Anti LGBTQ Politicians Who Are Closeted Gays

Why don’t the LGBT community just keep to themselves? They say there are so many of them, they can form their own socialist utopia... I wouldn’t give two shits about it I’d be fine with it in fact.
No wonder homeschooling and private schools are so popular now, who wants to be exposed to that repugnant shit? Not normal people. Lol
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
Why don’t the LGBT community just keep to themselves? They say there are so many of them, they can form their own socialist utopia... I wouldn’t give two shits about it I’d be fine with it in fact.
No wonder homeschooling and private schools are so popular now, who wants to be exposed to that repugnant shit? Not normal people. Lol
Sick, demented leftists, that's who.
Buy an island in the Caribbean, advertise it as a utopia only for LGBTBBQ a good portion would jump at the chance to prove fags can create a viable society made up of only
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
That's where the most Americans live. :rolleyes:
LGBT community can call their socialist utopia - Stuart Smalleys Gayland... LGBT’s only apply…
I've probably had more sex with girls and my wife then you have had sex with the opposite sex in your worthless life Offensivelyopenedmined! ;) Because I am gender fluid doesn't change the winning I've done and the loser that you're.
Lmao! That term always makes me chuckle...
"Gender fluid"

I am not gender fluid, but I have gender fluid in my nutsack.
I've probably had more sex with girls and my wife then you have had sex with the opposite sex in your worthless life Offensivelyopenedmined! ;) Because I am gender fluid doesn't change the winning I've done and the loser that you're.
You have sex with your daughters?… Whatever floats your boat… LOL
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
That's where the most Americans live. :rolleyes:
Not if the fags take over...theyll move as soon as they figure out how stupid they were for trusting them.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
That's where the most Americans live. :rolleyes:
My point exactly, stay with your own kind… LOL
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
That's where the most Americans live. :rolleyes:
My point exactly, stay with your own kind… LOL
Is it just me, or does anyone else remember leftists always saying the majority of americans are stupid? And here one is now, proud of living around the dumbest of the dumb americans. Lol
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
The LGBT community can form their own socialist utopia in the blue areas….
That's where the most Americans live. :rolleyes:
My point exactly, stay with your own kind… LOL
Is it just me, or does anyone else remember leftists always saying the majority of americans are stupid? And here one is now, proud of living around the dumbest of the dumb americans. Lol
I’ve always said if you cannot hear or see your neighbors you’re living right, and in the right place...
I have long suspected that the most ardent and vocal anti LGBT people are themselves struggling with their own issues concerning sexuality and gender identity. They spew their hateful rhetoric as a smoke screen to convince others how "straight" they are, or perhaps to convince themselves ....until they can't restrain themselves any longer.

I feel sorry for these pathetic soles- sort of. It would be so much easier if they were true to themselves and lived in their own skin. The problem for right wing politicians- who seem to make up a large number of the people who engage in this hypocrisy , would loose their voter base.

My advise: Get out of politics or find new supporters. Be who you are! Living a lie is not healthy. Here are two pathetic examples in the news just today...

Anti-LGBT Republican will plead guilty to child sex trafficking

Ralph Shortey, a senior member of Donald Trump’s primary campaign team in Oklahoma, will plead guilty to child sex trafficking.

The Republican stepped down as Oklahoma state senator after being discovered in a hotel room with a 17-year-old boy who Shortey allegedly hired as a prostitute.

Anti-gay Republican resigns after being caught having gay sex in his office

A married Republican lawmaker with a long history of campaigning against LGBT rights has resigned after being caught having gay sex in his office.

Wes Goodman, a congressman from Ohio, has trumpeted his support for “a committed natural marriage,” which he defined as a heterosexual union – of course.

Oh yes , and this...

Anti-gay evangelical Tony Perkins 'covered up sexual assault claims' against politician

An anti-LGBT activist that claims to speak for ‘traditional values’ has been implicated in an alleged cover-up of sexual assault allegations against a GOP official.

Wesley Goodman, a married Republican lawmaker in Ohio with a long history of campaigning against LGBT rights, resigned last week after being caught having gay sex in his office.

My god the hypocrisy !!!

The problem is that most politicians are compromised or they wouldn't be in the position that they are in. The LGBTQ and GLSEN are targeting the youngest children using the public school system because the mantra/ credo is "Get them while they are young". Even as we speak, the age of consent is the goal and these queers and pervs want "consensual sex" and that of teens and pre-teens lowered. NAMBLA is a big time player in it since many politicians are high degreed free masons and their rituals consist of the sodomizing of pre-teen boys...and that is a fact. It is part of Aleister Crowley's "sex magic" rituals per the Ordo Templis Orientis. Pedophiles are even being categorized as "Minor Attracted Persons" and soon they will be claiming that pedophilia is a "sexual orientation"...........just wait and see.
I have long suspected that the most ardent and vocal anti LGBT people are themselves struggling with their own issues concerning sexuality and gender identity. They spew their hateful rhetoric as a smoke screen to convince others how "straight" they are, or perhaps to convince themselves ....until they can't restrain themselves any longer.

I feel sorry for these pathetic soles- sort of. It would be so much easier if they were true to themselves and lived in their own skin. The problem for right wing politicians- who seem to make up a large number of the people who engage in this hypocrisy , would loose their voter base.

My advise: Get out of politics or find new supporters. Be who you are! Living a lie is not healthy. Here are two pathetic examples in the news just today...

Anti-LGBT Republican will plead guilty to child sex trafficking

Ralph Shortey, a senior member of Donald Trump’s primary campaign team in Oklahoma, will plead guilty to child sex trafficking.

The Republican stepped down as Oklahoma state senator after being discovered in a hotel room with a 17-year-old boy who Shortey allegedly hired as a prostitute.

Anti-gay Republican resigns after being caught having gay sex in his office

A married Republican lawmaker with a long history of campaigning against LGBT rights has resigned after being caught having gay sex in his office.

Wes Goodman, a congressman from Ohio, has trumpeted his support for “a committed natural marriage,” which he defined as a heterosexual union – of course.

Oh yes , and this...

Anti-gay evangelical Tony Perkins 'covered up sexual assault claims' against politician

An anti-LGBT activist that claims to speak for ‘traditional values’ has been implicated in an alleged cover-up of sexual assault allegations against a GOP official.

Wesley Goodman, a married Republican lawmaker in Ohio with a long history of campaigning against LGBT rights, resigned last week after being caught having gay sex in his office.

My god the hypocrisy !!!

The problem is that most politicians are compromised or they wouldn't be in the position that they are in. The LGBTQ and GLSEN are targeting the youngest children using the public school system because the mantra/ credo is "Get them while they are young". Even as we speak, the age of consent is the goal and these queers and pervs want "consensual sex" and that of teens and pre-teens lowered. NAMBLA is a big time player in it since many politicians are high degreed free masons and their rituals consist of the sodomizing of pre-teen boys...and that is a fact. It is part of Aleister Crowley's "sex magic" rituals per the Ordo Templis Orientis. Pedophiles are even being categorized as "Minor Attracted Persons" and soon they will be claiming that pedophilia is a "sexual orientation"...........just wait and see.
Like I said there is no real freedom in this country… Political correctness has destroyed it
Reality and sex is about facts, Either you are XY or YY. either you are a factual or a liar. There is no trans facts. Sex is like the laws of gravity, there is no trans gravity. There is no trans facts. That is a fact.
Reality and sex is about facts, Either you are XY or YY. either you are a factual or a liar. There is no trans facts. Sex is like the laws of gravity, there is no trans gravity. There is no trans facts. That is a fact.
Yep, DNA does not lie. To think different makes one a science denier

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