his own life in order before he should ever think of running a city like New York!
Is he ay least going to get the Muslim vote...being as how he's married to a Muslim?

Or, on the other hand, has his wife got a brother over in some place in the desert, like Oman or Yemen, whose going to go jihadi on him for embarrassing the family. It not a tough choice for the brother, you know, when he will get 72 virgins for taking out a few Americans when he blows himself up.

Do the Muslims vote for him of cut his head off? Have they made up their minds?
You loose credability when you defend the undefendsible. It's clear to any rational, non partisan person that he can't control himself and is unfit for office. Get help.

Ok, so lets say I'm totally irrational. Can you explain how sexting another girl shows the inability to "control himself" and what that means? Or how that makes him unfit for office?


We will say you're totally irrational because it's true. He got caught sexting, right? He, himself resigned because of it. So, I guess he along with everyone else thought it was a pretty big deal.

Everyone thought so? Well theres a good reason:doubt:

After he begs everyone for forgiveness he does it again, knowing full well this can potentially jepardize his aspirations for achieving a high position in public office, a higher office than his previous position at that. Does that sound like someone with good judgement? That can control himself?

That sounds like someone whoo cant control themselves with the ladies. You trying to make it into something more is grasping for straws

Not to mention from a moral standpoint and I didn't even touch the lying. The fact that you need this explained to you says a lot about you, but then again if Weiner was a Republican you'd be bashing him, so I'm going to give you the benafit of the doubt and say you're a super hyper partisan hack.

There we have it folks!!! Morals!! You totally missed how this makes him "unfit for office" but that was on purpose. You dont just say "morals!! lying to his wife!!! UNFIT FOR OFFICE" and cant even explain it.

thanks for proving my point
A weiner will always rise and fall especially if you have viagra. As for the political aspect I don't care if the people of New York want to elect him Mayor anymore than I did when the people of South Carolina elected Mark Sanford to Congress.
Yea, exactly like Solyndra and GE in fact.

I ain't no Obama supporter, but real nice try... Almost had me there.

Actually, I got you coming and going.

If Wiener-boy can't even honor the covenant he entered into with his wife, what makes anyone so stupid as to believe that his constituents would be treated any better?

It's not about sex...It's about honor and dignity.

I realize that, but (again) my point is so many worse character flaws go uncovered in Washington. Lets keep our standards more consistent.

Coming and going? What do you mean by that?


Character flaws presume you have any character in the first place....Wiener has demonstrated that he has none to speak of.

And were there so much as a shred of character in the Democrat Party, Diannne Frankenstein would be bunking with Jesse Jackson jr., rather than still have her dried up old ass still parked in the Senate....You want to talk about warmongering?...You want to talk about lack of standards of behavior?.... Look no further than that decrepit old hag.

Now, as truly fucked up as the GOP is, at least they can be bothered to take out their own trash.
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He Sexts some chicks now suddenly hes what? To slimy for politics? LOL

The media is being a bunch of whiny emotional girls. The dudes too showing this girl emotional thing like: Anthony Weiner...what a douche?

Great observation! This is what we need!

You loose credability when you defend the undefendsible. It's clear to any rational, non partisan person that he can't control himself and is unfit for office. Get help.

Ok, so lets say I'm totally irrational. Can you explain how sexting another girl shows the inability to "control himself" and what that means? Or how that makes him unfit for office?


he is married and has a young son.
in other words - he has other obligations.
You loose credability when you defend the undefendsible. It's clear to any rational, non partisan person that he can't control himself and is unfit for office. Get help.

Ok, so lets say I'm totally irrational. Can you explain how sexting another girl shows the inability to "control himself" and what that means? Or how that makes him unfit for office?


he is married and has a young son.
in other words - he has other obligations.

True. But those are not political obligations.

As I liked to say during a previous sex-theater "scandal" -- if my bus driver is Ralph Kramden and next week he starts boinking his neighbor Trixie, how will that affect where the bus goes?
Everyone thought so? Well theres a good reason:doubt:

Of course it's a good reason. You want me to compile a list of well respected people on both sides of the aisle that condemned him over this? The general consences was , and certainly is now, that his actions were a big deal, and you can include himself in that group.

That sounds like someone whoo cant control themselves with the ladies. You trying to make it into something more is grasping for straws
no shit.

There we have it folks!!! Morals!! You totally missed how this makes him "unfit for office" but that was on purpose. You dont just say "morals!! lying to his wife!!! UNFIT FOR OFFICE" and cant even explain it.

thanks for proving my point

You're just engaging in one big straw man. It's not just the fact that cheating on your wife and lying about it is immoral, although that's a big deal to most people too, but what's really shamefull is the whole process by which he went about covering it up and his disingenuous apologies, not to mention trying to tarnish another man throughout the process. The guy is scum. Scum that has bad judgment and can't controll himself/herself is supposed to be unfit for office. It's obvious to everyone. Give us a break.
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Silly CC. He's always been too slimy for politics. This just provides more evidence of that.

And Btw if this is what happens when his marriage stresses him out, how on earth does he thnk he can handle the stresses of being mayor?
Someone should have their own house in order before they go trying to get someone else's house in order. He obviously has a problem in which, from previous accounts he would sit sexting half the night away. If his mind is constantly on this addiction, do you really believe he would be fully engaged in the city's problems at all times? Have at it, New York, but don't come crying if you elect him and don't care for his lack of total interests in the affairs there. Or he decides, with this new power, that he might just get a little riskier with this behavior, such as misusing city funds to help fund a condo like he was proposing to get for this woman. He has no integrity and the job of running a budget of a city in the amount of over $73 billion dollars deserves someone with just that.

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