Anti-science liberals tell teachers to not refer to students as boys or girls

Bobdicklock is something else!

These people can't fucking help who they're and it would appear that you can't help being an asshole to people. You probably enjoy laughing at disabled people as you're a heartless and evil person that is going to burn in hell.
Being mean to people that are different isn't right. I am disabled and assholes like you think that because I am that I deserve to be treated like shit. Is this good for our society or the person that can't help it? No.
You're not only disabled, you are also an antitheist asshole. Not only that, you are an atheist that doesn't even understand the implications of your own belief.

To be fair, being mentally-retarded does constitute a legitimate disability.
Bobdicklock is something else!

These people can't fucking help who they're and it would appear that you can't help being an asshole to people. You probably enjoy laughing at disabled people as you're a heartless and evil person that is going to burn in hell.
You just want to force your repugnant shit on other people...
Well, people are choosing now to live their lives outside of that rigid mindset.

Of course you're like the taliban and believe that if anyone wishes to be otherwise should be killed. Scum.

I aint telling you to live your life any differently but people that do choose to live their lives this way probably should be respected.
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