Anti Islam conservatives Don’t have a leg to stand on because of the legality of homosexuality in the USA and other things?


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
As a Catholic, I have conflicting thoughts on LGBT things. Of course I want to treat everyone with respect. What does Jesus think about it? That’s my own personal thoughts.

Anyway most anti-Muslims are conservative. Some of them are left-wing, which is very bizarre, but most of them are surely conservatives. So the question is what leg do these conservatives have to stand on? Because now in America homosexuality is legalized. And it’s got an even more far left than that. there are men who gets sex operations, women who get sex change operations. There was a person at the White House who flashed her breasts to everyone on the White House lawn.

Abortion is legal in the USA. Radical feminism is popular in Hollywood, in the media and among politicians.

Some of the LGBT parades in the USA have included men getting naked in front of children.

And Republicans have done nothing to stop any of this. Their powerless seemingly or maybe they’re just a part of it as many of them welcome it.

But yet in many Muslim majority countries homosexuality is illegal. There are honor societies. Things are done by a nature of honor and integrity. Men are men women are women. There are no trans events. A couple of Muslim majority countries there could be extreme measures taken against LGBT people. But certainly not all of them. It’s only something like Afghanistan or maybe Iran. Some of the Muslim countries are clean and prosperous and home to very little violent crime. Unlike an America where we have mass shootings gang bangers in Chicago in Baltimore.

I noticed that in response to threads like this lefties don’t care about crime in America, they don’t care about men getting naked in front of children children at LGBT events. They will claim that this thread is anti-American while saying nothing about the problems that left-wing fanaticism creates.

Two things to address wrt this thread How do Conservative Christian Americans react to these facts on the ground. How do they feel about how abortion and homosexuality is legal in the USA. What ground or leg do they have to stand on if they are also criticizing Islam?

What do BLM supporters think about men getting naked dancing in front of children at LGBT pride parades, what do they think about a trans woman showing her breasts at the White House lawn, what do they think about teenage boys getting sex strange operations do they approve of this? How do lefties react to all of the gangbanging violence in inner-city communities in the USA that doesn’t exist in prosperous Muslim countries. Do they think that that’s part of being “woke”?
There are left-wing elements in a number of Muslim majority countries. Like Albania there are a lot of atheists. There’s also an element of communism there.

In Turkey there are many atheists, and there is interfaith marriage.

There’s also an element of crime, corruption, and bribery, and some of the Muslim countries like Egypt for example.

But let’s talk about Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates ..two of the cleanest, safest and most prosperous countries in the world. Isn’t that interesting? They don’t have LGBT pride parades. They surely have homosexuals living in the country, but they are not openly celebrating LGBT things.
What about family values. Specifically some of these conservative American Christians that might support Israel and support having big families. How do they react to the fact that in a number of Muslim majority countries the families are huge, abortion is outlawed, homosexuality is outlawed. Whereas in America, we have all sorts of pornography, filth, degradation… we have a very high divorce rate in the USA, a low birth rate. What are conservatives actually doing to confront these very things that they believe are bad for the country.

Why is abortion legal throughout the USA …why haven’t conservative Christians at least done enough to confront this issue?
As a Catholic, I have conflicting thoughts on LGBT things. Of course I want to treat everyone with respect. What does Jesus think about it? That’s my own personal thoughts.

Anyway most anti-Muslims are conservative. Some of them are left-wing, which is very bizarre, but most of them are surely conservatives. So the question is what leg do these conservatives have to stand on? Because now in America homosexuality is legalized. And it’s got an even more far left than that. there are men who gets sex operations, women who get sex change operations. There was a person at the White House who flashed her breasts to everyone on the White House lawn.

Abortion is legal in the USA. Radical feminism is popular in Hollywood, in the media and among politicians.

Some of the LGBT parades in the USA have included men getting naked in front of children.

And Republicans have done nothing to stop any of this. Their powerless seemingly or maybe they’re just a part of it as many of them welcome it.

But yet in many Muslim majority countries homosexuality is illegal. There are honor societies. Things are done by a nature of honor and integrity. Men are men women are women. There are no trans events. A couple of Muslim majority countries there could be extreme measures taken against LGBT people. But certainly not all of them. It’s only something like Afghanistan or maybe Iran. Some of the Muslim countries are clean and prosperous and home to very little violent crime. Unlike an America where we have mass shootings gang bangers in Chicago in Baltimore.

I noticed that in response to threads like this lefties don’t care about crime in America, they don’t care about men getting naked in front of children children at LGBT events. They will claim that this thread is anti-American while saying nothing about the problems that left-wing fanaticism creates.

Two things to address wrt this thread How do Conservative Christian Americans react to these facts on the ground. How do they feel about how abortion and homosexuality is legal in the USA. What ground or leg do they have to stand on if they are also criticizing Islam?

What do BLM supporters think about men getting naked dancing in front of children at LGBT pride parades, what do they think about a trans woman showing her breasts at the White House lawn, what do they think about teenage boys getting sex strange operations do they approve of this? How do lefties react to all of the gangbanging violence in inner-city communities in the USA that doesn’t exist in prosperous Muslim countries. Do they think that that’s part of being “woke”?
Conservatives nor Christians run the US federal government, rather, they are held hostage by it as National Christians are declared the only terrorists on earth to fear by it.

That is because Leftism is the most successful religion of our era.

Leftists share a common thread with Islam in that they hate Jews and embrace religion mixed in with their politics.
Sorry bout that,

1. We catholics have nothing to hide behind, seeing the pope is supporting the homos, and all the trans genders.
2. The pope, has pretty much gone gay.
3. Sad.

What about family values. Specifically some of these conservative American Christians that might support Israel and support having big families. How do they react to the fact that in a number of Muslim majority countries the families are huge, abortion is outlawed, homosexuality is outlawed. Whereas in America, we have all sorts of pornography, filth, degradation… we have a very high divorce rate in the USA, a low birth rate. What are conservatives actually doing to confront these very things that they believe are bad for the country.

Why is abortion legal throughout the USA …why haven’t conservative Christians at least done enough to confront this issue?
Not sure what you are even asking here. Conservatives have fought against abortion all along.

The problem is the nation has become more and more secular and is no longer a God fearing nation.

Not sure what your rant about Muslims is. You think conservatives should welcome Muslims because they don’t tolerate gays? While Muslims get a few things right, like their laws about homosexuality as well as not allowing women to run wild, they are all still anti-Christs and wouldn’t hesitate to murder every last Christian if they could. I am fine with respecting Muslims by leaving them to their own affairs in the Middle East where they belong. They do not belong in Western countries. The two cultures are just too contradictory to be in one nation.
Not sure what you are even asking here. Conservatives have fought against abortion all along.

The problem is the nation has become more and more secular and is no longer a God fearing nation.

Not sure what your rant about Muslims is. You think conservatives should welcome Muslims because they don’t tolerate gays? While Muslims get a few things right, like their laws about homosexuality as well as not allowing women to run wild, they are all still anti-Christs and wouldn’t hesitate to murder every last Christian if they could. I am fine with respecting Muslims by leaving them to their own affairs in the Middle East where they belong. They do not belong in Western countries. The two cultures are just too contradictory to be in one nation.
Christians have never been charged to kill gays like Muslims have been charged to do so with Mohammad.

For Christians, the woman caught in adultery is the example. Sure, adultery wrong, but Christ brought us a new way to combat the sin other than kill the sinner.
Not sure what you are even asking here. Conservatives have fought against abortion all along.

The problem is the nation has become more and more secular and is no longer a God fearing nation.

Not sure what your rant about Muslims is. You think conservatives should welcome Muslims because they don’t tolerate gays? While Muslims get a few things right, like their laws about homosexuality as well as not allowing women to run wild, they are all still anti-Christs and wouldn’t hesitate to murder every last Christian if they could. I am fine with respecting Muslims by leaving them to their own affairs in the Middle East where they belong. They do not belong in Western countries. The two cultures are just too contradictory to be in one nation.
My main point to the conservatives would be do they have a leg to stand on when they criticize Islam in light of a few things ..You might say that conservatives are doing what they can to fight against abortion, but it’s clearly not been enough my friend.

A lot of Muslims would say to the conservative anti-Muslim person who are they to say anything when your country allows, pornography, homosexuality, all sorts of deviancy and abortion. I’m talking about traditional Muslims because in today’s world there’s actually quite a few left-wing Muslims who support radical trans and BLM agendas.

Do you think abortion will ever be outlawed in the USA?

Just look at all of the filth and pornography in the USA. The legalization of abortion, the radical feminism all throughout the country. Why haven’t conservatives done enough to confront these issues in totality? Do you think that they will ever be confronted.? Again you might say that conservatives are doing what they can to fight against it but maybe they are not. Maybe they are part of the problem and they’re in it for the money is that possible? I know some conservatives in America actually care about these things, but I believe some of them also say they care about it but actually don’t care about it.

I as a Catholic can go to Saudi Arabia and be treated with respect and walk wherever I want with the utmost safety. I can’t go do that in Chicago or Baltimore my own country. Isn’t that despicable.

I looked at Iran from the 1970s during the day of of the Iranian monarchy. A lot of women were dressing how they wanted, but they did not go to extreme. Neither did men. Women would look nice, but they would not look like they were about to do a porn scene.

Personally speaking, I am a Catholic and I believe everyone should be treated with respect, including LGBT folks. But I also ask myself what would Jesus say about LGBT things and also abortion.
Candace Owens who recently became Catholic said we should ban pornography. Will pornography ever be banned in the USA? It’s clearly something that has brainwashed a lot of young men into being robots. They’re not interested in meeting women in real life.

Candice Owens said that pornography is used as a weapon to weak men. What do folks thing about that?

To be fair pornography is extremely popular in Pakistan. But in some of the other Muslim majority countries it’s illegal and very much unheard of.
Sorry bout that,

1. He would say, "Have the baby, and sin no more."

Candace Owens who recently became Catholic said we should ban pornography. Will pornography ever be banned in the USA? It’s clearly something that has brainwashed a lot of young men into being robots. They’re not interested in meeting women in real life.

Candice Owens said that pornography is used as a weapon to weak men. What do folks thing about that?

To be fair pornography is extremely popular in Pakistan. But in some of the other Muslim majority countries it’s illegal and very much unheard of.
Again, the United States does not have a Christian government, or had you not noticed?

The real question is, how can prostitution be illegal but porn be legal?

These loons insist there is a real difference, when we all know there is not.
Again, the United States does not have a Christian government, or had you not noticed?

The real question is, how can prostitution be illegal but porn be legal?

These loons insist there is a real difference, when we all know there is not.
Yes, we are not a theocracy. But Christianity has played a big role in shaping the USA and we are a Christian majority country. It’s really a pillar of the USA at least in the sense of being a part of our culture. It was more religious in the past of course compared to today to be fair.

We’ll my position on pornography and prostitution is as follows. I think that pornography is very very bad. At least with prostitution a man is actually meeting a woman in real life. Porn turns a lot of people into robots, especially young men, and takes away their energy and motivation toward meeting a real woman.

these days there’s all source of different prostitutes. There’s gay prostitutes and trans prostitutes.

More to your point yes pornography is some kind of form of sex work. Because the actors and actresses are being paid for their work. Now, as far as I know only in a few places in the USA is prostitution legal they Can certain areas of Nevada. in any event, the US state and federal stance toward porn and prostitution is indeed quite hypocritical.

To be fair prostitution occurs in some of the rich gulf Muslim countries. For example, some of the Instagram female celebrities and porn stars will fly out on private jets to these countries. They are flown out on a private jet by some rich Sultan or Prince and they do what they do over there.
As a Catholic, I have conflicting thoughts on LGBT things. Of course I want to treat everyone with respect. What does Jesus think about it? That’s my own personal thoughts.

Anyway most anti-Muslims are conservative. Some of them are left-wing, which is very bizarre, but most of them are surely conservatives. So the question is what leg do these conservatives have to stand on? Because now in America homosexuality is legalized. And it’s got an even more far left than that. there are men who gets sex operations, women who get sex change operations. There was a person at the White House who flashed her breasts to everyone on the White House lawn.

Abortion is legal in the USA. Radical feminism is popular in Hollywood, in the media and among politicians.

Some of the LGBT parades in the USA have included men getting naked in front of children.

And Republicans have done nothing to stop any of this. Their powerless seemingly or maybe they’re just a part of it as many of them welcome it.

But yet in many Muslim majority countries homosexuality is illegal. There are honor societies. Things are done by a nature of honor and integrity. Men are men women are women. There are no trans events. A couple of Muslim majority countries there could be extreme measures taken against LGBT people. But certainly not all of them. It’s only something like Afghanistan or maybe Iran. Some of the Muslim countries are clean and prosperous and home to very little violent crime. Unlike an America where we have mass shootings gang bangers in Chicago in Baltimore.

I noticed that in response to threads like this lefties don’t care about crime in America, they don’t care about men getting naked in front of children children at LGBT events. They will claim that this thread is anti-American while saying nothing about the problems that left-wing fanaticism creates.

Two things to address wrt this thread How do Conservative Christian Americans react to these facts on the ground. How do they feel about how abortion and homosexuality is legal in the USA. What ground or leg do they have to stand on if they are also criticizing Islam?

What do BLM supporters think about men getting naked dancing in front of children at LGBT pride parades, what do they think about a trans woman showing her breasts at the White House lawn, what do they think about teenage boys getting sex strange operations do they approve of this? How do lefties react to all of the gangbanging violence in inner-city communities in the USA that doesn’t exist in prosperous Muslim countries. Do they think that that’s part of being “woke”?

Russia still sucks.
How do they feel about how abortion and homosexuality is legal in the USA. What ground or leg do they have to stand on if they are also criticizing Islam?
We don't criticize them for this. We criticize them for their terrorist attacks on innocent people. They are not conservative as Americans are conservative. This is why many of us don't consider you conservative
if you've noticed lately, all controversial groups are toning it down; now that biden is in a heated battle for president
once the election is over they'll ramp it up again, not matter who wins
What about family values. Specifically some of these conservative American Christians that might support Israel and support having big families. How do they react to the fact that in a number of Muslim majority countries the families are huge, abortion is outlawed, homosexuality is outlawed. Whereas in America, we have all sorts of pornography, filth, degradation… we have a very high divorce rate in the USA, a low birth rate. What are conservatives actually doing to confront these very things that they believe are bad for the country.

Why is abortion legal throughout the USA …why haven’t conservative Christians at least done enough to confront this issue?

You are all over the map. Try to focus . And learn proper grammar and punctuation too The multi post screed reads like a first grade essay from a special ed class.

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