Anti gunners China supports your quest to have an unarmed American people

America owns too many guns, yet China is more than willing to export millions of their crappy Chinese-made AK-47s to lovely places like Africa, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Thailand, and other shithole countries?

Right. Go sit on a chopstick, China.

"Between 2008 and 2018, China exported some $15.7 billion worth of conventional weapons across the globe, making it the 5th largest arms supplier in the world – behind the United States, Russia, Germany, and France..."

How dominant is China in the global arms trade? | ChinaPower Project
Are there democrats that deny they are full blown socialists?

When I say socialists, always remember this about that.

“The goal of socialism is communism. The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” – Vladimir Lenin
Are there democrats that deny they are full blown socialists?

When I say socialists, always remember this about that.

“The goal of socialism is communism. The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” – Vladimir Lenin

Socialism and Communism are outdated terms. This is why they still teach and use them in government schools and throw them around in the media. It's a feint. We should be so lucky to deal with something so simplistic.

What China really is, and what the global elites are steering the US and other western democracies into, is a technocracy. You will eventually, like China, have a "social credit" ranking score. If it is high enough? Sure, you might be allowed to own a gun. If it is too low? You won't even be allowed to own a car.

They will trick conservatives into accepting it, by use of, and hyping the illegal alien problem. They'll hype tech eventually as part of the solution.

So many folks are so wedded to their technological gadgetry, they will welcome the authoritarian technocracy, it is like fascism, but has the appearance of some freedoms.

Already my father, well into his seventies, addicted to his smartphone, spouts that government conditioned line, "if you aren't doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?"

. . . well. . . tell that to the Trump campaign.

Day 7: China Is A Technocracy
Day 7: China Is A Technocracy
". . . . China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom

Today’s China is a scientific dictatorship nightmare. With 600 million facial recognition cameras to be installed by 2020, China will have one monitoring camera for every seven citizens and facial recognition Artificial Intelligence software to instantly locate, identify and track everyone. In short, China is totally obsessed with surveillance and absolute control over its population using state-of-the-art technology.

Here are some examples of Technocracy at work in China:

China’s Social Credit Scoring system registers all citizens, their activities and their behavior in order to deny or award privileges. Citizens cannot purchase a new cell phone without first providing a facial scan and other identification information.

Companies in China, regardless of national origin, are also assigned Social Credit scores in order to control their behavior. All companies are required to install government-accessed cameras within their own offices and factories.

China supports “anything goes” genetic engineering on plants, animals and humans.

China intends to dominate space and space travel, having recently landed an exploration vehicle on the dark side of the moon. It is already testing a Mars lander and pledges to colonize the red planet.

China currently leads the world in 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, and it intends to dominate all areas of science and technology.

China is aggressively exporting its surveillance technology to nations around the world, in an effort to establish its Technocracy as widely as possible.

The list goes on, but the evidence supports the analysis: China is a full-blown Technocracy and it is the first of its kind on planet earth, thanks to the clever manipulation and support of Western elites like the Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, its intentional Technocracy is spreading like a cancer to other nations, including India, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. The combined population of China and India alone represents over 36 percent of world population; by comparison, the number of people living under Marxist-style governments is very small.

In conclusion, the clear and present danger to world domination is not any kind of Marxist derivative, but rather neo-authoritarian Technocracy. Living under such a system will be far more oppressive and painful than Socialism, Communism or Fascism."

Another POV
The Benefits of Technocracy in China | Issues in Science and Technology
In the final analysis though, you are correct, Bloomberg is a technocrat, and definitely stands with the Chinese view of a 5G interconnected global neo-authoritarian Technocracy.

Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China
Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China

The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat Bloomberg News
The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat

". . . . On one side is a cyberspace arena that espouses open communication while the other is a walled-off, thoroughly scrubbed world where many are eager to sign away their data in exchange for services. At China’s most important tech industry confab this week, Ma and a clutch of government officials stressed it’s the country’s destiny to become an internet power, and called for more balanced governance

China’s regulators have trumpeted its concept of “cyber-sovereignty” since the inaugural conference in 2014. But the dichotomy between the American and Chinese tech industries has never attracted as much scrutiny as today, when the world’s two richest countries are butting heads in a conflict that may shape a new world order. As U.S. icons like Google and Facebook come under fire for privacy violations and enabling hate speech, their Chinese counterparts are touting theirs as the superior model: one geared toward the interests of the state.

“The Chinese economy is a vast ocean. Storms cannot disrupt it,” Ma, who is also known as Pony, told delegates. “This ocean holds massive market potential and also great room for innovation. I believe, this isn’t just a development opportunity for the internet industry, but for all sectors. It’s not just an opportunity for China, but for the entire world.”

Remarks from Chinese President Xi Jinping read out at the start of the conference called for “mutual respect” in cyberspace between the two nations. The current rift in their approaches however has profound implications and may bar the likes of Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc. from any meaningful presence in the world’s largest internet and mobile arena. It’s another manifestation of what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson called an “economic iron curtain” dividing the world if the two nations fail to resolve their strategic differences.. . "

Who ever wins the information and cultural warfare will win the hearts and minds of the natural right to defense? It all lay with a predominate vision of the global internet. From where I sit? With these Neo-fascist corporations shutting down free speech? The Chinese vision is starting to win out. First they shut down your right to publish, organize and speak, then they come for your right to self defense.
In the final analysis though, you are correct, Bloomberg is a technocrat, and definitely stands with the Chinese view of a 5G interconnected global neo-authoritarian Technocracy.

Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China
Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China

The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat Bloomberg News
The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat

". . . . On one side is a cyberspace arena that espouses open communication while the other is a walled-off, thoroughly scrubbed world where many are eager to sign away their data in exchange for services. At China’s most important tech industry confab this week, Ma and a clutch of government officials stressed it’s the country’s destiny to become an internet power, and called for more balanced governance

China’s regulators have trumpeted its concept of “cyber-sovereignty” since the inaugural conference in 2014. But the dichotomy between the American and Chinese tech industries has never attracted as much scrutiny as today, when the world’s two richest countries are butting heads in a conflict that may shape a new world order. As U.S. icons like Google and Facebook come under fire for privacy violations and enabling hate speech, their Chinese counterparts are touting theirs as the superior model: one geared toward the interests of the state.

“The Chinese economy is a vast ocean. Storms cannot disrupt it,” Ma, who is also known as Pony, told delegates. “This ocean holds massive market potential and also great room for innovation. I believe, this isn’t just a development opportunity for the internet industry, but for all sectors. It’s not just an opportunity for China, but for the entire world.”

Remarks from Chinese President Xi Jinping read out at the start of the conference called for “mutual respect” in cyberspace between the two nations. The current rift in their approaches however has profound implications and may bar the likes of Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc. from any meaningful presence in the world’s largest internet and mobile arena. It’s another manifestation of what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson called an “economic iron curtain” dividing the world if the two nations fail to resolve their strategic differences.. . "

Who ever wins the information and cultural warfare will win the hearts and minds of the natural right to defense? It all lay with a predominate vision of the global internet. From where I sit? With these Neo-fascist corporations shutting down free speech? The Chinese vision is starting to win out. First they shut down your right to publish, organize and speak, then they come for your right to self defense.

Well, if you want to get real technical about it, there is really nothing new under the sun. Meaning marxism, communism and socialism are just cute little words for Feudalism. Study it and you will see it is essentially the same thing.

This country began as an idea. It was literally revolutionary and it really has been an experiment to allow rather ordinary people govern themselves. The free market inevitably was established and the ordinary people made up the bulk of that American idea and we call them the middle class.

The enemies to America and the enemies to the free market have been trying to find clever new ways to destroy it since. It had never really been known that anyone from the serf class would be given OPPORTUNITY to work their ways out of that class. That, in itself became very offensive to the greedy, and especially to old money. Who, see their class as something that is passed down generation to generation. They see and want royalty and they want subjects, not citizens. For them (i include the attitude of many that are new money) it is deeply offensive that someone from the peasant class can think they should belong to that upper crust of society.

They have invented new and seductive words to indoctrinate the gullible since the inception of our country and what a threat that idea is to well centuries old established systems that are all feudalist structures by nature.
Are there democrats that deny they are full blown socialists?

When I say socialists, always remember this about that.

“The goal of socialism is communism. The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.” – Vladimir Lenin

Socialism and Communism are outdated terms. This is why they still teach and use them in government schools and throw them around in the media. It's a feint. We should be so lucky to deal with something so simplistic.

What China really is, and what the global elites are steering the US and other western democracies into, is a technocracy. You will eventually, like China, have a "social credit" ranking score. If it is high enough? Sure, you might be allowed to own a gun. If it is too low? You won't even be allowed to own a car.

They will trick conservatives into accepting it, by use of, and hyping the illegal alien problem. They'll hype tech eventually as part of the solution.

So many folks are so wedded to their technological gadgetry, they will welcome the authoritarian technocracy, it is like fascism, but has the appearance of some freedoms.

Already my father, well into his seventies, addicted to his smartphone, spouts that government conditioned line, "if you aren't doing anything wrong, what do you have to worry about?"

. . . well. . . tell that to the Trump campaign.

Day 7: China Is A Technocracy
Day 7: China Is A Technocracy
". . . . China’s Technocracy In Full Bloom

Today’s China is a scientific dictatorship nightmare. With 600 million facial recognition cameras to be installed by 2020, China will have one monitoring camera for every seven citizens and facial recognition Artificial Intelligence software to instantly locate, identify and track everyone. In short, China is totally obsessed with surveillance and absolute control over its population using state-of-the-art technology.

Here are some examples of Technocracy at work in China:

China’s Social Credit Scoring system registers all citizens, their activities and their behavior in order to deny or award privileges. Citizens cannot purchase a new cell phone without first providing a facial scan and other identification information.

Companies in China, regardless of national origin, are also assigned Social Credit scores in order to control their behavior. All companies are required to install government-accessed cameras within their own offices and factories.

China supports “anything goes” genetic engineering on plants, animals and humans.

China intends to dominate space and space travel, having recently landed an exploration vehicle on the dark side of the moon. It is already testing a Mars lander and pledges to colonize the red planet.

China currently leads the world in 5G, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Quantum Computing, and it intends to dominate all areas of science and technology.

China is aggressively exporting its surveillance technology to nations around the world, in an effort to establish its Technocracy as widely as possible.

The list goes on, but the evidence supports the analysis: China is a full-blown Technocracy and it is the first of its kind on planet earth, thanks to the clever manipulation and support of Western elites like the Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, its intentional Technocracy is spreading like a cancer to other nations, including India, Asia, Europe, Africa and South America. The combined population of China and India alone represents over 36 percent of world population; by comparison, the number of people living under Marxist-style governments is very small.

In conclusion, the clear and present danger to world domination is not any kind of Marxist derivative, but rather neo-authoritarian Technocracy. Living under such a system will be far more oppressive and painful than Socialism, Communism or Fascism."

Another POV
The Benefits of Technocracy in China | Issues in Science and Technology
They already started that BS here long ago with their credit scores and insurance being tied together.
In the final analysis though, you are correct, Bloomberg is a technocrat, and definitely stands with the Chinese view of a 5G interconnected global neo-authoritarian Technocracy.

Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China
Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China

The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat Bloomberg News
The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat

". . . . On one side is a cyberspace arena that espouses open communication while the other is a walled-off, thoroughly scrubbed world where many are eager to sign away their data in exchange for services. At China’s most important tech industry confab this week, Ma and a clutch of government officials stressed it’s the country’s destiny to become an internet power, and called for more balanced governance

China’s regulators have trumpeted its concept of “cyber-sovereignty” since the inaugural conference in 2014. But the dichotomy between the American and Chinese tech industries has never attracted as much scrutiny as today, when the world’s two richest countries are butting heads in a conflict that may shape a new world order. As U.S. icons like Google and Facebook come under fire for privacy violations and enabling hate speech, their Chinese counterparts are touting theirs as the superior model: one geared toward the interests of the state.

“The Chinese economy is a vast ocean. Storms cannot disrupt it,” Ma, who is also known as Pony, told delegates. “This ocean holds massive market potential and also great room for innovation. I believe, this isn’t just a development opportunity for the internet industry, but for all sectors. It’s not just an opportunity for China, but for the entire world.”

Remarks from Chinese President Xi Jinping read out at the start of the conference called for “mutual respect” in cyberspace between the two nations. The current rift in their approaches however has profound implications and may bar the likes of Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc. from any meaningful presence in the world’s largest internet and mobile arena. It’s another manifestation of what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson called an “economic iron curtain” dividing the world if the two nations fail to resolve their strategic differences.. . "

Who ever wins the information and cultural warfare will win the hearts and minds of the natural right to defense? It all lay with a predominate vision of the global internet. From where I sit? With these Neo-fascist corporations shutting down free speech? The Chinese vision is starting to win out. First they shut down your right to publish, organize and speak, then they come for your right to self defense.

We are seeing the power of big money and how detrimental doing business with totalitarian regimes is to our way of life. Billions of people is rather hard to pass up for corporatists as we know.

Now, look at how china dictates to our companies. Look at how those companies dictate to us. That includes the movies and every other entertainment entity out there.

You see how those brave NBA players who claim they boycott Trump cause they see him as some "oppressor" and yet they call gladly sucked chicom dick and that skinny white moron Steve Kerr praised china? Even though we know what they doing to the citizens of Hong Kong. For a group of losers who supposedly stand for the oppressed, anyone take a look at what Chinese citizens are paid?

We are filled with hypocrites and like Clint Eastwood said in Unforgiven, "we all have it coming."
In the final analysis though, you are correct, Bloomberg is a technocrat, and definitely stands with the Chinese view of a 5G interconnected global neo-authoritarian Technocracy.

Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China
Michael Bloomberg Has An Achilles Heel And It Is Not Guns Or Age But China

The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat Bloomberg News
The Internet Is Splitting in Two Amid U.S.-China Spat

". . . . On one side is a cyberspace arena that espouses open communication while the other is a walled-off, thoroughly scrubbed world where many are eager to sign away their data in exchange for services. At China’s most important tech industry confab this week, Ma and a clutch of government officials stressed it’s the country’s destiny to become an internet power, and called for more balanced governance

China’s regulators have trumpeted its concept of “cyber-sovereignty” since the inaugural conference in 2014. But the dichotomy between the American and Chinese tech industries has never attracted as much scrutiny as today, when the world’s two richest countries are butting heads in a conflict that may shape a new world order. As U.S. icons like Google and Facebook come under fire for privacy violations and enabling hate speech, their Chinese counterparts are touting theirs as the superior model: one geared toward the interests of the state.

“The Chinese economy is a vast ocean. Storms cannot disrupt it,” Ma, who is also known as Pony, told delegates. “This ocean holds massive market potential and also great room for innovation. I believe, this isn’t just a development opportunity for the internet industry, but for all sectors. It’s not just an opportunity for China, but for the entire world.”

Remarks from Chinese President Xi Jinping read out at the start of the conference called for “mutual respect” in cyberspace between the two nations. The current rift in their approaches however has profound implications and may bar the likes of Facebook Inc. and Alphabet Inc. from any meaningful presence in the world’s largest internet and mobile arena. It’s another manifestation of what former U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson called an “economic iron curtain” dividing the world if the two nations fail to resolve their strategic differences.. . "

Who ever wins the information and cultural warfare will win the hearts and minds of the natural right to defense? It all lay with a predominate vision of the global internet. From where I sit? With these Neo-fascist corporations shutting down free speech? The Chinese vision is starting to win out. First they shut down your right to publish, organize and speak, then they come for your right to self defense.

Well, if you want to get real technical about it, there is really nothing new under the sun. Meaning marxism, communism and socialism are just cute little words for Feudalism. Study it and you will see it is essentially the same thing.

This country began as an idea. It was literally revolutionary and it really has been an experiment to allow rather ordinary people govern themselves. The free market inevitably was established and the ordinary people made up the bulk of that American idea and we call them the middle class.

The enemies to America and the enemies to the free market have been trying to find clever new ways to destroy it since. It had never really been known that anyone from the serf class would be given OPPORTUNITY to work their ways out of that class. That, in itself became very offensive to the greedy, and especially to old money. Who, see their class as something that is passed down generation to generation. They see and want royalty and they want subjects, not citizens. For them (i include the attitude of many that are new money) it is deeply offensive that someone from the peasant class can think they should belong to that upper crust of society.

They have invented new and seductive words to indoctrinate the gullible since the inception of our country and what a threat that idea is to well centuries old established systems that are all feudalist structures by nature.

I get what you are saying, but since the foundational inception of technocracy, we are talking a whole different ball of wax.

Yes, it is a government system to strip power from the people. However, if we want to get really technical, technocracy has more in common with French Dirgisme, Italian, German, and Japanese fascism than it does with Feudalism, Socialism or Communism.

But it is a brand new system. It is disingenuous to compare it to things in the past. To do so is to have folks think of it like, oh, "nothing new under the sun, same old same old."

You cannot organize, write about, produce content, and begin to know what we are up against unless you draw a clear picture.

THIS is your thinking;

When THIS is our reality;

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