Anti-abortion activists indicted for undercover videos smearing Planned Parenthood

no they don't contribute millions to politicians, that's another fabrication...
Sorry, even the Liberal-leaning 'politifact' declares it a FACT that Planned Parenthood ensures millions go into the pockets of politicians. They get away with it by having 'separate entities that are affiliated with Planned Parenthood' affecting the 'contributions'.
- Anyone not completely ignorant to how politics works (PACs, etc - much the same way Hillary's 'corporation' un-officially 'feeds' her political ambitons / actions) understands exactly what that means and what is going on...

LINK: Planned Parenthood spends millions to elect Democrats to Congress, GOP U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy says
ahhh, so you are counting all pacs....and don't believe in free speech....? I see...
Alynski would be proud of you....

Planned Parenthood protection is BOUGHT.
When politicians have to be BOUGHT to protect something, corruption and wrong-doing matter how hard you try to justify it.
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.

They released the videos, unedited…..another lie by you lefties…….

if that were true, the two loons wouldn't have been indicted.

you're welcome. :cucioo:

You can get anyone indicted with the right grand Jury…they did the same thing to Tom Delay…they had to seat multiple grand juries to finally get one to indict him…he was acquitted in less than an hour of jury deliberation….but they achieved what they wanted…knocking him out of congress…..

These people are charged with some sort of government document felony….they used false IDs……just like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN undercover reporters do all the time….this is a politically motivated attack against these people ...
Jill, from your OWN link:

"In U.S. politics, the Hyde Amendment is a legislative provision barring the use of certain federal funds to pay for abortion unless the pregnancy arises from incest, rape, or to save the life of the mother."

Feel free to pull a Hillary and amend your initial statement declaring the US Govt does not pay for abortions.....


I don't even consider that an issue.

nor do most normal people.

oh right... you aren't normal.
no they don't contribute millions to politicians, that's another fabrication...
Sorry, even the Liberal-leaning 'politifact' declares it a FACT that Planned Parenthood ensures millions go into the pockets of politicians. They get away with it by having 'separate entities that are affiliated with Planned Parenthood' affecting the 'contributions'.
- Anyone not completely ignorant to how politics works (PACs, etc - much the same way Hillary's 'corporation' un-officially 'feeds' her political ambitons / actions) understands exactly what that means and what is going on...

LINK: Planned Parenthood spends millions to elect Democrats to Congress, GOP U.S. Rep. Sean Duffy says
ahhh, so you are counting all pacs....and don't believe in free speech....? I see...
Alynski would be proud of you....

Planned Parenthood protection is BOUGHT.
When politicians have to be BOUGHT to protect something, corruption and wrong-doing matter how hard you try to justify it.

This is the same process they used to destroy Tom Delay….democrats fight political war and they take no prisoners….

Tom DeLay campaign finance trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ronnie Earle, the Democratic then-District Attorney of Travis County (which includes the state capital of Austin), sought the indictment of Tom DeLay in 2005.

After a first grand jury declined to indict DeLay, Earle stated that new evidence had become available.

A second grand jury quickly issued an indictment of Delay for one count of criminal conspiracy on September 28, 2005.

On October 3, a third grand jury indicted DeLay for the more serious offense of money laundering.[1]

An arrest warrant was issued on October 19, and DeLay turned himself in the next day to the Harris County Sheriff's Office in Houston.[2]

In accordance with House Republican Conference rules, DeLay temporarily resigned from his position as House Majority Leader. On January 7, 2006, after pressure from fellow Republicans, he announced that he would not seek to return to the post. On June 9, 2006, DeLay resigned from Congress.[3]

After two judges were recused from the case, the chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court assigned Senior District Judge Pat Priest, a Democrat, of San Antonio to preside over the case.[4] DeLay moved to dismiss all charges.

Judge Priest dismissed one count of the indictment alleging conspiracy to violate election law but allowed the other, more serious charges of money laundering and conspiracy to engage in money laundering to proceed.

In November 2010, DeLay was found guilty by a Harris County jury on both counts.

In September 2013, a Texas appeals court overturned DeLay's conviction.

In the opinion of the court, the state's evidence was legally insufficient to sustain DeLay's convictions so the court reversed the judgments of the trial court and rendered judgments of acquittal.

The current DA's office said it would appeal the decision to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which it later did.[5][6] The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals agreed to review the case and handed down a decision affirming the lower courts' dismissal October 1, 2014.
It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

“Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:

Facts are "ignorance" only to liberals. If the government is giving money to PP, which performs abortions, then I'm paying for abortions. There's no two ways about it.
Imbecile.... it's not a "fact" until you prove it. Until you do, it's a delusion, not a fact. And avoiding proving it under the pathetic guise that you don't have to because it's so obvious to you only further demonstrates your dementia.

So either prove your claims or you prove you're just another crazy conservative......
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.

They released the videos, unedited…..another lie by you lefties…….

if that were true, the two loons wouldn't have been indicted.

you're welcome. :cucioo:

You can get anyone indicted with the right grand Jury…they did the same thing to Tom Delay…they had to seat multiple grand juries to finally get one to indict him…he was acquitted in less than an hour of jury deliberation….but they achieved what they wanted…knocking him out of congress…..

These people are charged with some sort of government document felony….they used false IDs……just like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN undercover reporters do all the time….this is a politically motivated attack against these people ...

yokie dokie....

THIS grand jury was told to investigate planned parenthood and came back and indicted the loons. that wasn't the prosecutors trying to get the indictment.

the decision to have a child is between a woman and her doctor. you're not smart enough to tie your shoes. you're certainly not smart enough to make decisions for others.

stop trying to put your religion into my laws. if muslims were doing this, you'd be having a breakdown about sharia law.

and i'm bored of defending something that is a right. i'm not going to make excuses for it. and i'm not a theocratic misogynist male who can't stand women controlling their own bodies.

funny how 80% of anti-choice extremists are male.
When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:

Facts are "ignorance" only to liberals. If the government is giving money to PP, which performs abortions, then I'm paying for abortions. There's no two ways about it.
Imbecile.... it's not a "fact" until you prove it. Until you do, it's a delusion, not a fact. And avoiding proving it under the pathetic guise that you don't have to because it's so obvious to you only further demonstrates your dementia.

So either prove your claims or you prove you're just another crazy conservative......

I think that last part is self-evident.
little wacko boys shouldn't be trying to make decisions for women anyway. *shrug*

I wonder if he'd be in melt down if they cut off funding for Viagra

Ok, yeah, the government does take your tax dollars and fund abortions, as opposed to what I have been saying all along. Yes Liberals don't like anti-abortionists making demands of pro-abortionists based on their religious or otherwise beliefs or desires but have no problem imposing their own beliefs and desires upon anti-abortionists...and to justify that statement I childishly and ignorantly declare that liberals have the RIGHT to take your money to use for abortions because 'little boys' shouldn't be trying to make decisions for women anyway'.

Hey Jill:

1. Nice hypocritical admission there.

2. You are trying to come across as a 'big girl / woman' scolding 'little boys' but make the argument instead that 'big girls/women' are nothing more than 'little girls' who don't want to/can't live with the consequences of the choices they make or/and can't EARN the money like 'big girls/women' to pay for their own ELECTIVE SURGERIES. Instead, like children, then demand that the 'grown-ups' pay for it.

3. You make the false accusation that all pro-lifers want to force women NOT to have abortions - you're wrong. It is a woman's choice. They can have all the abortions, kill all the babies, they want. That's a choice they and God have to deal with. All I am asking / demanding is that the women who make that choice PAY FOR THAT CHOICE themselves.
Free-loading is one thing, but free-loading to escape a personal choice by killing a child is BULLSHITE!
The investigation into Planned Parenthood in Texas has backfired big time.

Investigation Into Planned Parenthood Leads To Indictment Of Anti-Abortion Activists

Instead of indicting members of the Organization for peddling baby parts (did not happen...a lie...fiction...not true), two Anti-Abortion Activists were instead indicted.

"After a lengthy and thorough investigation by the Harris County District Attorney's Office, the Texas Rangers and the Houston Police Department , a Harris County Grand Jury took no action against Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast", the Harris County D.A. Office announced in a statement.

Instead, David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt who made heavily edited tapes of Planned Parenthood Officials supposedly discussing sale of fetal tissue have been indicted. Daleiden and Merritt face charges of tampering with Government Records.

The investigation Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast was launched under the direction of Republican Governor of Texas Greg Abbott.

Leadership of Planned Parenthood called the investigation politically motivated. Which it was.

Damn, tampering with Government Records. When will those lying, belly crawling, yellow belly cowards in the Anti-Abortion Movement learn that when you edit tapes for content and get caught there will be consequences.

They released the videos, unedited…..another lie by you lefties…….

if that were true, the two loons wouldn't have been indicted.

you're welcome. :cucioo:

You can get anyone indicted with the right grand Jury…they did the same thing to Tom Delay…they had to seat multiple grand juries to finally get one to indict him…he was acquitted in less than an hour of jury deliberation….but they achieved what they wanted…knocking him out of congress…..

These people are charged with some sort of government document felony….they used false IDs……just like ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN undercover reporters do all the time….this is a politically motivated attack against these people ...

yokie dokie....

THIS grand jury was told to investigate planned parenthood and came back and indicted the loons. that wasn't the prosecutors trying to get the indictment.

the decision to have a child is between a woman and her doctor. you're not smart enough to tie your shoes. you're certainly not smart enough to make decisions for others.

stop trying to put your religion into my laws. if muslims were doing this, you'd be having a breakdown about sharia law.

and i'm bored of defending something that is a right. i'm not going to make excuses for it. and i'm not a theocratic misogynist male who can't stand women controlling their own bodies.

funny how 80% of anti-choice extremists are male.
funny, I thought the decision to have a child was between a woman and the man that she was having coitus with. Hmmmm, didn't know it was the doctor. Lucky dam doctors. That's a lot of coitus.
This is the same process they used to destroy Tom Delay….democrats fight political war and they take no prisoners….

Tom DeLay campaign finance trial - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ronnie Earle, the Democratic then-District Attorney of Travis County (which includes the state capital of Austin), sought the indictment of Tom DeLay in 2005.

After a first grand jury declined to indict DeLay, Earle stated that new evidence had become available.

A second grand jury quickly issued an indictment of Delay for one count of criminal conspiracy on September 28, 2005.

On October 3, a third grand jury indicted DeLay for the more serious offense of money laundering.[1]

An arrest warrant was issued on October 19, and DeLay turned himself in the next day to the Harris County Sheriff's Office in Houston.[2]

In accordance with House Republican Conference rules, DeLay temporarily resigned from his position as House Majority Leader. On January 7, 2006, after pressure from fellow Republicans, he announced that he would not seek to return to the post. On June 9, 2006, DeLay resigned from Congress.[3]

After two judges were recused from the case, the chief justice of the Texas Supreme Court assigned Senior District Judge Pat Priest, a Democrat, of San Antonio to preside over the case.[4] DeLay moved to dismiss all charges.

Judge Priest dismissed one count of the indictment alleging conspiracy to violate election law but allowed the other, more serious charges of money laundering and conspiracy to engage in money laundering to proceed.

In November 2010, DeLay was found guilty by a Harris County jury on both counts.

In September 2013, a Texas appeals court overturned DeLay's conviction.

In the opinion of the court, the state's evidence was legally insufficient to sustain DeLay's convictions so the court reversed the judgments of the trial court and rendered judgments of acquittal.

The current DA's office said it would appeal the decision to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, which it later did.[5][6] The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals agreed to review the case and handed down a decision affirming the lower courts' dismissal October 1, 2014.

yes, how dare people tell the truth about righwingnuts
little wacko boys shouldn't be trying to make decisions for women anyway. *shrug*

I wonder if he'd be in melt down if they cut off funding for Viagra

Ok, yeah, the government does take your tax dollars and fund abortions, as opposed to what I have been saying all along. Yes Liberals don't like anti-abortionists making demands of pro-abortionists based on their religious or otherwise beliefs or desires but have no problem imposing their own beliefs and desires upon anti-abortionists...and to justify that statement I childishly and ignorantly declare that liberals have the RIGHT to take your money to use for abortions because 'little boys' shouldn't be trying to make decisions for women anyway'.

Hey Jill:

1. Nice hypocritical admission there.

2. You are trying to come across as a 'big girl / woman' scolding 'little boys' but make the argument instead that 'big girls/women' are nothing more than 'little girls' who don't want to/can't live with the consequences of the choices they make or/and can't EARN the money like 'big girls/women' to pay for their own ELECTIVE SURGERIES. Instead, like children, then demand that the 'grown-ups' pay for it.

3. You make the false accusation that all pro-lifers want to force women NOT to have abortions - you're wrong. It is a woman's choice. They can have all the abortions, kill all the babies, they want. That's a choice they and God have to deal with. All I am asking / demanding is that the women who make that choice PAY FOR THAT CHOICE themselves.
Free-loading is one thing, but free-loading to escape a personal choice by killing a child is BULLSHITE!

poor little winger troll.

nice insane rant, though
Planned Parenthood was caught on tape offering to sell body parts, which is against the law. In a just world, PP would be charged with a crime.

Instead, in this modern world created by fascist liberals, those who have exposed the criminal conspiracy are treated like criminals.

Some day, liberals, you will have to eat the shit sandwich you are making of this country. When they haul you off to the concentration camps, don't say we didn't warn you.
You're lying. It is completely legal to sell embryonic tissue as long as it's done within the law, which permits such sales for nominal fees to cover the costs involved. Twelve states have thus far investigated the implications contained in the videos and have found that Planned Parenthood has not violated any laws. On the flip side, the folks who attempted to trap Planned Parenthood have been indicted for their failed efforts. Seems in their desire to catch Planned Parenthood in the act of committing a crime, they may have been the ones who actually broke the law.

You're just butthurt because you know how delicious the left finds the irony in that.
I see I underestimated you - you really are that stupid, to think people are actually indicted for making allegations.... My bad.

It's always funny when an ignorant troll sitting in his mommy's basement like you calls others stupid


It's always the people who are too unhinged to govern their own lives who want to tell everyone else what decisions to make.

Your extremist lunacy does not give some group of wackos the right to lie and fabricate like the people who just got their ugly butts indicted.

From the link. Which you are clearly incapable of following:

These anti-abortion extremists spent three years creating a fake company, creating fake identities, lying, and breaking the law,” he said. “These people broke the law to spread malicious lies about Planned Parenthood in order to advance their extreme anti-abortion political agenda. As the dust settles and the truth comes out, it’s become totally clear that the only people who engaged in wrongdoing are the criminals behind this fraud, and we’re glad they’re being held accountable

Maybe you should stop trying to divest women of their rights just because you're a misogynist theocrat.

When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?

you are aware that the federal government doesn't pay for abortions, right?


It most certainly does pay for abortions, dingbat.

say what, ignoramus?

you never hear of the hyde amendment?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

damn, there's no cure for your stupid.

Congress is ignoring the Hyde Amendment, sort of like Obama ignores the Constitution.
You're lying. It is completely legal to sell embryonic tissue as long as it's done within the law, which permits such sales for nominal fees to cover the costs involved.
So are you saying that negotiating the sale of a fetus' body parts for the price of untraceable cash or a Lamborghini is legal, within the limits of the law, or are you saying what was shown on the video - which was a doctor negotiating for the sale of a fetus' body parts for cash and/or a Lamborghini was a figment of people's imagination?! Which is it? Maybe they KNEW they were being filmed and decided just to F* with the film maker, right?!
When did women get the right to force me to pay for their abortions?
When you got the right to be stupid.
Insults are not a substitute for facts and logic.

You obviously can't answer the question.
What other answer is there to such a moronic question given your question is built on the ignorance that you're paying for abortions? :dunno:

Facts are "ignorance" only to liberals. If the government is giving money to PP, which performs abortions, then I'm paying for abortions. There's no two ways about it.
Imbecile.... it's not a "fact" until you prove it.

Until you do, it's a delusion, not a fact.

That's indisputable proof of your idiocy. Facts are facts, regardless of whether someone proves them or not.

And avoiding proving it under the pathetic guise that you don't have to because it's so obvious to you only further demonstrates your dementia.

So either prove your claims or you prove you're just another crazy conservative......

Total horseshit. I don't have to prove the sun comes up in the East. Everyone knows that already. Likewise I don't have to prove that PP uses government money to pay for abortions.

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