Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:
You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Ask congress.
Being that it's not legal for public money to fund abortion and PP is not guilty of doing so, it's your wrongheaded thinking that is causing you grief, not PP.

Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.
Moron.... if that's true, prove it.

Keep in mind, if you can prove it, you can shut down Planned Parenthood and be a hero to the right. As it stands now, you can't prove your delusions and you're a loser among the right.
It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

“Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

Federal funds cannot be used to pay for abortion.

Money is fungible. We all know that money given to PP is used to pay for abortions. Only morons like you are fooled.
Just think ... all you have to do is prove that and you can accomplish what the center for medical progress failed to do -- bring down Planned Parenthood. :thup:

I don't need to prove what is patently obvious to anyone with two brain cells to rub together.
If it's that obvious, you'd be able to prove it. That you can't only serves to reveal you're arguing that your hallucinations are real.
It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

“Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got them pregnant against their will.

When did I do that?
When you paid for an abortion. Why else would you pay for one?

The government forces me to pay for them, numskull.
Prove it.......
don't let facts get in your way...

it's important to note that federal dollars are not used to provide the service at the center of the political debate around Planned Parenthood: abortions. That's been banned by law in almost all cases since 1976.

The details of the ban
have shifted over time. Instead, the organization uses money from other sources — private donors and foundations as well as fees — to fund its abortion services.

All told, abortions comprise about 3 percent of all the services Planned Parenthood provides, according to the organization's own data.

In 2011, also examined this question and found the organization's reports to be accurate.

How Planned Parenthood actually uses its federal funding
You Pro-Lifers have no right to force your beliefs and practices on those who demand abortion on demand....however, the pro-abortionists have every right to force their beliefs and practices on everyone else by forcing to PAY for THEIR abortions....

...interesting how the Liberal world works.
Prove tax dollars are paying for abortions.....
Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

only overly emotional idiots twist themselves into knots to peddle that lie.
Liberals are known for their EMOTIONAL, not intellectual or factual, please / arguments - obvious as seen after such 'cherry-picked' events of gun violence Obama chooses to use to push his anti-gun agenda.

Today, in light of yesterday's news, Liberals are attempting to declare that activists indicted for illegally filming doctors without their knowledge is some type of vindication and proof PP is innocent, even though those doctors are shown on the video negotiating the price of a fetus' body parts - for cash and/or a Lamborghini.

Punishing the 'messenger' does not erase the message that was successfully delivered.
Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

only overly emotional idiots twist themselves into knots to peddle that lie.

It's obviously not a lie. Anyone who understands that slightest thing about how corporations work would understand that. Money they don't have to spend on 'A' means more money they can spend on 'B' - 'B' being abortions in the case of PP.
You should really stop repeating the lies made up by your wackos

But you won't because you're a pathological little troll
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
Good advice. Ever planning on taking it yourself?
You Pro-Lifers have no right to force your beliefs and practices on those who demand abortion on demand....however, the pro-abortionists have every right to force their beliefs and practices on everyone else by forcing to PAY for THEIR abortions....

...interesting how the Liberal world works.

ALL liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end.

NO ONE is paying for abortions with federal tax monies....

NO ONE, period.

I don't want my tax dollars paying for abortion either, and the federal gvt IS NOT PAYING FOR THEM.
PP is completely controversial...which detracts from the main purpose of providing women a health care clinic. PP also donates MILLIONS to politicians, who have sold their soul to protect PP.

If health care is truly the goal, and since PP reportedly made a PROFIT last year AND since they have obviously decided to be a POLITICAL organization rather than JUST a women's health care organization, why not simply stop all tax funding to PP and give the money to other equally deserving clinics who JUST provide health care to women and choose NOT to funnel any of their money - which could be used for women's health care treatment - to politicians?

Whenever politicians and/or politics is entered into the equation corruption follows. Eliminate politics and politicians from the equation!
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:

Facts are "ignorance" only to liberals. If the government is giving money to PP, which performs abortions, then I'm paying for abortions. There's no two ways about it.
Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

only overly emotional idiots twist themselves into knots to peddle that lie.

It's obviously not a lie. Anyone who understands that slightest thing about how corporations work would understand that. Money they don't have to spend on 'A' means more money they can spend on 'B' - 'B' being abortions in the case of PP.

i'm sick of paying for your mental health prescription drugs.

and put down the doughnut fat ass, i can't afford your knee replacement.

see how that works, dum dum...
The whole phoney 'investigation' was to produce something for conservatives who react wholly on emotion, rather than fact. It didn't matter at all what the facts were, like all the previous productions of the fake videos the idea is to get a gut reaction from the crazy base and get them riled up. Then at election time later bring this phoney crap up like its real to get them to vote. Same principal with the phoney Benghazi crap. Find something that the overly emotional conservative base will react to like seals being fed a bucket of fish, and then push it with nonstop Faux News and con-radio talking vomit.

You Pro-Lifers have no right to force your beliefs and practices on those who demand abortion on demand....however, the pro-abortionists have every right to force their beliefs and practices on everyone else by forcing to PAY for THEIR abortions....

...interesting how the Liberal world works.

ALL liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end.

NO ONE is paying for abortions with federal tax monies....

NO ONE, period.

I don't want my tax dollars paying for abortion either, and the federal gvt IS NOT PAYING FOR THEM.
If the government gives money to PP, which does abortions, then the government is paying for abortions. It's as simple as that.
Only fools believe money given to PP isn't used to fund abortions.

only overly emotional idiots twist themselves into knots to peddle that lie.

It's obviously not a lie. Anyone who understands that slightest thing about how corporations work would understand that. Money they don't have to spend on 'A' means more money they can spend on 'B' - 'B' being abortions in the case of PP.

i'm sick of paying for your mental health prescription drugs.

and put down the doughnut fat ass, i can't afford your knee replacement.

see how that works, dum dum...

Feel free to lobby Congress to end government funded mental health benefits.

What I see is that you're suffering from severe mental retardation.
Planned Parenthood was caught on tape offering to sell body parts, which is against the law. In a just world, PP would be charged with a crime.

Instead, in this modern world created by fascist liberals, those who have exposed the criminal conspiracy are treated like criminals.

Some day, liberals, you will have to eat the shit sandwich you are making of this country. When they haul you off to the concentration camps, don't say we didn't warn you.
You Pro-Lifers have no right to force your beliefs and practices on those who demand abortion on demand....however, the pro-abortionists have every right to force their beliefs and practices on everyone else by forcing to PAY for THEIR abortions....

...interesting how the Liberal world works.

ALL liars get thrown in to the lake of fire in the end.

NO ONE is paying for abortions with federal tax monies....

NO ONE, period.

I don't want my tax dollars paying for abortion either, and the federal gvt IS NOT PAYING FOR THEM.

According to the ACLU, at present, the federal Medicaid program mandates abortion funding in cases of rape or incest, as well as when a pregnant woman's life is endangered by a physical disorder, illness, or injury.
- So right there anyone declaring tax dollars do not go to pay for abortions is either an idiot or a liar.

Currently only seventeen states fund abortions for low-income women on the same or similar terms as other pregnancy-related and general health services. (See map.) Four of these states provide funding voluntarily (HI, MD, NY,1 and WA); in thirteen, courts interpreting their state constitutions have declared broad and independent protection for reproductive choice and have ordered nondiscriminatory public funding of abortion (AK, AZ, CA, CT, IL, MA, MN, MT, NJ, NM, OR, VT, and WV).2 Thirty-two of the remaining states pay for abortions for low-income women in cases of life-endangering circumstances, rape, or incest, as mandated by federal Medicaid law.3 (A handful of these states pay as well in cases of fetal impairment or when the pregnancy threatens "severe" health problems, but none provides reimbursement for all medically necessary abortions for low-income women.) Finally, one state (SD) fails even to comply with the Hyde Amendment, instead providing coverage only for lifesaving abortions. Research has shown abortions are being performed not in compliance of the Hyde Amendment based on the belief of some that the Hyde Amendment and other bans discriminatory and harm women's health and should be repealed.

Pro-Abortionists argue that without funding and conducting desired abortions people would 'revert back to the practice of back-alley butchers and close hangars'.

4 Ways our Tax Dollars pay for Abortions:

1. Health insurance exchanges developed through Obamacare provided participants with coverage at reduced or subsidized rates, but the plans were supposed to prohibit coverage for abortions. Yet a Government Accountability Office (GAO) review of 18 health insurance companies in the exchange programs showed they didn't actually follow through on this requirement. Abortions were paid, often without any itemization of expenditures reported.

2. Insurance companies doing business in 28 states were under set standards that covered abortion services, according to the National Review. Individuals who had coverage from them, whether they self-paid for abortions or the insurance companies covered the cost, were automatically paying a part of their premium to cover abortion services. In those states, there were no health insurance plans that did not cover abortions

3. Regulations for the national health care plan completed in 2013 required that every participant in an exchange plan pay an additional amount on top of the regular premium amount to fund elective abortions, regardless of age or gender. The insurance company would then use those funds rather than federal funds to pay for abortions. There was no opt-out.

4. Obamacare regulations required health insurance providers include coverage for essential community providers for low-income participants. Among these essential providers were those providing family planning funds, including Planned Parenthood clinics. Planned Parenthood provides more abortion services than any other organization in the U.S.

LINK: 4 Ways Your Tax Dollars Are Paying for Abortions

To all the delusional, pro-abortion-on-demand-at-tax-payer-expense libs who claim tax payers do not pay for their abortions and demand proof to the contrary, HERE YA GO....not that they will still do anything but deny, engage in personal attacks and name-calling....

I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
Good advice. Ever planning on taking it yourself?

I include insults with my facts and logic. You and your sidekick Faun, on the other hand, do not.

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