Anthony Weiner: Whats the problem?

He's no longer a Weiner. He's just a weenie.
This is a democrat exhibition of the truly bizarre. Weiner's wife doesn't care. He never had physical contact with any of the women he had an on line relationship with. And even those were consensual. Children as young as ten sext one another. Sexting is as common as blowing air kisses. Yet for some reason, after all the perverts in the democratic party this is the sword they are going to fall on.

Just strange.
He's a douche and there are two other decent candidates in the primary. There is no compelling reason for any voter to give him a pass at this point.
He's a douche and there are two other decent candidates in the primary. There is no compelling reason for any voter to give him a pass at this point.

Do you think any of those have had a backstage manipulation in this bizarre sudden news?
He Sexts some chicks now suddenly hes what? To slimy for politics? LOL

Lol, our list of priorities are so backwards it’s absolutely disgusting.

A politician can start a trillion dollar war with a nation THAT NEVER ATTACKED US, based on FALSE EVIDENCE and still be voted in election after election, and the media won’t ask a second question.

But the moment you do anything sex related – the most basic, natural, and universal of all human actions – you’re labeled as someone not suited for office.

To me, sending thousands of Americans to their deaths for no reason while blowing trillions of their tax dollars is much more disgusting than a guy "sexting" a random person...

...But maybe that's just me.

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sending a picture of your erected penis to someone you've never even met is " the most basic, natural, and universal of all human actions" according to KevinWestern :D
The man's first name must have caused him to have an obsession with his own wiener.

But, it is a complicated case. He is a wormy little dude as well.

I think he has Napoleon's Wiener Complex.
Vitter got a standing ovation in the senate for wearing diapers with hookers, but they condemn Weiner for textiing.
Vitter got a standing ovation in the senate for wearing diapers with hookers, but they condemn Weiner for textiing.

That Vitter story has been debunked as nothing but a rumor... grow up.

Five years ago, Louisiana Senator David Vitter was humiliated when he was outed as a client of the infamous "DC Madam," Deborah Palfrey. Back then, reports said that not only did Vitter see prostitutes on numerous occasions, he was rumored to have a fetish for wearing diapers, like a man-baby. Palfrey ended up committing suicide in 2008, while Vitter, a staunch family values advocate, remains a sitting senator. And now it looks like the GOP hypocrite may be up to some more shady dalliances.
sending a picture of your erected penis to someone you've never even met is " the most basic, natural, and universal of all human actions" according to KevinWestern :D

Its an action driven by sexual desire, and that's something that all humans share (universal), it's natural (you don't need to teach it, just happens), and it's basic (without it, we wouldn't survive).
I'm not buying the story of his poor little "victim," but I still wouldn't vote for the guy.
But I'm not an NYC resident so I have no say in the matter.

Nor would I, regardless of political party. He is a deviant, a narcissist and seemingly addicted to pornography, without regard for his wife, or his job. He just can't seem to stop. One sick dude.

"The congressman fessed up to the naughty texts after sexually explicit photos and online chats between "Carlos Danger," allegedly the pseudonym for the city hall hopeful, and an unidentified woman surfaced on the blog,

"The reports claim that that the conversation between the pol and an unidentified 23-year-old woman took place on the social media website Formspring in August 2012, a year after he resigned from his post in Congress after being caught the first time — and nearly seven months after his first child with wife Abedin was born.

"The woman claims on the blog that she first started talking online with Weiner in July 2012 and it became intense by August 2012, when he offered to find a Chicago condo where they could meet up.

"She also alleges that they had phone sex and that they exchanged nude photos of each other. She claims she received photos from Weiner of his penis sent from a Yahoo email account under the “Carlos Danger” name. The purported image was subsequently posted on"

Read more: Anthony Weiner shrugs off calls to drop mayoral bid, new poll shows low rating on moral character | Fox News
I'm not buying the story of his poor little "victim," but I still wouldn't vote for the guy.
But I'm not an NYC resident so I have no say in the matter.

Nor would I, regardless of political party. He is a deviant, a narcissist and seemingly addicted to pornography, without regard for his wife, or his job. He just can't seem to stop. One sick dude.

"The congressman fessed up to the naughty texts after sexually explicit photos and online chats between "Carlos Danger," allegedly the pseudonym for the city hall hopeful, and an unidentified woman surfaced on the blog,

"The reports claim that that the conversation between the pol and an unidentified 23-year-old woman took place on the social media website Formspring in August 2012, a year after he resigned from his post in Congress after being caught the first time — and nearly seven months after his first child with wife Abedin was born.

"The woman claims on the blog that she first started talking online with Weiner in July 2012 and it became intense by August 2012, when he offered to find a Chicago condo where they could meet up.

"She also alleges that they had phone sex and that they exchanged nude photos of each other. She claims she received photos from Weiner of his penis sent from a Yahoo email account under the “Carlos Danger” name. The purported image was subsequently posted on"

Read more: Anthony Weiner shrugs off calls to drop mayoral bid, new poll shows low rating on moral character | Fox News
But you've got to admit it's funny! Nothing mean or scary about it. I've known some women who would pay a quarter to see an erect penis on their laptop screens. This guy was doing it for free.

So stop complaining!
How many of you leftist Slum dwellers would support the Weiner going after and sending your daughter lewd photos, promising all kinds of paybacks for sexual favors?? Come on pigs.. Speak up. Obviously his lewd behavior is just A-ok for some of you perverts.. stand up and be heard.
I'm not buying the story of his poor little "victim," but I still wouldn't vote for the guy.
But I'm not an NYC resident so I have no say in the matter.

Nor would I, regardless of political party. He is a deviant, a narcissist and seemingly addicted to pornography, without regard for his wife, or his job. He just can't seem to stop. One sick dude.

"The congressman fessed up to the naughty texts after sexually explicit photos and online chats between "Carlos Danger," allegedly the pseudonym for the city hall hopeful, and an unidentified woman surfaced on the blog,

"The reports claim that that the conversation between the pol and an unidentified 23-year-old woman took place on the social media website Formspring in August 2012, a year after he resigned from his post in Congress after being caught the first time — and nearly seven months after his first child with wife Abedin was born.

"The woman claims on the blog that she first started talking online with Weiner in July 2012 and it became intense by August 2012, when he offered to find a Chicago condo where they could meet up.

"She also alleges that they had phone sex and that they exchanged nude photos of each other. She claims she received photos from Weiner of his penis sent from a Yahoo email account under the “Carlos Danger” name. The purported image was subsequently posted on"

Read more: Anthony Weiner shrugs off calls to drop mayoral bid, new poll shows low rating on moral character | Fox News

I just don't see why this is perpetually "the worst" thing a politician can do. I don't admire someone who cheats on their wife, or is addicted to pornography, but before we - as a society - start getting our panties in a bunch over this we should probably FIRST start cracking down on some of the other more damaging character traits a MAJORITY of our politicians seems to host.... selling out to big companies on legislation to ensure a job after they leave office.
...or lying to the American people on a pretense to enter into a shit war
..etc, etc

That's the issue I have with this. Sex problems I can deal with (as long as he/she isn't raping someone or having sex with a minor). Lets address those issues LAST and not FIRST.

How many of you leftist Slum dwellers would support the Weiner going after and sending your daughter lewd photos, promising all kinds of paybacks for sexual favors?? Come on pigs.. Speak up. Obviously his lewd behavior is just A-ok for some of you perverts.. stand up and be heard.

Come on Lady, he was having relations with a 20+ year old adult woman in a consensual fashion. Using the daughter analogy doesn't quite fit here.

Also, both people on the right and the left have had their fair share of affairs and sexual exploits. Why the hell does this need to be turned into a political issue?

Folks are obsessed with dividing the country these days like it's their job, lol. Don't be one of them.

sending a picture of your erected penis to someone you've never even met is " the most basic, natural, and universal of all human actions" according to KevinWestern :D

Its an action driven by sexual desire, and that's something that all humans share (universal), it's natural (you don't need to teach it, just happens), and it's basic (without it, we wouldn't survive).

it's a weird action, to say the least.
he is not 17 when the hormones cloud your mind and one doesn't know how to power "the desires".
a married man should at least KNOW how to channel his sexual desire.
He Sexts some chicks now suddenly hes what? To slimy for politics? LOL

Lol, our list of priorities are so backwards it’s absolutely disgusting.

A politician can start a trillion dollar war with a nation THAT NEVER ATTACKED US, based on FALSE EVIDENCE and still be voted in election after election, and the media won’t ask a second question.

But the moment you do anything sex related – the most basic, natural, and universal of all human actions – you’re labeled as someone not suited for office.

To me, sending thousands of Americans to their deaths for no reason while blowing trillions of their tax dollars is much more disgusting than a guy "sexting" a random person...

...But maybe that's just me.


Best post I've seen from you so far.



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