Anti-gun extremists use lies to justify rifle ban in Deerfield, Illinios....


Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.
They can't even pretend to be honest when they are trying to justify the unConstitutional Rifle ban in Deerfield, Illinois...

Brady Campaign Defends Deerfield, IL Gun Ban With Insane Arguments - The Truth About Guns

The defendants’ brief (click for .pdf) in opposition to our motion for injunctive relief argues the village’s ban on rifles is necessity “to protect the public health, safety and welfare.” Then they boldly cite criminal misuse of handguns as justification for their ban on scary-looking rifles.

Hard to believe, right? It’s true. They cite the South Carolina church killings and the attempted assassination of Gabby Giffords — both crimes committed with handguns — as reasons to ban rifles.

They also cited the Washington D.C. Naval Yard spree killing. There, a lunatic used a no-frills Mossberg 500 shotgun purchased at Dick’s Sporting Goods to kill most of his victims. He also used a handgun stolen from a murdered security guard.

Yes, the Village argues that they need to ban rifles because of criminals who used handguns and shotguns to kill people. That’s some sound logic, right? Not so much.

Wait. It gets worse. The defendants’ brief also names two domestic Islamic terror attacks as reasons to ban guns in Deerfield. Yes, they actually cited the Islamic terror attacks in San Bernardino, CA and at the Orlando Pulse nightclub as justification for taking our guns. So because the U.S. Government can’t protect us from Islamic terror attacks, the Village of Deerfield should disarm law-abiding Americans?

The brief also cites the Sutherland Springs, Texas church massacre. At the same time, it fails to note that a good guy’s AR-15 stopped the killings.

The audacity of these control freaks knows no limits and no shame.
All we need is a good spark to ignite a Civil War and drive out the Marxists.

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. The Moon Bats will be besides themselves. Probably more howling at the sky. Maybe a little more marching around in their pink pussy hats. Lots of those sweet Liberal tears.

Unless the Republicans go wobbly on us our Second Amendment rights hopefully will not be infringed upon anymore for awhile.

We need the Supreme Court to put an end to the states doing it.

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. The Moon Bats will be besides themselves. Probably more howling at the sky. Maybe a little more marching around in their pink pussy hats. Lots of those sweet Liberal tears.

Unless the Republicans go wobbly on us our Second Amendment rights hopefully will not be infringed upon anymore for awhile.

We need the Supreme Court to put an end to the states doing it.

There are about 40 Republican Seats up for grabs this year. Due to the way that California does things, they have already lost 4 of those seats since no Republicans will be running in the runnoffs there. There are a few Dems that are very, very popular that could bounce Republicans. In Colorado, if our current Governor decides to run (he term limits) say good by to the Republican Tipton. But I have a feeling they are saving him for the Senate in 2020 to go against Gardner who the Guv would win easily. It's like that in many places across the nation. It's not the shoein that you paint. The second the Republican Voters get complacent then the Dems will win. Dems already picked up 6 of the 24 needed. That means they need 19 more to gain control. It's doable if Republicans aren't real careful and vigil.

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

Where do you come up with this tripe. The current SCOTUS is the most Conservative that has ever sat on the bench. And you still aren't satisfied. If the requirement is for them to always rule in favor for ALL of the Constitution then you will NEVER be happy. You just want them to rule the way YOU want them to rule and only consider the parts that YOU agree with. Sorry, ain't going to happen.
LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. The Moon Bats will be besides themselves. Probably more howling at the sky. Maybe a little more marching around in their pink pussy hats. Lots of those sweet Liberal tears.

Unless the Republicans go wobbly on us our Second Amendment rights hopefully will not be infringed upon anymore for awhile.

We need the Supreme Court to put an end to the states doing it.

There are about 40 Republican Seats up for grabs this year. Due to the way that California does things, they have already lost 4 of those seats since no Republicans will be running in the runnoffs there. There are a few Dems that are very, very popular that could bounce Republicans. In Colorado, if our current Governor decides to run (he term limits) say good by to the Republican Tipton. But I have a feeling they are saving him for the Senate in 2020 to go against Gardner who the Guv would win easily. It's like that in many places across the nation. It's not the shoein that you paint. The second the Republican Voters get complacent then the Dems will win. Dems already picked up 6 of the 24 needed. That means they need 19 more to gain control. It's doable if Republicans aren't real careful and vigil.
Don't be delusional. The party in [power usually loses some seats during the midterms. Just look at what happen to that asshole Obama in 2010. Devestating, wasn't it? The same with Slick Willy in 1994. However, there will not be a big shift this year. No Blue wave that you Moon Bats are hoping for. Maybe a few seats lost but not enough to change the majority for the Republicans.

Meanwhile the filthy Democrats have too many Senate seats to defend, That is why the Republicans will pick up some of them, especially in the states that went for Trump in 2016.

On top of that Trump is still President.

It must suck to be a Moon Bat nowadays.

Heller is only applicable to the District of Columbia that has no States Rights. .

LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

Where do you come up with this tripe. The current SCOTUS is the most Conservative that has ever sat on the bench. And you still aren't satisfied. If the requirement is for them to always rule in favor for ALL of the Constitution then you will NEVER be happy. You just want them to rule the way YOU want them to rule and only consider the parts that YOU agree with. Sorry, ain't going to happen.

No, you are confused Moon Bat.

At best it is 4-4 with a swing vote.

We need to replace Kennedy with a real Conservative and get rid of that Ginsburg Libtard bitch and replace her with a solid Conservative.

Then we can have real restoration of our Liberties.

Liberals are destructive assholes. It doesn't matter if they are in the Legislative Branch or the Judicial Branch. They always fuck the American people.
LOL! You are really confused Moon Bat.

To suggest that a resident of DC has the individual right to keep and bear arms but a citizen of Maryland must belong to a government regulated militia is like the epitome of stupidity, even for a Moon Bat.

Anyway the follow up case of McDonald fixed that misconception that any of you stupid Moon Bats might have had.

You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

Where do you come up with this tripe. The current SCOTUS is the most Conservative that has ever sat on the bench. And you still aren't satisfied. If the requirement is for them to always rule in favor for ALL of the Constitution then you will NEVER be happy. You just want them to rule the way YOU want them to rule and only consider the parts that YOU agree with. Sorry, ain't going to happen.

No, you are confused Moon Bat.

At best it is 4-4 with a swing vote.

We need to replace Kennedy with a real Conservative and get rid of that Ginsburg Libtard bitch and replace her with a solid Conservative.

Then we can have real restoration of our Liberties.

Liberals are destructive assholes. It doesn't matter if they are in the Legislative Branch or the Judicial Branch. They always fuck the American people.

Well, Cupcake, this is still the most conservative SCOTUS in history. It's as good as it gets. A supreme court judge has to rule taking in consideration ALL of the Constitution. Not just those interpretation you think they should and discount the rest of it. It won't matter a whit what their party affiliation is. You can cry, scream, stomp your feet, throw yourself to the ground in a fit or rage and miss but it won't matter. If they do their jobs, it's all about the whole constitution. You want the Constitution changed? That has to come from the Congressional side of the Government with a 2/3rds vote. Until then, the Supreme Court will continue to rule like they do.
You know what I like....when these anti gun asshats tell us..."you better give us what we want now, or we will just take all of your gun Rights...." I love it when they try that crap out on us........ They are going to take all of our guns unless we out vote them......and if they take our guns, they will one day actually make the streets run with blood...just like they always tell us will happen if normal people own and carry guns....which shows the exact opposite as gun crime and violent crime goes down as more Americans own and carry guns...

I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. The Moon Bats will be besides themselves. Probably more howling at the sky. Maybe a little more marching around in their pink pussy hats. Lots of those sweet Liberal tears.

Unless the Republicans go wobbly on us our Second Amendment rights hopefully will not be infringed upon anymore for awhile.

We need the Supreme Court to put an end to the states doing it.

There are about 40 Republican Seats up for grabs this year. Due to the way that California does things, they have already lost 4 of those seats since no Republicans will be running in the runnoffs there. There are a few Dems that are very, very popular that could bounce Republicans. In Colorado, if our current Governor decides to run (he term limits) say good by to the Republican Tipton. But I have a feeling they are saving him for the Senate in 2020 to go against Gardner who the Guv would win easily. It's like that in many places across the nation. It's not the shoein that you paint. The second the Republican Voters get complacent then the Dems will win. Dems already picked up 6 of the 24 needed. That means they need 19 more to gain control. It's doable if Republicans aren't real careful and vigil.
Don't be delusional. The party in [power usually loses some seats during the midterms. Just look at what happen to that asshole Obama in 2010. Devestating, wasn't it? The same with Slick Willy in 1994. However, there will not be a big shift this year. No Blue wave that you Moon Bats are hoping for. Maybe a few seats lost but not enough to change the majority for the Republicans.

Meanwhile the filthy Democrats have too many Senate seats to defend, That is why the Republicans will pick up some of them, especially in the states that went for Trump in 2016.

On top of that Trump is still President.

It must suck to be a Moon Bat nowadays.

Newsflash: SFBs, I don't want the REps to lose the Senate. I do see them losing the House though and in 2020 there is a good possibility that they could lose the Presidency. You NEVER want all three in the hands of one party. The biggest messes are from when one party or the other controls all three. The next worst mess is when one party controls both the House and the Senate and the President is of the other Party. It's better to have one party hold the House while the other Party hold the Senate. The way to get two mules to pull together who constantly fight each other is to harness them together so they have no choice but to work it out.

But I don't expect your little pea brain to understand that.
Many perceived "gun rights" will eventually depend on three words found in the 2nd Amendment, "well regulated militia". A modernized interpretation of those words will change everything. A decision will be made that the old and current interpretation of "everyone" automatically belonging to the militia will be changed and who can belong to the militia and in what capacity will become "well regulated".

So you want government to be able to decide who is worthy of 2nd amendment rights?

What a fucking slave you are.
The government is already doing that by preventing some citizens from legally owning or possessing firearms. They already have a right to "regulate". Convicted felons are regulated. So are people with histories of mental illness or specific histories of particular crimes even if the crimes are not felonies.

My post of speculating how gun regulation may change in the future does not offer an opinion as to my support or non-support of such a change.
If you do not want to see issues realistically or be educated that is your problem.

The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...
The critical thing to remember in this thread is that regardless of what the Constitution says.....or how cleverly those wanting to circumvent it pose their arguments, one thing is certain........

All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.
If good men look the other way long enough, they will ultimately succeed as sure as the Sun rises in the East.

Talk is cheap and often fruitless. Occasionally in the fight for your rights against tyrants and liars such as those in this thread, you must be willing to put your money where your mouth is. In the words of Thomas Jefferson.....

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -

If evil men are more than willing to revoke your Constitutional Rights, are you not obligated to defend them?
Many perceived "gun rights" will eventually depend on three words found in the 2nd Amendment, "well regulated militia". A modernized interpretation of those words will change everything. A decision will be made that the old and current interpretation of "everyone" automatically belonging to the militia will be changed and who can belong to the militia and in what capacity will become "well regulated".

So you want government to be able to decide who is worthy of 2nd amendment rights?

What a fucking slave you are.
The government is already doing that by preventing some citizens from legally owning or possessing firearms. They already have a right to "regulate". Convicted felons are regulated. So are people with histories of mental illness or specific histories of particular crimes even if the crimes are not felonies.

My post of speculating how gun regulation may change in the future does not offer an opinion as to my support or non-support of such a change.
If you do not want to see issues realistically or be educated that is your problem.

The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...

As long as your bunch keeps with the insults and refuses to enter into meaningful discussion don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You just keep digging the hole deeper. When you are already in a hole, stop digging.
The critical thing to remember in this thread is that regardless of what the Constitution says.....or how cleverly those wanting to circumvent it pose their arguments, one thing is certain........

All that is required for evil men to prevail, is for good men to do nothing.
If good men look the other way long enough, they will ultimately succeed as sure as the Sun rises in the East.

Talk is cheap and often fruitless. Occasionally in the fight for your rights against tyrants and liars such as those in this thread, you must be willing to put your money where your mouth is. In the words of Thomas Jefferson.....

"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants." -

If evil men are more than willing to revoke your Constitutional Rights, are you not obligated to defend them?

Oh, I agree with it for it's time period. But where are your same things on Trump and his Cronies? Why are you trying to give him all these free rides? We don't need NASA to get to the moon, we just have to line up the free rides Trump receives, line them up end to end and we can get to the moon and back free of charge.
Many perceived "gun rights" will eventually depend on three words found in the 2nd Amendment, "well regulated militia". A modernized interpretation of those words will change everything. A decision will be made that the old and current interpretation of "everyone" automatically belonging to the militia will be changed and who can belong to the militia and in what capacity will become "well regulated".

So you want government to be able to decide who is worthy of 2nd amendment rights?

What a fucking slave you are.
The government is already doing that by preventing some citizens from legally owning or possessing firearms. They already have a right to "regulate". Convicted felons are regulated. So are people with histories of mental illness or specific histories of particular crimes even if the crimes are not felonies.

My post of speculating how gun regulation may change in the future does not offer an opinion as to my support or non-support of such a change.
If you do not want to see issues realistically or be educated that is your problem.

The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...

As long as your bunch keeps with the insults and refuses to enter into meaningful discussion don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You just keep digging the hole deeper. When you are already in a hole, stop digging.
Excuse me here... I have the Constitution on my side NOT you! Again, explain to me how my legally purchased and owned AR can be criminalized if I do not register it with the state... Btw, what insults... regardless, insults aren't germane to this conversation any way... treat them like redundant adj. or adv.'s don't get but hurt by them... the issues are what win arguments and upon which policy is crafted.. hopefully. lol
So you want government to be able to decide who is worthy of 2nd amendment rights?

What a fucking slave you are.
The government is already doing that by preventing some citizens from legally owning or possessing firearms. They already have a right to "regulate". Convicted felons are regulated. So are people with histories of mental illness or specific histories of particular crimes even if the crimes are not felonies.

My post of speculating how gun regulation may change in the future does not offer an opinion as to my support or non-support of such a change.
If you do not want to see issues realistically or be educated that is your problem.

The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...

As long as your bunch keeps with the insults and refuses to enter into meaningful discussion don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You just keep digging the hole deeper. When you are already in a hole, stop digging.
Excuse me here... I have the Constitution on my side NOT you! Again, explain to me how my legally purchased and owned AR can be criminalized if I do not register it with the state... Btw, what insults... regardless, insults aren't germane to this conversation any way... treat them like redundant adj. or adv.'s don't get but hurt by them... the issues are what win arguments and upon which policy is crafted.. hopefully. lol

No you don't have the constitution on your side if the state decides that you shouldn't have your AR. The State has the constitution on IT's side since the constitution gives it the right to determine what is and what is not the acceptable norm for legal firearms. You are taking just one sentence from the constitution and disregarding the rest to suit your own whims. Just because you legally purchased the AR today doesn't mean that it will still be a legal private firearm later on. And the State can use Due Process to determine that. And Due Process is right out of the Constitution. You know, the part where you totally ignore. But the Supreme Court recognizes the 14th Amendment Section 1 pertaining to firearms and has consistently ruled in it's favor.

Claiming that the Constitution is on your side when it clearly isn't doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you keep repeating it. In order to say you are constitutional, you have to follow ALL of the Constitution and not just the parts that trip yer trigger.
The government is already doing that by preventing some citizens from legally owning or possessing firearms. They already have a right to "regulate". Convicted felons are regulated. So are people with histories of mental illness or specific histories of particular crimes even if the crimes are not felonies.

My post of speculating how gun regulation may change in the future does not offer an opinion as to my support or non-support of such a change.
If you do not want to see issues realistically or be educated that is your problem.

The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...

As long as your bunch keeps with the insults and refuses to enter into meaningful discussion don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You just keep digging the hole deeper. When you are already in a hole, stop digging.
Excuse me here... I have the Constitution on my side NOT you! Again, explain to me how my legally purchased and owned AR can be criminalized if I do not register it with the state... Btw, what insults... regardless, insults aren't germane to this conversation any way... treat them like redundant adj. or adv.'s don't get but hurt by them... the issues are what win arguments and upon which policy is crafted.. hopefully. lol

No you don't have the constitution on your side if the state decides that you shouldn't have your AR. The State has the constitution on IT's side since the constitution gives it the right to determine what is and what is not the acceptable norm for legal firearms. You are taking just one sentence from the constitution and disregarding the rest to suit your own whims. Just because you legally purchased the AR today doesn't mean that it will still be a legal private firearm later on. And the State can use Due Process to determine that. And Due Process is right out of the Constitution. You know, the part where you totally ignore. But the Supreme Court recognizes the 14th Amendment Section 1 pertaining to firearms and has consistently ruled in it's favor.

Claiming that the Constitution is on your side when it clearly isn't doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you keep repeating it. In order to say you are constitutional, you have to follow ALL of the Constitution and not just the parts that trip yer trigger.
Slow down there mister... Sure, if the State determines that I (as an individual) deserve some scrutiny that is one thing. We are talking about a carte' blanche' Statewide, universal registration which flies in the face (the whole point) of the 2nd.
The only way the government can restrict a right is via due process. Unless a person is a convicted felon or mentally adjudicated as incompetent, they have the same 2nd amendment rights as any other citizen.

That you foresee government being able to pick and choose who can have those rights via manipulating the terms of the militia means you foresee tyranny.

And the militia argument is a non-starter anyway, because it's the STATES that maintain the right to keep a militia,while the PEOPLE keep the right to bear arms.
What about being required to register your AR or criminalizing it within state lines? The whole pivotal point of the 2nd, in my mind & that of the framers, was a check against Gov. overreach / tyranny... How does this get explained away by your ilk...

As long as your bunch keeps with the insults and refuses to enter into meaningful discussion don't expect anyone to take you seriously. You just keep digging the hole deeper. When you are already in a hole, stop digging.
Excuse me here... I have the Constitution on my side NOT you! Again, explain to me how my legally purchased and owned AR can be criminalized if I do not register it with the state... Btw, what insults... regardless, insults aren't germane to this conversation any way... treat them like redundant adj. or adv.'s don't get but hurt by them... the issues are what win arguments and upon which policy is crafted.. hopefully. lol

No you don't have the constitution on your side if the state decides that you shouldn't have your AR. The State has the constitution on IT's side since the constitution gives it the right to determine what is and what is not the acceptable norm for legal firearms. You are taking just one sentence from the constitution and disregarding the rest to suit your own whims. Just because you legally purchased the AR today doesn't mean that it will still be a legal private firearm later on. And the State can use Due Process to determine that. And Due Process is right out of the Constitution. You know, the part where you totally ignore. But the Supreme Court recognizes the 14th Amendment Section 1 pertaining to firearms and has consistently ruled in it's favor.

Claiming that the Constitution is on your side when it clearly isn't doesn't make it so. No matter how many times you keep repeating it. In order to say you are constitutional, you have to follow ALL of the Constitution and not just the parts that trip yer trigger.
Slow down there mister... Sure, if the State determines that I (as an individual) deserve some scrutiny that is one thing. We are talking about a carte' blanche' Statewide, universal registration which flies in the face (the whole point) of the 2nd.

The state has the right to require all firearms to be registered if it's done using due process of the law. It's the Freds that do not have that right. Some states require it and others don't. You don't like the way your state does things move to one that does itlike you want it to. Simple as that.
I am hoping for Trump to replace one or two of those stupid Liberals on the Supreme Court so that we can get another case that will settle this anti right to keep and bear arms bullshit once and for all.

We need to put an end to all these gun bans, background checks and magazine bans and all the other infringements that these asshole Liberals have imposed on a state and local level.

Yep....Remember in November, any vote for a democrat is a vote to end the 2nd Amendment.

We have a chance to have real Justices on the Court if Kennedy retires and ginsburg does whatever she is going to do in the next 6 years.......we may also need to replace Thomas......and to do that we need to hold the Senate, and holding the House would make sure the morons in the Senate aren't intimidated into not approving Trump's nominees...

The Republicans will maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. The Moon Bats will be besides themselves. Probably more howling at the sky. Maybe a little more marching around in their pink pussy hats. Lots of those sweet Liberal tears.

Unless the Republicans go wobbly on us our Second Amendment rights hopefully will not be infringed upon anymore for awhile.

We need the Supreme Court to put an end to the states doing it.

There are about 40 Republican Seats up for grabs this year. Due to the way that California does things, they have already lost 4 of those seats since no Republicans will be running in the runnoffs there. There are a few Dems that are very, very popular that could bounce Republicans. In Colorado, if our current Governor decides to run (he term limits) say good by to the Republican Tipton. But I have a feeling they are saving him for the Senate in 2020 to go against Gardner who the Guv would win easily. It's like that in many places across the nation. It's not the shoein that you paint. The second the Republican Voters get complacent then the Dems will win. Dems already picked up 6 of the 24 needed. That means they need 19 more to gain control. It's doable if Republicans aren't real careful and vigil.
Don't be delusional. The party in [power usually loses some seats during the midterms. Just look at what happen to that asshole Obama in 2010. Devestating, wasn't it? The same with Slick Willy in 1994. However, there will not be a big shift this year. No Blue wave that you Moon Bats are hoping for. Maybe a few seats lost but not enough to change the majority for the Republicans.

Meanwhile the filthy Democrats have too many Senate seats to defend, That is why the Republicans will pick up some of them, especially in the states that went for Trump in 2016.

On top of that Trump is still President.

It must suck to be a Moon Bat nowadays.

Newsflash: SFBs, I don't want the REps to lose the Senate. I do see them losing the House though and in 2020 there is a good possibility that they could lose the Presidency. You NEVER want all three in the hands of one party. The biggest messes are from when one party or the other controls all three. The next worst mess is when one party controls both the House and the Senate and the President is of the other Party. It's better to have one party hold the House while the other Party hold the Senate. The way to get two mules to pull together who constantly fight each other is to harness them together so they have no choice but to work it out.

But I don't expect your little pea brain to understand that.

You know, I agree with you.....after Trump appoints 3 more Justices to the Supreme Court and fills all the vacancies in the lower courts...... Then, after Trump, I might be able to do a little rebellion and vote Libertarian or another party....Right now it is too important to get Trump to fill those Judicial vacancies and replace ginsburg and kennedy at a minimum, hopefully breyer and maybe replace Thomas if he decides to retire...

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