'Anti-Racism is code for anti-White' Whitaker Mantra pervasive on Internet

Why is this 'mantra' racist?

  • because it defends White Interests

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • because the author is white and talks about racist unappologetically

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • because John Stewart says so

    Votes: 2 22.2%
  • It isnt racist

    Votes: 4 44.4%
  • ah dunno

    Votes: 1 11.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
You are so env
I am not anti-white, my father was White. I am anti-assholes.

Doesn't matter if your father was white. That has nothing to do with supporting anti white agendas.
but..you're mulatto...hence the confusion. Like obama you identify with the negro half.

I did not say that I was half negro. You assume a lot.
whatever..either way, you aren't white...which you proudly point out.

You are such a fucking moron...

Your envy does not go unnoticed.

"Envy"? Of what? Rotorooter's abiding stupidity?

Yes, it was sarcasm.
I am as White as I am non White.
I am able to see both sides.

no one else can?

Some can, some cannot.

Your point, then?

I am not anti-White, as JimCrowie claims.

You are an ideological nit wit, opposed to reason as much as you are opposed to equal standing before the law for whites.

My wife is White and my children are predominately White. Accusing me of being anti-White is ridiculous.

Stop bringing your family into the thread for discussion, nit wit.

And that you have a white family is a prerequisite for being a 'self hating white'.

You do not like my bringing my family into the discussion because it makes you look ridiculous.

I hate racists of all colors.

The problem here is that in an arena where all the players are picking up weapons with which to do battle against each other, the man who, on principle, decides to stay unarmed is at a serious disadvantage.

To translate this into present public policy, we see that Democrats have a lot of appeal to all minority groups because they buy them off with minority set-asides. Arabs are still considered white by the Federal Government but Arabs are working like the dickens to be classed as a minority so that they TOO can stick their snout into programs and regulations which give preference to minorities at the expense of whites.

It seems to me that your anger is misplaced. What you're seeing in this thread is white REACTION. All other groups form together and get advantages under law which are not afforded to whites. The racists are every other group, target them and then the need for white identity vanishes.
If anti-racism is code for anti-white, is racism code for white?

Explain why or why not, conservatards.
I'm proud to be black said the black man.

I'm proud to be hispanic said the hispanic man.

I'm proud to be asian said the asian man

I'm proud to be white said the racist
You are so env
I am not anti-white, my father was White. I am anti-assholes.

Doesn't matter if your father was white. That has nothing to do with supporting anti white agendas.
but..you're mulatto...hence the confusion. Like obama you identify with the negro half.

I did not say that I was half negro. You assume a lot.
whatever..either way, you aren't white...which you proudly point out.

You are such a fucking moron...

Your envy does not go unnoticed.

"Envy"? Of what? Rotorooter's abiding stupidity?

lol, and the libtard circle jerk just got kinkier, lolo.

Rotagilla, can we really lose this thing? I don't see how.
The "mantra" isn't racist, it's just nonsensical.

The people who repeat it, on the other hand, tend to be racist assholes.
Why is it racist for whites to organize to represent their interests in the current Identity Politics paradigm in this country?

You've posted about this 1,000,000,000 times.

....and as of yet none of you libtards that think racially conscious whites are racist for that very reason, not one of you has answered the question.

Have you done any actual 'organizing' yet? Or is this just the self-indulgent nonsense it seems to be?

Lol, this is not the time to act yet.

Things must be thought through, and I am not yet finished.

And when I do 'act' you wouldn't know it was me anyway, stupid ass, as that is not how the game is played.

lol, you don't even understand the tools I would use.
You white supremacists are starting to get smarter by toning things down, but you all are the same brown shirt swastika toting punks at the end of the day.

Who here is a white supremacist, shit bag?

I don't know about "white supremacist", but there sure are a lot of professional white victims in this thread.

It's so hard to be white these days, isn't it?
Why is it racist for whites to organize to represent their interests in the current Identity Politics paradigm in this country?

Unkotare said:
You've posted about this 1,000,000,000 times.

JimBowie1958 said:
....and as of yet none of you libtards that think racially conscious whites are racist for that very reason, not one of you has answered the question.

Unkotare said:
Have you done any actual 'organizing' yet? Or is this just the self-indulgent nonsense it seems to be?

JimBowie1958 said:
Lol, this is not the time to act yet.

Things must be thought through, and I am not yet finished.

And when I do 'act' you wouldn't know it was me anyway, stupid ass, as that is not how the game is played.

lol, you don't even understand the tools I would use.

Unkotare isn't a liberal, bro. :thup:
The "mantra" isn't racist, it's just nonsensical.

The people who repeat it, on the other hand, tend to be racist assholes.

Why do you say that?

We have a legal system that has critical new laws written by ideologues who subscribe to Identity Politics, and they have used these new laws to wage war against the 'tyrannical majority', and that is not hyperbole.

Take one example, the sexual harassment policies of most companies, abortion rights and divorce settlements.

With sexual harassment, MEN can be accused by a woman anonymously and be warned to not harass her in any way, by either being friendly or unfriendly and they wont tell the man who the accuser is. WTF? Who wrote that shit? Why has Ellison v. Brady's standard of 'reasonable woman' replaced that of 'reasonable person'? Men have no say or even relevance? No, because we are the majority, and so we dont count. Why does Congress pass battered spouse funds EXCLUSIVELY to women when men get abused as often? Why will the government throw 'dead beat Dads' in jail to recover their obligations from divorce, but wont take serious action when the wife (who gets the kids and the house even if caught in an affair often times) repeatedly fails to have the kids for visitation as per the same divorce agreements?

Why is it that a man can be having a sexual relationship with a woman, and SHE decides to get pregnant by 'forgetting' her pills, then SHE decides whether to have the baby, but the MAN has to pay the bills?

Our legal system has embodied unjust and unfair legal standards that target men, as part of a gender war against tyrannical men, and most guys wont even think about it, much less discuss it.

The same unjust and unfair standards on racial issues exists now as well and target whites. But whites are racist ass holes for even bringing it up for discussion?

]Jesus Fucking Christ what goddamned potato boat did you fall off of?
Why is it racist for whites to organize to represent their interests in the current Identity Politics paradigm in this country?

Unkotare said:
You've posted about this 1,000,000,000 times.

JimBowie1958 said:
....and as of yet none of you libtards that think racially conscious whites are racist for that very reason, not one of you has answered the question.

Unkotare said:
Have you done any actual 'organizing' yet? Or is this just the self-indulgent nonsense it seems to be?

JimBowie1958 said:
Lol, this is not the time to act yet.

Things must be thought through, and I am not yet finished.

And when I do 'act' you wouldn't know it was me anyway, stupid ass, as that is not how the game is played.

lol, you don't even understand the tools I would use.

Unkotare isn't a liberal, bro. :thup:

His lack of analytical ability, knee jerk reactions and total herd mentality tells me different.

I suppose that you have evidence otherwise? I could be convinced if he didn't think he was right about everything to the point of thinking he is too above it all to answer anyone's questions in return. I have answered lots of his before.

But I really don't care; he may not be a liberal, but he certainly isn't part of the solution, either.
I am as White as I am non White.
I am able to see both sides.

no one else can?

Some can, some cannot.

Your point, then?

I am not anti-White, as JimCrowie claims.

You are an ideological nit wit, opposed to reason as much as you are opposed to equal standing before the law for whites.

My wife is White and my children are predominately White. Accusing me of being anti-White is ridiculous.

Stop bringing your family into the thread for discussion, nit wit.

And that you have a white family is a prerequisite for being a 'self hating white'.

You do not like my bringing my family into the discussion because it makes you look ridiculous.

I hate racists of all colors.

So you have multiple reasons for hating yourself. Nice.

I have a very happy life, you are the one who is always complaining.

Said the connected in-man who knows the game is fixed in his favor.

Of course you are happy, as am I. But I will be happier still, and you wont be in twenty years, God Willing.
You white supremacists are starting to get smarter by toning things down, but you all are the same brown shirt swastika toting punks at the end of the day.

Who here is a white supremacist, shit bag?

I don't know about "white supremacist", but there sure are a lot of professional white victims in this thread.

It's so hard to be white these days, isn't it?

Who said it is hard to be a white guy?

IF I could tan I would, but I do note that you, as standard liberal practice, do not deign to answer my questions.

How about this; lets make ALL LAWS race, gender, and religion neutral?

I would go for that, but you liberals wont. You deal in group privileges and think it amusing when a few catch on.
You white supremacists are starting to get smarter by toning things down, but you all are the same brown shirt swastika toting punks at the end of the day.

Who here is a white supremacist, shit bag?

I don't know about "white supremacist", but there sure are a lot of professional white victims in this thread.

It's so hard to be white these days, isn't it?

Who said it is hard to be a white guy?

IF I could tan I would, but I do note that you, as standard liberal practice, do not deign to answer my questions.

How about this; lets make ALL LAWS race, gender, and religion neutral?

I would go for that, but you liberals wont. You deal in group privileges and think it amusing when a few catch on.

This whole thread is nothing more than you whining about how tough it is to be a white guy, and how "persecuted" you are because of it.

It's really very funny, actually.
The Mike Brown shooting was only a big deal because the cop was white

Exactly. The huge 800 pound elephant in the room is that the only reason the race-baiter industry made Ferguson a national case is because they thought they could play the race angle. white cop shoots down innocent black teen in cold blood. Race was the very core of that whole insta-bake racial outrage PR campaign.

You white supremacists are starting to get smarter by toning things down, but you all are the same brown shirt swastika toting punks at the end of the day.

Who here is a white supremacist, shit bag?

I don't know about "white supremacist", but there sure are a lot of professional white victims in this thread.

It's so hard to be white these days, isn't it?

Who said it is hard to be a white guy?

IF I could tan I would, but I do note that you, as standard liberal practice, do not deign to answer my questions.

How about this; lets make ALL LAWS race, gender, and religion neutral?

I would go for that, but you liberals wont. You deal in group privileges and think it amusing when a few catch on.

This whole thread is nothing more than you whining about how tough it is to be a white guy, and how "persecuted" you are because of it.

It's really very funny, actually.

And you still wont answer the questions.

Do you think it isn't apparent to EVERYONE why that is?


No one is saying that it is so hard being a white dude, dude.

We are saying the laws are unjust, and you are saying in reply, 'I don't give a fuck, eat cake.'
The "mantra" isn't racist, it's just nonsensical.

The people who repeat it, on the other hand, tend to be racist assholes.

Why do you say that?

We have a legal system that has critical new laws written by ideologues who subscribe to Identity Politics, and they have used these new laws to wage war against the 'tyrannical majority', and that is not hyperbole.

Take one example, the sexual harassment policies of most companies, abortion rights and divorce settlements.

With sexual harassment, MEN can be accused by a woman anonymously and be warned to not harass her in any way, by either being friendly or unfriendly and they wont tell the man who the accuser is. WTF? Who wrote that shit? Why has Ellison v. Brady's standard of 'reasonable woman' replaced that of 'reasonable person'? Men have no say or even relevance? No, because we are the majority, and so we dont count. Why does Congress pass battered spouse funds EXCLUSIVELY to women when men get abused as often? Why will the government throw 'dead beat Dads' in jail to recover their obligations from divorce, but wont take serious action when the wife (who gets the kids and the house even if caught in an affair often times) repeatedly fails to have the kids for visitation as per the same divorce agreements?

Why is it that a man can be having a sexual relationship with a woman, and SHE decides to get pregnant by 'forgetting' her pills, then SHE decides whether to have the baby, but the MAN has to pay the bills?

Our legal system has embodied unjust and unfair legal standards that target men, as part of a gender war against tyrannical men, and most guys wont even think about it, much less discuss it.

The same unjust and unfair standards on racial issues exists now as well and target whites. But whites are racist ass holes for even bringing it up for discussion?

Jesus Fucking Christ what goddamned potato boat did you fall off of?

In case you missed it, Doc.

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