Anti LGBTQ Politicians Who Are Closeted Gays

Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
The LGBT community is at its best when not seen and not heard... And most of all minding its own business.
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
They don't care what others want, it's all about them and what they want. Faggotry is the epitome of narcissism.

trump is the epitome of narcissism ‘Is he faggot ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
They don't care what others want, it's all about them and what they want. Faggotry is the epitome of narcissism.

trump is the epitome of narcissism ‘Is he faggot ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The transgender that is little Kim from Korea seems to be the spokesman for the LGBT community... His behavior is that of a progressive
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
Are you gonna switch to gay?
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
They don't care what others want, it's all about them and what they want. Faggotry is the epitome of narcissism.

trump is the epitome of narcissism ‘Is he faggot ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Nope. But fags are all narcissistic. Every last one of them.
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
Are you gonna switch to gay?
It won’t be long in the socialist societies being heterosexual will be illegal... it seems
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
They don't care what others want, it's all about them and what they want. Faggotry is the epitome of narcissism.

trump is the epitome of narcissism ‘Is he faggot ?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
The transgender that is little Kim from Korea seems to be the spokesman for the LGBT community... His behavior is that of a progressive
You don't need to further prove your ignorance.
What if living their lives the way they see fit is what they are already doing? Whether it really is a natural thing as y'all say it is or not, what if the way that they currently go where their lives are concerned is the way that they see fit? People are going to do whatever makes the most sense to them no matter what.

God bless you always!!!

They are living their lives the way that they believe that they have to live in order to be accepted by the religious conservatives and to get into the factious haven that they believe in. They are not being genuine or true to themselves. They are living a lie and they are tormented and getting into trouble because of it. Not working real well for them, is it??

Plenty of people realize that they have abnormal, perverse or even compulsions and fight them. Are they not genuine or true to themselves. An alcoholic might battle the desire to get blotto every day. Are they not genuine? Who would be served by them getting drunk? Must a man with a compulsion to rape infants, actually rape infants to ease his torment? That would be true to himself wouldn't it?

Men and women who have something deep seated wrong with them that prevents them from living normal lives and fight that compulsion are to be commended. True they might fail and some do. Just like the alcoholic will go on a bender, the child molester lose control, but that doesn't mean that everyone should just give up and ease their torment by being perverts.
Jesus fucking Christ that is sick!! Alcoholics are self destructive. Child rapists are reprehensible predators who inflict unimaginable pain on others. Gay people just love in a way that your small, diseased mind disapproves of. Your problem!! YOU are not normal.! YOU have something deep seatedly wrong with you
We straight people acknowledge the opposite gender. Gay people stay within their own as if the creating of the other gender was a complete and total waste of time. How is that normal? To me, that might be the worst form of prejudice that there is.

God bless you always!!!

Oh Christ seriously??!! Gay people do not "acknowledge the opposite gender?"" Do you just make this shit up as you go?? Do you not know that gay people have opposite gender friends? That they have straight friends?? I'm beginning to suspect that your are either a blithering idiot, mentally ill, or a shameless propagandist

If that were the case, you two should get along great! You have so much in common!
Me and tens of millions of LGBT Americans are here to stay!!! Make peace with us and accept us!

That is reality.....Fascism is unconstutional bs.
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
I have no problem with you fellas, Your personal life is your prerogative.
But you have no right to expose anyone else to it that want nothing to do with it... And leave the kids out of it
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
Not at the levels it is for faggots. CDC stats don't lie.
Plenty of people realize that they have abnormal, perverse or even compulsions and fight them. Are they not genuine or true to themselves. An alcoholic might battle the desire to get blotto every day. Are they not genuine? Who would be served by them getting drunk? Must a man with a compulsion to rape infants, actually rape infants to ease his torment? That would be true to himself wouldn't it?

Men and women who have something deep seated wrong with them that prevents them from living normal lives and fight that compulsion are to be commended. True they might fail and some do. Just like the alcoholic will go on a bender, the child molester lose control, but that doesn't mean that everyone should just give up and ease their torment by being perverts.
Jesus fucking Christ that is sick!! Alcoholics are self destructive. Child rapists are reprehensible predators who inflict unimaginable pain on others. Gay people just love in a way that your small, diseased mind disapproves of. You problem!!n YOU are not normal.! YOU have something deep seatedly wrong with you
You are the one who thinks there is something hypocritical of those who try to control their perverted desire for homosexual sex. Child molesters love in a way you disapprove.

Once again- Tipsy just demonstrates her sick hatred of homosexuals- comparing them to child molesters.

Hell, most child molesters are heterosexual men within the family..Priest aren't far down that list either so these religious fucks allow their children around the sickest fuckers out there.

You mean public school teachers. The entire school of Miramonte elementary school was closed because each and every adult was a child molester. The janitors were child molesters as was the administration.

Sorry! Your statement is apparently a lie. Yes, there was a serious problem there, but the school was not closed. You exaggerated.

Timeline: Miramonte School Scandal
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
Like heterosexuals do? :ahole-1:
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
Hey idiot, the human race would die out without heterosexuals.
Makes one wonder how far with the human race go with only gays and transgender’s?
It wouldn't get too far, that's for sure. Not just because they cannot naturally reproduce with each other, but because they'd be too busy chasing bugs and creating stronger strains of the HIV virus and new STD's that aren't even in the book yet.
Nothing of import would get done.
HIV and STDs run strong in the LGBT community that’s for sure... Why is that? LOL
Also in the hetero community.
But the exceptionally strong in the LGBT community…
Not to mention lesbos are more likely to beat their significant other than straight men are.
Studies Show Lesbians Much More Likely to Beat, Sexually Abuse Their Wives Than Heterosexual Men
Taylor Larson
August 15, 2017

By: Taylor Larson MSN, RN. Larson is a public health nurse specializing in epidemiology with an emphasis in infectious and communicable diseases.

  • Women are 2 times or more likely to be physically assaulted, beaten, or abused by a lesbian domestic partner than by a heterosexual male partner.
  • Women are about 10 times more likely to be sexually abused or raped by a lesbian domestic partner than by a heterosexual male partner.
  • Research exposing the epidemic of lesbian rape, sex abuse, and physical abuse of intimate partners has been ignored by the mainstream media and buried in academia due to political correctness.
  • Domestic abuse and sexual assault campaigns almost always involve imagery of a male perpetrator and a female victim. Very few campaigns focus on same-sex partnerships, which are statistically more violent than heterosexual relationships.
  • Women are statistically much safer, both physically and sexually, marrying or cohabiting with a heterosexual male rather than with a lesbian partner.

NYC 2017 Pride. LGBTQ members marched against Donald Trump but ignored real problems in their community.
Research showing lifestyle dysfunctionality, health risks, and drug abuse in the LGBTQ community has been ignored by the mainstream media and suppressed by progressives and advocates of political correctness. From a nearly 50% suicide attempt rate among transsexuals to a 17X higher rate ofanal cancer among homosexual men to studies about domestic physical and sexual abuse in lesbian relationships at epidemic levels, one has to wonder what the LGBTQ community is so “proud” of.

Forget the facts, though. The mainstream media wants you to believe Donald Trump- not cancer, suicide, or violence- is the greatest threat to homosexuals.

According to an article published by TIME, “Nearly two-thirds of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people say they feel less safe since President Donald Trump took office because of their sexuality or gender identity, according to aSurveyMonkey poll shared exclusively with TIME.”

That’s correct. TIME used an unscientific SurveyMonkey poll to assert that Donald Trump violated the safe space of the LGBT community. And this, above anything else, is the worst and most dangerous thing that has ever happened to gay people.

Facts, however, argue that Donald Trump is not the biggest threat to homosexuals. Homosexuals are the biggest threat to homosexuals.

In the case of domestic partner abuse, also known as ‘intimate partner abuse’ in this article, homosexual women are two times or more likely to beat their wives/partners than heterosexual men.

This may sound unbelievable since men are constantly demonized in the mainstream media as perpetrators of abuse against women. Meanwhile, the phenonenon of lesbian intimate partner violence (IPV) is barely mentioned.

Here are the facts:

According to a 2011 study produced in theJournal of General Internal Medicine, domestic physical abuse among lesbian cohabiting couples is 35.4%, almost two times the rate of abuse found among heterosexual couples. Other studies place the prevalence of domestic violence among lesbian couples even higher than that. A 2010 study by the National Center for Injury Prevention and Control found that the rate of intimate partner violence (IPV) among lesbians is a stunning 40.4%. Another study in the Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology found that the rate of lesbian IPV is 47.5%. This means that nearly half of all women in lesbian domestic lifestyles have been abused by their partners.

Further statistics have also shed light on the understudied epidemic of sexual intimate partner violence (IPV) among women in same-sex partnerships. One study produced by the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault found that 33% of women have been sexually assaulted by another woman. This statistic prompted leftist publications Slate andMarie Claire to pen articles about the reality of lesbian rape and sexual abuse. Two more studies, one published in the Journal of Lesbian Studies (2008) and another in Violence and Victims (1997), suggest that rates of lesbian sexual abuse in domestic partnerships could be upwards of 55% and 42%, respectively. This translates to about 1 in 2 women who have been victims of sex abuse in a lesbian relationship.

Comparatively, sexual abuse among heterosexual domestic relationships is estimated to be 4.4% according to the National Institutes of Health. Some epidemiologists may argue that high abuse prevalence among homosexual women includes “lifetime risk”, which incorporates abuse faced in childhood. Yet, when these variables are taken into consideration, we still see alarmingly high rates of lesbian IPV. Quite literally, lesbian relationships are dangerous to women and nobody is saying a word about it.

You likely won’t find any mainstream media discussion about the astronomical rates of sexual abuse, rape, and physical abuse perpetrated by lesbians. You will, however, find a plethora of propaganda demonizing heterosexual men. Don’t expect this trend to change anytime soon.

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