Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

The baby killers and their supporters rub their grimy little hands with glee

When you wingnuts stop trying to snatch food out of the mouths of hungry children, I'll start taking you seriously on your concern for the "babies".

I and the vast majority couldn't care less what you take serious. Support baby killing and you're nothing but a coward. You can't change that.
The baby here is you. You can't have your way on this issue so here you are, throwing a tantrum like a baby. :thup:
Framing the discussion in terms of “abortion rights vs. anti-abortion” much more accurately portrays both sides and centers the question of whether abortion is a right at the heart of the debate.

Being truly “pro-life” means nurturing and promoting life by providing healthcare services, even to those who cannot pay for it. Being pro-life means empowering individuals to not only exist but to thrive, whether it’s by offering abortion services so that they do not need to carry an unwanted pregnancy or by providing counseling services to LGBTQ youth so that they can come to terms with their sexual orientation and gender identity. It means enabling people to make informed decisions about their sexual health by making contraceptives available to them. And it means screening high-risk individuals for cancer so that the disease can be detected early and treated more effectively. Planned Parenthood does all of these things and more. The anti-abortion movement and the Religious Right supporting it merely shame and threaten women and the LGBTQ individuals who benefit from Planned Parenthood’s services.

Abortion Providers Are the Ones Who Are Really “Pro-Life” -
Fact: You don’t have to be “pro-abortion” to be pro-choice. “If a woman close to you became unexpectedly pregnant and asked you for advice, what would you do?”

If they answer with a variation on “I would let her decide,” then they are PRO-CHOICE.
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

I did not support the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Invasion(s) of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many so called "Right To Life Christians" supported those invasions?

How many innocent Afghani and Iraqi Men, Women and Children died in those invasions?

How many innocent Unborn Afghani and Iraqi Babies died because of those invasions?

Where was the so-called "Right To Life" for those dead, murdered by the U.S. Military for those Afghani and Iraqi Unborn babies. Is the the so-called, "Right To Life" only for babies in the U.S.?

How many so-called "Right To Life Christians" support Capital Punishment? Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned, State Funded, State Supported Murder. There is no right to life in Capital Punishment, as war is the total absence of the right to life.

Planned Parenthood provides vital gynecological services, pre-natal care and breast exams and pap smears for women who would other not receive such medical care. Abortion represents less than 5% of medical procedures done and by law is a Constitutionally Protect Right.

You ignore the lies told in the edited tapes.

You are more than willing to accept the lies told to you in those tapes.
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

I did not support the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Invasion(s) of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many so called "Right To Life Christians" supported those invasions?

How many innocent Afghani and Iraqi Men, Women and Children died in those invasions?

How many innocent Unborn Afghani and Iraqi Babies died because of those invasions?

Where was the so-called "Right To Life" for those dead, murdered by the U.S. Military for those Afghani and Iraqi Unborn babies. Is the the so-called, "Right To Life" only for babies in the U.S.?

How many so-called "Right To Life Christians" support Capital Punishment? Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned, State Funded, State Supported Murder. There is no right to life in Capital Punishment, as war is the total absence of the right to life.

Planned Parenthood provides vital gynecological services, pre-natal care and breast exams and pap smears for women who would other not receive such medical care. Abortion represents less than 5% of medical procedures done and by law is a Constitutionally Protect Right.

You ignore the lies told in the edited tapes.

You are more than willing to accept the lies told to you in those tapes.

Stop going off on tangents, it's old and stupid.
Pro-choice is often pro-life. But the anti-abortion fanatics won't admit that abortion saves women's lives
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

I did not support the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Invasion(s) of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many so called "Right To Life Christians" supported those invasions?

How many innocent Afghani and Iraqi Men, Women and Children died in those invasions?

How many innocent Unborn Afghani and Iraqi Babies died because of those invasions?

Where was the so-called "Right To Life" for those dead, murdered by the U.S. Military for those Afghani and Iraqi Unborn babies. Is the the so-called, "Right To Life" only for babies in the U.S.?

How many so-called "Right To Life Christians" support Capital Punishment? Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned, State Funded, State Supported Murder. There is no right to life in Capital Punishment, as war is the total absence of the right to life.

Planned Parenthood provides vital gynecological services, pre-natal care and breast exams and pap smears for women who would other not receive such medical care. Abortion represents less than 5% of medical procedures done and by law is a Constitutionally Protect Right.

You ignore the lies told in the edited tapes.

You are more than willing to accept the lies told to you in those tapes.

Stop going off on tangents, it's old and stupid.
Bull shit
Your heroes are indicted.
Chicago’s CBS 2 TV reported that ectopic pregnancies, where the fetus develops outside the uterus, affect 64,000 women a year, a figure that comes from the American Pregnancy Association. The National Institutes of Health says that ectopic pregnancies are “life-threatening” and that the pregnancy “cannot continue to birth.” The fetus also cannot survive.
The Life of the Mother

Fetal fanatics don't care if women die. It's only the fetus life they care about.
A coward is someone that would murder an innocent....or support an organization that does it

I did not support the Illegal, Immoral and Unconstitutional Invasion(s) of Afghanistan and Iraq. How many so called "Right To Life Christians" supported those invasions?

How many innocent Afghani and Iraqi Men, Women and Children died in those invasions?

How many innocent Unborn Afghani and Iraqi Babies died because of those invasions?

Where was the so-called "Right To Life" for those dead, murdered by the U.S. Military for those Afghani and Iraqi Unborn babies. Is the the so-called, "Right To Life" only for babies in the U.S.?

How many so-called "Right To Life Christians" support Capital Punishment? Capital Punishment is State Sanctioned, State Funded, State Supported Murder. There is no right to life in Capital Punishment, as war is the total absence of the right to life.

Planned Parenthood provides vital gynecological services, pre-natal care and breast exams and pap smears for women who would other not receive such medical care. Abortion represents less than 5% of medical procedures done and by law is a Constitutionally Protect Right.

You ignore the lies told in the edited tapes.

You are more than willing to accept the lies told to you in those tapes.

Stop going off on tangents, it's old and stupid.
Bull shit
Your heroes are indicted.

Stop bothering me fruit loop.
The anti-choice position is that when it comes to treating pregnancies with maternal complications, not only are both mother and fetus or embryo “patients” but that the unborn patient’s “life” takes precedent over the health of the woman carrying it.

In other words, they support fetal life but not the life of the pregnant woman.
What we have here is a fascist type smear job stuffed up their collective ass. Texas also became the 12th state to clear PP of doing anything criminal.

Anti-abortion group indicted for Planned Parenthood videos

Hi JakeStarkey you know by now that I am prochoice, and believe all prolife efforts can be 100% effective in preventing abortion
completely by free choice (as all prolife groups currently operate) and not having to ban abortions or criminalize women.

The commitment shown by the prolife movement is PROOF that abortion can be prevented completely by education, awareness and free choice.
They don't need abortion to be illegal to do all they can to prevent it, and thus so can everyone work to end the causes so abortion is prevented.

Nobody ''accidentally" has sex -- either it is chosen by one or both partners, or it is forced.
So incidents CAN be prevented instead of having sex without intent or ability to bear the child in case of pregnancy.
There is choice or coercion involved in each case, so this can be prevented from abusing sex and relationships to create unwanted pregnancy.

So I see no reason why the Prolife views and beliefs can't be respected and fulfilled completely by free choice and informed consent.
If there were more support for prevention, and not mutual discrediting back and forth,
maybe we'd see less and less of any "sabotage" tactics that aren't necessary but counter-productive.

As for anything PP did wrong, even though I am prochoice and believe that is the default that allows both views to be chosen and funded freely,
I'd say the govt is still in the wrong for using public funds for a program biased against the beliefs of dissenting taxpayers with prolife beliefs.

The proper way to fund PP as with Prolife groups is either
A. separate the funding or
B. agree to only use public money for certain functions where it is AGREED
and CLEAR it is not going into anything that violates the faith of others.
If it is disputed, then separate that funding. Give taxpayers a choice of what to fund or not to fund, especially if we claim to be "prochoice" -- let's be consistent and not force anyone on EITHER side to fund programs that violate their beliefs.

The liberals call this "separation of church and state" and not forcing beliefs on the public through govt
that not everyone share, but may actually oppose. The liberals I know have NO PROBLEM defending their
own prochoice beliefs from infringement by prolife imposition; but are sorely lacking in respecting the equal beliefs of others by this same token.

I am one of the few prochoice people who will go to bat for prolife, short of passing laws that one side or the other protests as unconstitutional.
By the same token I won't support laws biased one way or another that don't protect both views equally as Constitutional law requires.

The reason I see behind these negative counterproductive attacks:
Both the Prochoice and Prolife advocates feel constantly harassed and discriminated against instead of respected for their beliefs.
This causes a 'vicious cycle' of both prolife and prochoice attacking each other's beliefs instead of respecting them equally under law.

If we really want to end the bullying and mean-spirited attacks,
it would help if BOTH sides drop the infighting, and agree to respect and include
each other's beliefs EQUALLY under law as they want their own.

Given the current split over the health care mandates and what to replace them with,
this split over prochoice and prolife funding is why I recommend separating into two tracks, possibly by party.

The point is to ensure that people pay into the BELIEFS of their choice,
aren't forced to pay into anything against their beliefs, and all people have a free choice which group to fund and get coverage through.

Let each party and their members set it up themselves
so they decide the terms of their programs, and how to pay for it.

If one group wants to funnel all their women's health through Planned Parenthood,
they can choose to direct their taxes or health care budget there.

If prolife groups want to fund The Nurturing Network as their model, let them direct their tax dollars there.

Why not let people fund their own political beliefs, the same way we EXPECT them to fund their own religious beliefs.

If there is overlap, then agree on a policy for the public to fund,
and anything that creates dissension, agree to separate into private programs
(such as letting private religious schools teach God and prayer without censorship).

JakeStarkey one positive result I hope to see coming from even the proposal of separating tracks for health care and benefits
(so people don't have to fight over abortion, over same sex or gender/orientation in social benefits, if these are separated and groups by
like beliefs, just like religions are funded separately by affiliation and denomination)
is that we would REDUCE the incidents of these desperate angry attacks,
whether slanderous/libelous media campaigns, or actual bombings and shootings.

It gets me that liberals tend to sympathize when terrorists attack due to unresolved grievances with oppression they are "protesting"
because they are "under attack themselves," but when Prolife advocates who truly believe that abortion is legalized murder argue their beliefs are oppressed, attacked and otherwise denied equal protection, where is the same sympathy for why these people are so angry and aggrieved?

I'm not saying to EXCUSE or justify any such unlawful behavior. It discredits the real effective prolife work that doesn't need underhanded tactics.

I wouldn't defend or excuse that,
but at least we can explain and understand the REASON behind it,
just like there is a REASON terrorists act out violently.

The oppression, if not resolved, comes out as political violence and abuse.
So if we want to solve the problem, we look at the cause not just the symptoms!

Thanks JakeStarkey
Dear Emily,

the federal funding for planned parenthood does NOT go to support abortions, planned parenthood's money comes from Medicaid reimbursement for the medical procedures and doctor's visits of patients who qualify for Medicaid, that receive health care, OTHER THAN ABORTIONS.

Planned parenthood is not reimbursed by the gvt for any abortion, they are only reimbursed for medical procedures other than abortions, for those on MEDICAID...

So, no federal gvt funding goes towards abortions at planned parenthood, or for any Gyno who serves Medicaid patients for abortions performed....they would be reimbursed for other medical care these medicaid recipients receive but NOT for abortions.

so the prochoice people HAVE compromised and given to the prolifers what they want.

but the prolifers continue to LIE about this....

Dear Care4all
If they don't BELIEVE or trust that group, they should not have to fund them.
These are private social decisions, so why not let people have equal and free choice to
fund the social programs we believe in, similar to which religious groups we want to fund.

There is nothing that requires us to pay for all such services through govt.
These can be done privately, and give people a choice.

Just because YOU believe this PP group doesn't mean you can
FORCE that belief on others. If they say they don't believe in funding
this group that goes against their conscience, creeds or beliefs,
how is it govt's place to FORCE them to fund that?

I wish we'd just listen and respect each other's beliefs.

It seems VERY immature to have to go running to govt
to MAKE someone do X Y Z anytime we want to force funding.

Why not set up such good health care and social programs that people WANT to give?

Doctors without borders and other nonprofits have good reputations in effectiveness
that people CHOOSE to give. Why can we respect free choice in charity
instead of mandating it, especially in areas that involve clashing political beliefs.

That clash should be a sign we need to separate these two groups,
and let them fund and run their own programs,
similar to Protestants and Catholics being independent
or Hindus and Muslims. Why try to mandate one policy for everyone to fund
if our beliefs clash otherwise?
huh? planned parenthood's abortion clinics receive no federal money for their abortions, do you understand that?

Do you understand that Care4all

If I don't want to fund Muslims should I be forced to by Govt?
If someone doesn't want to fund Buddhists, or schools run by Scientologists
because something in their policy violates their beliefs, then so be it!

Health care involves private decisions, choices and beliefs.
NOBODY should be forced to fund things against their beliefs.

Let people have free choice. Let other people fund that who believe in that.
We shouldn't even be having this argument.

It's like the global warming argument. Why not agree on ending pollution, restoring
the environment. WHY INSIST on forcing something on someone they just don't believe in.

Why can't it remain a private choice like any other charity or social cause?'
Why this insistence on ramming it through govt when people have clearly said NO they DON'T CONSENT.

I thought NO meant NO?
How are we ever going to stop bullying and rape
if you insist on overriding when someone says NO I DON'T AGREE WITH THAT.

Why keep forcing it more, how is that not causing
damage to force that level of coercion abusing govt to do so?
Emily, How can you legally do that? Planned Parenthood is a non profit medical center, if a patient on Medicaid goes in to this medical center and receives authorized medical treatment approved by Medicaid, how can the govt just not pay their Medicaid bills just because?

I can thoroughly understand why people would not want to reimburse Planned Parenthood for Abortion procedures, and laws have been written so that no federal money pays for any abortion, but to deny the payment of pap smears and prenatal care, and mamograms, and iud's etc, is simply not possible.....

ALL OTHER medical facilities that perform these type of procedures for Medicaid patients get reimbursed for them.

Doctors that perform these same procedures, and other medical clinics that perform these procedures get reimbursed for them through Medicaid....even if the doctor in this office performs abortions as well?

It's nonsensical and discrimination to the nth degree and way too much control in the gvt's hands to pick and choose the medical facilities in that manner.

Our government ALREADY provides Faith Based Initiative money to the religious institutions that help people.

and plenty of people on the opposite side were against this, but guess what Emily, those against these faith based helpers had to compromise and give in.... it's time for the prolifers to realize, they have gotten way more than their fair share of compromise from the abortions are paid for with tax payer's money, (which I personally agree with), and the Faith based charities are getting government money to help people.
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The National Maternity Hospital in Dublin carried out the pregnancy termination for a dying woman whose membrane had ruptured for more than 24 hours. She ran a high risk of sepsis, and her 18-week twin fetuses had no chance of survival outside of the womb. Doctors said her case bore many similarities to that of Savita Halappanavar, a 31-year-old woman who died after being denied an emergency abortion in an Irish Catholic hospital last year. Halappanavar developed sepsis after she began to miscarry, but doctors wouldn’t terminate her doomed pregnancy until the fetal heartbeat had officially stopped three days later — and by that time, it was too late.

The Irish Times reports that in contrast to Halappanavar, the woman who received a legal abortion this month “has made a good recovery after receiving antibiotic treatment and undergoing the termination a number of weeks ago.”
Ireland Has Performed Its First-Ever Legal Abortion, And It Saved A Dying Woman’s Life
The Guttmacher Institute’s research has found that harsh bans on abortion don’t actually lower abortion rates. Instead, they simply encourage women to risk their lives to end a pregnancy illegally. An estimated 47,000 women around the world die each year from unsafe abortions — and that figure doesn’t include women like Halpannavar who die from pregnancy-related complications that an abortion could have averted.
Ireland Has Performed Its First-Ever Legal Abortion, And It Saved A Dying Woman’s Life
Jill, you are either ignorant or intentionally lying. Even you are smart enough to know that people are not indicted for making accusations. People are arrested for secretly filming others who are unaware they are being filmed while negotiating the sale of a fetus for cash and / or a Lamborghini...

You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got them pregnant against their will.

When did I do that?
When you paid for an abortion. Why else would you pay for one?

The government forces me to pay for them, numskull.
You Pro-Lifers have no right to force your beliefs and practices on those who demand abortion on demand....however, the pro-abortionists have every right to force their beliefs and practices on everyone else by forcing to PAY for THEIR abortions....

...interesting how the Liberal world works.
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion.

Money is fungible. We all know that money given to PP is used to pay for abortions. Only morons like you are fooled.
Just think ... all you have to do is prove that and you can accomplish what the center for medical progress failed to do -- bring down Planned Parenthood. :thup:

I don't need to prove what is patently obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
Jill, you are either ignorant or intentionally lying. Even you are smart enough to know that people are not indicted for making accusations. People are arrested for secretly filming others who are unaware they are being filmed while negotiating the sale of a fetus for cash and / or a Lamborghini...

You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Ask congress.
Being that it's not legal for public money to fund abortion and PP is not guilty of doing so, it's your wrongheaded thinking that is causing you grief, not PP.

Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

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