Anti-Semites Lash Out Against Dem Resuolution Against Anti-Semitism


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Linda Sarsour Attacks ‘White Feminist’ Nancy Pelosi Over Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism

"Women’s March co-chair Linda Sarsour attacked Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi Monday night as a “typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men,” in response to a House resolution condemning anti-Semitism.

House Democrats announced the resolution Monday after Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s
latest anti-Israel comments, which critics — including other Democratshave denounced as anti-Semitic.

“This is why we wanted Congresswoman Barbara Lee to be the Speaker of the House and ‘progressives’ were like ‘nah, Pelosi is a leader and omg you should see how she claps. What a clap!'” Sarsour wrote in a
lengthy Facebook post.

“Nancy is a typical white feminist upholding the patriarchy doing the dirty work of powerful white men. God forbid the men are upset – no worries, Nancy to the rescue to stroke their egos,” she wrote."

So what have we learned?

1. The 'Women's March' leadership, as suspected, are not only anti-Semites but also sexist.

During the 1st March women were asked why they were there and what the March was all about. Ask 50 people, and you got 50 different answers. When asked if they knew that one of the 'VIP Speakers' at the march that was a convicted murderer who helped kidnap, sodomize, murder, and THEN ransom an 80+yo man the women were shocked to say the least. The March's founders and what it was / is all about is being fully exposed not thanks to their reactions to like-minded D-Omar being called out publicly by her own party for anti-Semitism.

2. Anti-Semites do not like to be called out publicly or rebuked publicly for their Anti-Semitic Behavior.

D-Omar has already been publicly rebuked by her own party for it once. Omar obviously ignored it.

The Democratic Party, in response to her actions / words created a bill to condemn Anti-Semitism. This was / is 'CYA Damage Control' Political Theater that is NOT all D-Omar's fault. In 2016 hackers breached the DNC's server, accessed Democrat E-Mails, and exposed a lot of embarrassing DNC e-mails containing Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, and anti-Semitic remarks and jokes. Democrats responded by playing the 'victim' card and kept the focus on whoever hacked their e-mail.

Since the 2018 elections, newly elected Democrats Tlaib's and Omar's open anti-Semitic comments / beliefs and open hostility towards Israel have put the Democratic Party in a bad light, giving some the idea that those 2016 e-mails revealing Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, and anti-Semitic content might not have been a case of catching Democrats in a RARE ill light but that this might be exactly who they are.

So the Democrats have created this Anti-Semitic Bill to declare to the world, 'We are NOT Anti-Semites, and we do not condone it'. Good for them....but if these 2 new Muslim Democrats continue their anti-Semitic comments and actions they may be forced to do something stronger than just create / pass a 'toothless' bill or a meaningless public rebuke of their own members.

If more anti-Semites rally around the 2 freshmen Dems, that may be hard for the Democrats to do...but Pelosi and the DNC Leadership do not want the outspoken anti-Semitic new freshmen to become the voice of or talk for the Democratic Party.

Here is Pelosi's 2nd REAL Challenge as new Speaker of the House (Shutdown was 1st)....

Linda Sarsour Attacks ‘White Feminist’ Nancy Pelosi Over Resolution Condemning Anti-Semitism

I would guess the D Party gets a ton of money from Jewish donors. Money talks.

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