Anti-gun laws working well in England Merged Rifle In Every Pot

I feel sad that you live in constant fear of being murdered and your only defense is a gunfight in which (hopefully) you kill the other guy and escape unscathed.

DUDE, for Pete's sake would you actually read what I've written. I have stated several times that I am not in fear of anything in terms of being murdered.

Not once have you actually responded to the substance of what I've written. You state that you would change your opinion based on decent argument yet have failed completely to respond to any of them.

Again, the purpose of quoting someone to me would be that your actually goin to respond to the quote. You haven't come close in either of the times you've quoted me.
I understand the arguments for the right to bear arms in your lawless land, we just don't find it necessary to do so in Great Britain, all I am saying in essence is maybe you could learn a little from us in this instance instead of thinking you are right all of the time?By 'you' and 'us' I mean America and Britain (before you take it literally)

Your brazen display of ignorance is the truly scary thing. Grump has stated that when he was here he experienced little if any 'lawlessness'. Like Grump however you have apparently assumed that whatever you have been exposed to on television as far as the U.S. is concerned must be how it really is. Stop of assuming things you have no experience with. We have lesson about assuming in the U.S. Assuming things only makes an ASS of U and ME (though at this point, I think just you).
Your brazen display of ignorance is the truly scary thing. Grump has stated that when he was here he experienced little if any 'lawlessness'. Like Grump however you have apparently assumed that whatever you have been exposed to on television as far as the U.S. is concerned must be how it really is. Stop of assuming things you have no experience with. We have lesson about assuming in the U.S. Assuming things only makes an ASS of U and ME (though at this point, I think just you).

I do believe you've contradicted yourself. In one sentence you say Grump stated that when he was here he didn't experience "lawlessnes". In the next you state he has made assumptions based on what he has seen on television. I do believe it's you that's making assumptions about *him* instead. ;)
I do believe you've contradicted yourself. In one sentence you say Grump stated that when he was here he didn't experience "lawlessnes". In the next you state he has made assumptions based on what he has seen on television. I do believe it's you that's making assumptions about *him* instead. ;)

Jillian, I believe Bern was referring to roomy?
Jillian, I believe Bern was referring to roomy?

You really need to stop "correcting" me when I'm right. ;)

Now here's what he said....

Like Grump however you have apparently assumed that whatever you have been exposed to on television as far as the U.S. is concerned must be how it really is

My answer stands. Thanks.
I do believe you've contradicted yourself. In one sentence you say Grump stated that when he was here he didn't experience "lawlessnes". In the next you state he has made assumptions based on what he has seen on television. I do believe it's you that's making assumptions about *him* instead. ;)

I was speaking of both of them. Wether I was or not the statement above is still untrue. You have to have some of experience of some type with anything in order to form an opinion on it. For arguments sake, let's say neither of them had been to the U.S., that would confine their experiences in regard to it to the media(TV, newspapers), word of mouth, online communication, etc. My point is that, for him to have formed the opinion of lawlessness his experiences would have to have a predominance of negativity in conveyance in his experiences regarding the U.S. I was using television as an example. I would only ask that people keep in mind this quote: "Know that the news is not all that is."

However, we do know that Grump has been to the U.S. In his case I would maintain that the relatively brief experience here was not enough to overide all his other experiences. The media (TV) would be one of those sources.
Instapundit made the most emailed list for the NY Times editorial:

January 16, 2007
Op-Ed Contributor
A Rifle in Every Pot

Knoxville, Tenn.

IT’S a phenomenon that gives the term “gun control” a whole new meaning: community ordinances that encourage citizens to own guns.

Last month, Greenleaf, Idaho, adopted Ordinance 208, calling for its citizens to own guns and keep them ready in their homes in case of emergency. It’s not a response to high crime rates. As The Associated Press reported, “Greenleaf doesn’t really have crime ... the most violent offense reported in the past two years was a fist fight.” Rather, it’s a statement about preparedness in the event of an emergency, and an effort to promote a culture of self-reliance.

And it may not be a bad idea. While pro-gun laws like the one in Greenleaf are mostly symbolic, to the extent that they actually make a difference, it is likely to be a positive one.

Greenleaf is following in the footsteps of Kennesaw, Ga., which in 1982 passed a mandatory gun ownership law in response to a handgun ban passed in Morton Grove, Ill. Kennesaw’s crime dropped sharply, while Morton Grove’s did not.

To some degree, this is rational. Criminals, unsurprisingly, would rather break into a house where they aren’t at risk of being shot. As David Kopel noted in a 2001 article in The Arizona Law Review, burglars report that they try to avoid homes where armed residents are likely to be present. We see this phenomenon internationally, too, with the United States having a lower proportion of “hot” burglaries — break-ins where the burglars know the home to be occupied — than countries with restrictive gun laws.

Likewise, in the event of disasters that leave law enforcement overwhelmed, armed citizens can play an important role in stanching crime. Armed neighborhood watches deterred looting in parts of Houston and New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita...

...Glenn Reynolds, a law professor at the University of Tennessee, is the author of the blog Instapundit and of “An Army of Davids: How Markets and Technology are Empowering Ordinary People to Take on Big Government, Big Media and Other Goliaths.”
Hey could you put that in the anti-gun law in England thread too?

More power too 'em
Your brazen display of ignorance is the truly scary thing. Grump has stated that when he was here he experienced little if any 'lawlessness'. Like Grump however you have apparently assumed that whatever you have been exposed to on television as far as the U.S. is concerned must be how it really is. Stop of assuming things you have no experience with. We have lesson about assuming in the U.S. Assuming things only makes an ASS of U and ME (though at this point, I think just you).

Do you still expect me reply to you when all you do is attack me?
the United States having a lower proportion of “hot” burglaries — break-ins where the burglars know the home to be occupied — than countries with restrictive gun laws.

“Burglary” is stealing from an unoccupied location; “robbery” infers using force against an individual to steal.
I was speaking of both of them. Wether I was or not the statement above is still untrue. You have to have some of experience of some type with anything in order to form an opinion on it. For arguments sake, let's say neither of them had been to the U.S., that would confine their experiences in regard to it to the media(TV, newspapers), word of mouth, online communication, etc. My point is that, for him to have formed the opinion of lawlessness his experiences would have to have a predominance of negativity in conveyance in his experiences regarding the U.S. I was using television as an example. I would only ask that people keep in mind this quote: "Know that the news is not all that is."

However, we do know that Grump has been to the U.S. In his case I would maintain that the relatively brief experience here was not enough to overide all his other experiences. The media (TV) would be one of those sources.

I got your point. I was merely observing tthat your comment was contradictory. I also happen to know that Grump's view of the U.S. does not come only from what he sees on TV. ;)
Do you still expect me reply to you when all you do is attack me?

It's not an attack. It's an observation. Not once have I attacked you. I simply believe you are generalizing about what the U.S. must be like based a very limited amount of experience with it. I also asked you to stop assuming things, especially about me(i.e. U.S. is lawless, I am afraid, I only want a gun to defend myself (all things you have assumed in previous posts)). Neither of us can have a meaningful debate about anything if we carry a bunch of preconceived notions into it, especially ill founded ones. I currently believe yours are in that you have formed a very broad opinion based on very limited experience. You have every opportunit to persuade me that they are in fact not ill founded.
It's not an attack. It's an observation. Not once have I attacked you. I simply believe you are generalizing about what the U.S. must be like based a very limited amount of experience with it. I also asked you to stop assuming things, especially about me(i.e. U.S. is lawless, I am afraid, I only want a gun to defend myself (all things you have assumed in previous posts)). Neither of us can have a meaningful debate about anything if we carry a bunch of preconceived notions into it, especially ill founded ones. I currently believe yours are in that you have formed a very broad opinion based on very limited experience. You have every opportunit to persuade me that they are in fact not ill founded.

You have upset me deeply, you called my 'brazen ingnorance' scary, you said I base my assumptions on tv, yet you don't know me at all and I have never made such a statement, you called me an 'ass'.If that wasn't an attack I don't know what is?:(
I base it primarily on my own opinion, which is what I base most things on.My opinion is always true until someone or something changes it or at least gives me enough pause for thought to question it.

You don't wave guns at people or throw them if you wish to use them effectively you kill whatever you are aiming at, you always shoot to kill, it's not like in the movies where you try to shoot someone in the arm or leg, in reality to have to try and kill them, dead.

I understand the arguments for the right to bear arms in your lawless land, we just don't find it necessary to do so in Great Britain, all I am saying in essence is maybe you could learn a little from us in this instance instead of thinking you are right all of the time?By 'you' and 'us' I mean America and Britain (before you take it literally)

Hey roomy,
Have you ever fired a gun? Do you understand that it is possible to fire a gun for other reasons than to kill someone? You do realize that there is an actual competition in the Winter Olympics(The Biathilon) that does just that. You see roomy, we Americans like guns. We like collecting them, firing them, carrying them. We aren't afraid of them like you and your country are.

As for lawless land, I have spent time in London and your drivers are a joke. Laws to them are just something to be broken. I'm curious, if England enjoys such a civilized society, why all of the cameras to spy on it's citizens?
Hey roomy,
Have you ever fired a gun? Do you understand that it is possible to fire a gun for other reasons than to kill someone? You do realize that there is an actual competition in the Winter Olympics(The Biathilon) that does just that. You see roomy, we Americans like guns. We like collecting them, firing them, carrying them. We aren't afraid of them like you and your country are.

As for lawless land, I have spent time in London and your drivers are a joke. Laws to them are just something to be broken. I'm curious, if England enjoys such a civilized society, why all of the cameras to spy on it's citizens?

I have fired guns thousands of times, I was trained to kill.

I used to shoot game, I have also hunted with dogs without a weapon and killed things with my bare hands.I own nothing more than an air rifle nowadays, it could still kill you though.

As for drivers over here, I am a white van man.:rofl:
You have upset me deeply, you called my 'brazen ingnorance' scary, you said I base my assumptions on tv, yet you don't know me at all and I have never made such a statement, you called me an 'ass'.If that wasn't an attack I don't know what is?:(

Wow you're amazing. I stand by 'brazen ignorance' because you generalized an entire country based on what exactly? If you're opinions about guns and our countries involvement with them were not created by tv or some other media source, what was the source?

Oh, and being an 'ass' and asanine are different things also. I realize you're just being silly now, but I never called you an ass. I called you asanine, which is how you're behaving. I would love to debate the actual topic with you, but previous posts seem to indicate you really aren't interested in doing that.

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