Anti-Civil Rights group mourns death of terrorist.


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Michael Bloomberg has joined much of the left in his campaign to stomp out civil rights. Bloomberg's group is a traveling circus that goes to various states to hold rallies against civil liberties. The Bloomberg group recently traveled to New Hampshire, where 40 union goons, paid by Bloomie, spread the message of servitude and obedience. The first issue was the fact that the anti-rights group of SEIU thugs numbered about 40, and the local pro-rights group that came to counter them was nearly double their number.

But the biggest issue was when the anti-rights protestors read the names of gun violence victims;

{Some of the loudest shouts came when a reader spoke the name of Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects who was killed by police during a gunfight. "He's a terrorist," several protesters shouted.}

Bloomberg Group Apologizes for Naming Terrorist as a "Victim of Gun Violence" - Guy Benson

Apparently for the anti-liberty left, the shooting of the Boston marathon terrorist was a tragedy and a clear reason that citizens should be denied civil rights.
SEIU hates Bloomberg with a fiery passion, and even your ridiculous link says nothing about them being there.

Why must you continuously make things up?
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

How the fuck did you come up with that from what I said?

The issue here is that the Bloomberg astroturf group is mourning the death of Tsarnaev as a "victim."

The fact that you're here with ad hom and straw man fallacies, make it seem as if you agree with the anti-civil rights cadre. Do you view Tsarnaev as a tragic victim of gun violence?
English, motherfucker. Do you speak it?

How the fuck did you come up with that from what I said?

The issue here is that the Bloomberg astroturf group is mourning the death of Tsarnaev as a "victim."

The "issue" that I was commenting on was your babble about SEIU, nothing more,

The fact that you're here with ad hom and straw man fallacies, make it seem as if you agree with the anti-civil rights cadre.

Again with the assumptions. Aren't you sick of looking like a fool?

Do you view Tsarnaev as a tragic victim of gun violence?

No, of course not.
The "issue" that I was commenting on was your babble about SEIU, nothing more,

You were/are flinging shit like a feral baboon in hopes of detracting from the story.

No, of course not.

So, your purpose is to distract from the idiocy of the Bloomberg group?

And of course as always - you're full of shit.

{Stand with Organizing For Action and our coalition partners, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Doctors For America, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, Local 1199 SEIU, celebrities like Tony Bennett, and a host of others for a mega mobilization in support of the NY SAFE Act. We need EVERY person who cares about keeping our communities and children safe to send a strong message. We want New York State to lead the nation in gun violence prevention!}

Fucking moron.
The "issue" that I was commenting on was your babble about SEIU, nothing more,

You were/are flinging shit like a feral baboon in hopes of detracting from the story.

No, of course not.

So, your purpose is to distract from the idiocy of the Bloomberg group?

I think you might want to try to return that crystal ball of yours, you are 0 for 5 in your mind-reading powers.

I hate Bloomberg more than you do, and don't support his Mayors Against Guns at all.

And of course as always - you're full of shit.

{Stand with Organizing For Action and our coalition partners, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Doctors For America, New Yorkers Against Gun Violence, Local 1199 SEIU, celebrities like Tony Bennett, and a host of others for a mega mobilization in support of the NY SAFE Act. We need EVERY person who cares about keeping our communities and children safe to send a strong message. We want New York State to lead the nation in gun violence prevention!}

Fucking moron.

Work on your reading comprehension. The fact that MAG and SEIU are both "partners" with OFA does not imply that they are partnered with each other.

SEIU has spen millions of dollars trying to defeat Bloomberg. I know this because SEIU paid me to work for Bloomberg's opponent in the last election.

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