Anti science Nancy forcing mask wearing

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

I'm all for you wearing a mask.................or a paper bag.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”


This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


Perhaps you're the one that needs to read them ...

Updates as of May 13, 2021
  • Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance
  • Update that fully vaccinated people can refrain from testing following a known exposure unless they are residents or employees of a correctional or detention facility or a homeless shelter

Recommendations for Indoor and Outdoor Settings
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is minimal for fully vaccinated people. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fully vaccinated people to unvaccinated people is also reduced. Therefore, fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. Fully vaccinated people should also continue to wear a well-fitted mask in correctional facilities and homeless shelters. Prevention measures are still recommended for unvaccinated people.


This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


Perhaps you're the one that needs to read them ...

Updates as of May 13, 2021
  • Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance
  • Update that fully vaccinated people can refrain from testing following a known exposure unless they are residents or employees of a correctional or detention facility or a homeless shelter

Recommendations for Indoor and Outdoor Settings
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is minimal for fully vaccinated people. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fully vaccinated people to unvaccinated people is also reduced. Therefore, fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. Fully vaccinated people should also continue to wear a well-fitted mask in correctional facilities and homeless shelters. Prevention measures are still recommended for unvaccinated people.

She knows that, which is why I won’t get a response on that from her on that question...And she’ll post that lie again, and again.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

Thank you for once again proving what a lazy worthless waste of skin you truly are.

No wonder you people are so ignorant, ill-informed and just plain stupid. It also explains your opposition to educating anyone.

You’ve learned nothing in life why should anyone else.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

Thank you for once again proving what a lazy worthless waste of skin you truly are.

No wonder you people are so ignorant, ill-informed and just plain stupid. It also explains your opposition to educating anyone.

You’ve learned nothing in life why should anyone else.

WOW, that's interesting coming from the poster who has been actively spreading misinformation contradicting the very clear and very concise guidelines published by the CDC, are you really that dishonest or are you just pathologically incapable of admitting when you are clearly wrong?

Perhaps you're just trying to set a new record for the most dishonest posts in a single thread? If so, CONGRATULATIONS you win!
Last edited:
Sorry, but Trumpistas calling others anti-science is laughable.
73,000 maskless Texans watched a fight indoors 2 weeks ago.
19% drop in cases 2 weeks later.
19% drop in cases is good news, however that doesn't mean a resurgence isn't possible, personally I'm cautiously optimistic that we're closer to the end of this thing than we are to the beginning but I'm also aware that another resurgence might cause all the restrictions to be put back in place.

IMHO We need to get to that magic "herd immunity" number (apparently 70%-80%) before we can all fully relax.

In the meantime, MASK OFF, I'M FULLY VACCINATED! :happy-1:

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

Thank you for once again proving what a lazy worthless waste of skin you truly are.

No wonder you people are so ignorant, ill-informed and just plain stupid. It also explains your opposition to educating anyone.

You’ve learned nothing in life why should anyone else.

WOW, that's interesting coming from the poster who has been actively spreading misinformation contradicting the very clear and very concise guidelines published by the CDC, are you really that dishonest or are you just pathologically incapable of admitting when you are clearly wrong?

Perhaps you're just trying to set a new record for the most dishonest posts in a single thread? If so, CONGRATULATIONS you win!

Interesting that you think that posting the actual CDC Guidelines from the CDC website, is posting “disinformation”, but Trump telling everyone the virus would disappear like magic was true.

The great thing about the Trump presidency is that no matter what the leftists do after this you people just end up looking like idiots because you believed the conman. You let him lie to you endlessly and you let him destroy the country.

You have no credibility and no foot in the real world.
Last edited:

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

Thank you for once again proving what a lazy worthless waste of skin you truly are.

No wonder you people are so ignorant, ill-informed and just plain stupid. It also explains your opposition to educating anyone.

You’ve learned nothing in life why should anyone else.

WOW, that's interesting coming from the poster who has been actively spreading misinformation contradicting the very clear and very concise guidelines published by the CDC, are you really that dishonest or are you just pathologically incapable of admitting when you are clearly wrong?

Perhaps you're just trying to set a new record for the most dishonest posts in a single thread? If so, CONGRATULATIONS you win!

Interesting that you think that posting the actual CDC Guidelines from the CDC website, is posting “disinformation”, but Trump telling everyone the virus would disappear like magic was true.

The great thing about the Trump presidency is that no matter what the leftists do after this you people just end up looking like idiots because you believed the conman. You let him let to you endlessly and you let him destroy the country.

You have no credibility and no foot in the real world.

Ummm.. you posted the CDC guidelines AND THEN DIRECTLY CONTRADICTED THEM.

Perhaps you don't understand what your own posts say? Or do you not understand what the CDC published?

CDC Guideline:
Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance

Dragonlady said:

See the disparity now? or do you require a diagram, Sherpa Guide and English Translator to figure it out?
Sorry, but Trumpistas calling others anti-science is laughable.
73,000 maskless Texans watched a fight indoors 2 weeks ago.
19% drop in cases 2 weeks later.
19% drop in cases is good news, however that doesn't mean a resurgence isn't possible, personally I'm cautiously optimistic that we're closer to the end of this thing than we are to the beginning but I'm also aware that another resurgence might cause all the restrictions to be put back in place.

IMHO We need to get to that magic "herd immunity" number (apparently 70%-80%) before we can all fully relax.

In the meantime, MASK OFF, I'M FULLY VACCINATED! :happy-1:
CDC says 2 weeks max for symptoms.
So this giant experiment validates social distancing and masks are BS, especially today.
Sorry, but Trumpistas calling others anti-science is laughable.
73,000 maskless Texans watched a fight indoors 2 weeks ago.
19% drop in cases 2 weeks later.
19% drop in cases is good news, however that doesn't mean a resurgence isn't possible, personally I'm cautiously optimistic that we're closer to the end of this thing than we are to the beginning but I'm also aware that another resurgence might cause all the restrictions to be put back in place.

IMHO We need to get to that magic "herd immunity" number (apparently 70%-80%) before we can all fully relax.

In the meantime, MASK OFF, I'M FULLY VACCINATED! :happy-1:
CDC says 2 weeks max for symptoms.
So this giant experiment validates social distancing and masks are BS, especially today.
I wouldn't go that far since we had significant drops in cases last spring and look what happened, let's just hope we don't get a repeat of the fall of 2020.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


vaccinated people can’t contract COVID, nor transmit the disease...Which is why the CDC was forced to say that they could ”Resume normal activity as in before COVID.”
Show me where in the announcement of this where she said 100% of people needed to be vaccinated to do this....I’ll wait.

Vaccinated people CAN so catch covid.

I’m a vaccinated person and I mask up when I don’t know if the people I’m with are vaccinated.

I haven’t had a cold, the flu and have been healthier through the winter than I’ve been in years.

Lots of us are keeping the masks.

My God woman, are you serious?

The CDC said you can resume as if before the pandemic. But if you want to keep wearing it, have at it. At least we can identify you easier.

The CDC has said NO SUCH THING.

The CDC has said vaccinated people can go maskless together indoors or out, but that everyone should continue to mask in settings where not everyone is vaccinated.

The title of the document is “When you’ve been fully vaccinated”

Show me that wording.

Thank you for once again proving what a lazy worthless waste of skin you truly are.

No wonder you people are so ignorant, ill-informed and just plain stupid. It also explains your opposition to educating anyone.

You’ve learned nothing in life why should anyone else.

WOW, that's interesting coming from the poster who has been actively spreading misinformation contradicting the very clear and very concise guidelines published by the CDC, are you really that dishonest or are you just pathologically incapable of admitting when you are clearly wrong?

Perhaps you're just trying to set a new record for the most dishonest posts in a single thread? If so, CONGRATULATIONS you win!

That old hag will lie to herself repeatedly until she believes her own lie. That’s what leftists do.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


Perhaps you're the one that needs to read them ...

Updates as of May 13, 2021
  • Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance
  • Update that fully vaccinated people can refrain from testing following a known exposure unless they are residents or employees of a correctional or detention facility or a homeless shelter

Recommendations for Indoor and Outdoor Settings
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is minimal for fully vaccinated people. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fully vaccinated people to unvaccinated people is also reduced. Therefore, fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. Fully vaccinated people should also continue to wear a well-fitted mask in correctional facilities and homeless shelters. Prevention measures are still recommended for unvaccinated people.

You missed that whole “Except where” section. Also fully vaccinated “can” go maskless. Not “should” or “are required to”, but “can”.

You’ve seized on this as “Everyone who is vaccinated must go maskless”, but then you’ve seized on every wrong headed and dangerous notion since this started.

You’ve killed half a million people with your idiocy about this virus and now you’re trying to bully people into doing more dangerous shit.

Gawd but you people are dangerously dishonest and stupid.

This is nuts.

No you’re nuts. You need to read the CDC Guildlines.


Perhaps you're the one that needs to read them ...

Updates as of May 13, 2021
  • Update that fully vaccinated people no longer need to wear a mask or physically distance in any setting, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance
  • Update that fully vaccinated people can refrain from testing following a known exposure unless they are residents or employees of a correctional or detention facility or a homeless shelter

Recommendations for Indoor and Outdoor Settings
Risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection is minimal for fully vaccinated people. The risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission from fully vaccinated people to unvaccinated people is also reduced. Therefore, fully vaccinated people can resume activities without wearing a mask or physically distancing, except where required by federal, state, local, tribal, or territorial laws, rules, and regulations, including local business and workplace guidance. Fully vaccinated people should also continue to wear a well-fitted mask in correctional facilities and homeless shelters. Prevention measures are still recommended for unvaccinated people.

You missed that whole “Except where” section. Also fully vaccinated “can” go maskless. Not “should” or “are required to”, but “can”.

So you don't really understand what the guidelines say or what you posted? The guidelines are clear and have been understood by anyone that isn't operating under the burden of excessive overexposure to partisan propaganda.

ONCE AGAIN, you have been directly contradicting the CDC guidelines with your nonsense posts, YOU know it, I know it and everybody here with more than 2 functioning neurons knows it, why can't you admit you made a mistake and stop these supremely weak attempts at trying to spin your way out of it? they just make you look like a drooling moron.
You’ve seized on this as “Everyone who is vaccinated must go maskless”, but then you’ve seized on every wrong headed and dangerous notion since this started.
That's yet ANOTHER LIE dripping for your keyboard, I never said or even implied that "Everyone who is vaccinated must go maskless".

The continuous and blatant falsehoods emanating from you leads me to the conclusion that, you're just another partisan parrot that cannot recognize the Truth even when it's beating you about the head and ears, very sad.

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