Anti-Ice,Anti-Trump,Anti-Fa, Anti-American crowd endorse violence against Trump and supporters...


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
If someone can show where the MSM other than Fox and NPR are presenting fair and balanced stories about Anti-Fa's violence and hate speech against people like Trump and millions of supporters like me, please share because up to now, I am fearful of having anything on my vehicle identifying myself as a Trump supporter! As it appears that rather than calm rational dialogue with the anti-Ice, Anti-Fa, Anti-Trump crowd including MSM reporters like CNN's Jim Acosta is not possible.

In doing a Google search " which group in Portland has started the violence"
The MSM seems to ignore the violence of the Anti-fa crowd's rhetoric and also seem to ignore who actually is starting the violence.
Here are the some of headlines of the articles
Note the only balanced headline is Fox and NPR..
NPR "Far-Right And Antifa Groups Clash In Portland, Ore. : NPR
Fox: "Portland rallies turn violent as Antifa members clash with Patriot ."

All the rest of the headlines are like these headlines:
"Violence erupts after right-wing group holds Oregon march" Startribune
Riot in Portland as far-right marchers clash with anti-fascists |
"Portland Police Declare a Riot After Right-Wing Marchers Begin"

Yet it appears that the Anti-Fa groups are the most prone to violence as evidenced by this excerpt :
Since August, Facebook groups, YouTube videos and posts on other social media platforms – including use of the tag #CivilWar2017 – have warned that anti-fascists will cause a violent uprising Nov. 4 against supporters of the Trump administration.

The claims have ranged from the staging of "mass riots" to plans to "kill every single Trump voter, Conservative and gun owner." Portland police said they know of no plans for violence during Saturday's permitted event. The violence began shortly after the Patriot Prayer protesters left the plaza and began their permitted march through Portland. The counter demonstrators proceeded to throw eggs, water bottles and firecrackers at the marchers. Police then apparently fired paintballs filled with pepper spray at the crowd. Although the situation is far from clear it seems some of the strongest violence began when a flash-bang grenade was lobbed at the right-wing marchers. For a while it seemed as if police were just letting the two sides go at it before breaking up the clashes.
Anti-fascist group plans downtown rally, says claims of planned violence 'a hoax'

So once again the biased MSM is encouraging these violent protests. Encouraging violence against any of us that support President Trump.

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And they keep saying the media is not the enemy of the people. If they aren't I'd hate to see our friends.
this is typical MSM
....blacks/left wingers are activists/good/justice warriors-----whites/right wingers are NAZIS/RACIST/supremacist/evil
criminals are good [ especially the black ones--they are so good ]-- cops are bad ALWAYS
blacks/left wingers are defending themselves----whites/right wingers are attacking
Obama good----Trump bad
day is night night is day
east is west--west is east
According to them, our friends are a bunch of toothless hayseeds!

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According to them, our friends are a bunch of toothless hayseeds!

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Your comment and the one before it triggered an idea.
I think those of us i.e. White, hard-working, Americans that love America and Americans should have a Protest hour.
Simply one hour like a flash mob hour.
We don't do anything. We don't drive cabs. We don't answer phones. We don't answer questions. We don't answer emails, etc. we just sit and contemplate our navel.
One hour. Don't buy/sell stocks. Don't answer any underlings questions or bosses...! When asked simply response "OUR HOUR of POWER""!
That's it. "OUR HOUR of POWER". Reporters, TV personalities, etc. that believe like we do that we are tired of being thrashed by the media,
by people that don't love America like this person: WATCH: Statue of Liberty Climber Spews Anti-America Chant Outside Manhattan Court

Remember she is an example of people NOT like us.

Antifa throws mortars into the crowds, not firecrackers. They could seriously hurt someone.

Mortars are Fireworks that go boom, not firecrackers that go pop.

firecrackermortar (copy 1).jpg

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